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Source code: 20 podcasts to listen to during confinement


The Parisian has selected twenty Code Source podcasts to listen to at home during confinement. Sport, politics, news, culture ... Vo

Containment is long. And (sometimes) silent. To kill time, what could be better than a podcast? Le Parisien suggests twenty, all prepared by the Code Source team, its current podcast.

Exceptional news, behind the scenes of PSG, moving testimonies from anonymous people, political blows ... Code Source tells you these stories in about twenty minutes. You have the choice.

1. Madeleine Riffaud, resistance at 19

In 1944, Madeleine Riffaud was 19 years old and resistant. 75 years later, the woman who became a war reporter recounts the moment when she killed a German soldier with two bullets, in the heart of Paris.

2. Blanche Gardin, autopsy of black humor

Revealed by the Jamel Comedy Club, Blanche Gardin has enjoyed tremendous success for two years, crowned with two Molières. Who is this trash comedian really? Source Code presents it to you.

3. Who is Patrick Sébastien really?

Thanked by France 2 two years ago, the ex-host of "Plus grand cabaret" celebrated the passage in 2020 this time on TF1. Born of an unknown father, mocked at school, cataloged as "beauf" by part of the public, Patrick Sébastien suffered, but made a career "by giving happiness". Here is his story.

4. Valentine Monnier accuses Roman Polanski of rape

This French photographer claims to have been raped by the filmmaker in Switzerland in 1975. Her testimony in Le Parisien is the result of a long journalistic investigation. Story.

5. #MeToo: at the heart of the historic Weinstein trial

Not long ago, Harvey Weinstein was still the most influential film producer in Hollywood. Until charges of rape and sexual assault lead to his downfall and free speech worldwide. Source Code puts you at the heart of the trial, which resulted in a 23-year prison sentence for the accused.

6. The incredible runner of June Hopkins, from France to the United States

After 19 months on the run, June Hopkins, 59, and her son Brendan were arrested in the United States in December 2019. Both are suspected of having wanted to murder Grégoire, June's ex-boyfriend and father, twice de Brendan, in extraordinary circumstances.

7. 40 years ago, the last day of Jacques Mesrine

On November 2, 1979, gangster Jacques Mesrine died under police bullets in Paris, a year after his crazy escape from the prison of Health. One of the direct witnesses to his death, Commissioner Jo Querry, recounts the scene in Code Source.

8. The Balkany saga at Levallois-Perret

Married since 1976, Patrick and Isabelle Balkany have been in charge of the town hall of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) until their conviction for tax fraud and money laundering in 2019. A look back at the history of this united couple, again supported by some of the voters, who have become the symbol of political and financial affairs. A saga in three episodes.

Episode 1: how the Balkany became the Balkany

Episode 2: a theater-like trial

Episode 3: The Couple Put to the Prison Test

9. Corinne Masiero, an “atypical” actress

Spotted by the cinema in 2012, Corinne Masiero was homeless, took drugs, prostituted herself to pay for her dose ... before being saved by the theater. Today, she triumphs in the television series "Captain Marleau". Portrait of an actress committed and at liberty of your immense tone.

10. Carmen Maria Vega, stolen baby

Ten years ago, singer Carmen Maria Vega saw her life turned upside down. Adopted at the age of 9 months by a French family, the young woman learns that she was stolen from her biological mother during the civil war in Guatemala. A painful and moving story that she tells, accompanied by her adoptive parents.

11. Amputee, Pauline dreams of the Paralympic Games

In 2018, at 28, Pauline lost her leg, mown by a 92-year-old motorist. Two years later, the former tennis teacher is rebuilding and now dreams of the 2024 Paralympic Games. The young woman tries to allay her anger "which still handicaps her".

12. "I have Alzheimer's, but I like life"

What impact does Alzheimer's disease really have on people's daily lives? Source Code gives the floor to Elisabeth, suffering from the disease and Jean-Marc, her husband, who helps his wife on a daily basis.

13. Dry january: Laurence has been sober for ten years

“My greatest happiness is my sobriety. Laurence Cottet, former senior manager of the construction company Vinci, stopped drinking alcohol ten years ago. She gives her testimony on the Code Source microphone, during the operation “Dry january”, or “January sober”.

14. Neymar and Cavani, the "affairs" of PSG

In January, PSG supporters vibrated at the rate of the transfer, ultimately failed, of Edinson Cavani to Atlético Madrid. Code Source returned to the course of the top scorer in the history of the club and, however, antistar.

Source Code also offers you to decrypt the star Neymar. The two episodes take us back to 2017, when the Brazilian received high-profile coverage. Quickly, Neymar disappoints. Injury, excess, rape accusations… How did he gradually lose his aura?

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Episode 1

Episode 2

15. Meghan and Harry, from love story to divorce with a whole nation

A thunderbolt in the heart of the British royal family. This prompted the decision of Harry and his wife Meghan to renounce their title of Royal Highness. Ten days of soap opera which result from long months of crisis within the crown. To relive in two episodes.

Episode 1

Episode 2

16. Why Ségolène Royal dreams of the presidential election of 2022

Ségolène Royal sacked from her position as ambassador of the poles and targeted by a preliminary investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor's Office, still dreams of the presidential election of 2022. Source Code explains what still drives the ex-qualified for the second round in 2007.

17. Macron and police violence

Since the beginning of the Yellow Vests movement, the images showing the excesses of the police have multiplied. The beginning of 2020 marked a change in the tone of Emmanuel Macron around police violence. Story.

18. The incredible escape of Carlos Ghosn

Then one of the most powerful bosses in the world, Carlos Ghosn was arrested on November 19, 2018 in Japan, suspected of embezzlement. A year later, he managed to reach Lebanon in incredible conditions, escaping Japanese justice.

19. Raymond Poulidor, the eternal second always adored

Died on November 13, 2019, Raymond Poulidor was still one of the most popular cyclists in France. Code Source looks back on the birth of the popularity of the "eternal second" during the 1964 Tour de France.

20. Mary Higgins Clark, Queen of Suspense

She was one of the queens of suspense. At the time of her death, on January 31, 2020, Mary Higgins Clark wrote forty books and sold several million. Here is the story of the writer often compared to Agatha Christie, whose novels she had read.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-03-24

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