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Extremists push Israel to anarchy | Israel today



Democratic principles must be upheld • But the question is what is democracy in an emergency, with the people largely supporting the prime minister and evaluating his functioning during the crisis • interpretation

Chancellor Angela Merkel told the German people in a rare televised speech that Germany is facing the worst crisis since its unification; Immediately, she corrected herself and said that this was the worst crisis since World War II. In the U.S., President Trump's toughest enemy, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, spoke in no less dramatic terms: It's a far bigger crisis than the Sept. 11 attack combined with the 2008 financial collapse, he said.

But in Israel there are thwarting opposition forces led by unclear communication. They are not excited about the situation, they think it is necessary to attack the prime minister on this occasion, which was obtained a technical majority through the joint list to bring it down at the height of an existential crisis. There is a telling statement about the behavior of those now preaching on the "no democracy" state: "When the barbarians storm the hill in every direction, the last thing you need as a reinforcement is a professor of moral philosophy. Unless he enlisted to help you with automatic weapons."

Israel does not lack philosophers of morality, some are professors and some are former Shin Bet heads, or studio commentators.

"Do not under any circumstances blame a criminal who is currently on trial for the government train," President Rivlin warned in a threatening tone, "as this would be an embezzlement in civilian trust..." In no democratic state, a secret service chief would dare to speak with the president. Need to say to Diskin, Torch, their servants in the media and the left as a whole: The people are afraid of you. He knows you hate him and want to shred his ballot in the election.

Diskin is the one who embodies the daunting combination: brutality combined with movement conscience and lack of intelligence. Again, this time in the midst of a severe historical crisis, the left appears impotent and boundless.

How do you look at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership in the face of the Corona epidemic? Well, even those who are not among his followers say that Netanyahu's decision-making was determined, he gave decisive direction with a forward-looking vision. Or, in other words, people who are overseas consider the fact that Israel has a leader with foresight; Western states, including US states, learned from it and took the same steps that Israel had begun about a month and a half ago, in February. In Oakland and San Francisco, cities are patrolling the National Guard's armored streets.

In Israel, the ISA's digital surveillance has, to a certain extent, led to large loopholes in view of the lack of tests. Most dangerous is that radical party-backed activists would like to push Israel into anarchy. The lesson from epidemics in history: When the outbreak is against the background of the collapse of the social order, they become as deadly as the Spanish influence in 1918.

Democratic principles must be upheld. But the question is what is democracy in an emergency, with the people largely supporting the prime minister and evaluating his functioning after conveying the message that this is a comprehensive national event and as usual we will "pass it together". On the other hand, there is a technical ability to exploit the Knesset in a powerful way only to hurt the prime minister. This is not a democracy but a "democracy", which is no more than a "party".

The "democratization" of blue and white works according to the principles of polarization of light forces against black forces. This is what the Communist agitators in the Cold War invented: "The Camp of Socialism, Peace and Democracy" against "The Camp of Capitalism, Imperialism and Fascism." In Israel, socialism and peace have collapsed, now "democracy" fills the space of propaganda falsehood.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-21

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