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Corona in NRW: Laschet turns against Merkel - police burst his collar


North Rhine-Westphalia is particularly badly affected by the corona virus. The state government takes punitive punishments. Prime Minister Laschet now contradicts Chancellor because of exit strategy.

North Rhine-Westphalia is particularly badly affected by the corona virus. The state government takes punitive punishments. Prime Minister Laschet now contradicts Chancellor because of exit strategy.

  • In North Rhine-Westphalia , the number of infections with the new coronavirus * rises sharply every day.
  • The first hospital is threatened with closure . A district administrator also writes a call for help to China's president.
  • NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet now wants to crack down on Corona sinners with fines.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Corona situation in NRW: Current figures - New infections grow more slowly

Update of March 29, 2:19 p.m .: 13,630 coronavirus infections are registered in NRW. There were 110 deaths in connection with Covid-19 (as of March 29; 11:30 a.m.), reports the NRW Ministry of Health. The number of new infections, as * reports, has dropped below the 1000 threshold. Good news. For a trend, however, case developments would have to be assessed over a longer period.

The Dortmund police announce that they will continue to act consistently against violations of the ban on contacts and against speeders . In some cases, the unintelligible behaved unreservedly towards the officials. Even for "outrageous excuses", such as "We come from Recklinghausen and were hungry!" - some were not too good, said the police. "In times of Corona, we will not leave the empty streets to the members of the frenzy scene," said Police President Gregor Lange in a press release. With 60 vehicle inspections, there were 23 notifications.

# Corona pandemic: We are consistently taking action against inconsiderate speeders and violations of the ban on contact

The majority is leading by example and only leaves the four walls on necessary occasions. Useless driving around is absolutely not necessary!

- Police NRW DO (@polizei_nrw_do) March 29, 2020

Corona crisis in NRW: Armin Laschet calls for debate about exit strategy

Update of March 29, 9:17 a.m .: North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) believes it is important to think about the time after the corona pandemic. Laschet is thus opposed to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

"The sentence that it is too early to think about an exit strategy is wrong," wrote the CDU vice in a guest article for the Welt am Sonntag. "We must already take a look at the time when it is rigid Measures are showing the first effect. "

Merkel had said on Thursday that it was too early to talk about a relaxation of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus in Germany. Laschet, on the other hand, emphasized in the guest contribution: "Now is the time to develop standards for the return to social and public life so that this decision can also be made on the basis of transparent criteria."

While NRW Prime Minister Laschet indirectly criticized Merkel's handling of the corona crisis with his guest contribution, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn was once again faced with headwinds - albeit from a completely different source. A Berlin nurse sharply criticized Spahn in a posting - and not just him.

The Italian president now caused a smile among his compatriots thanks to a glitch in a TV speech about the corona virus. In the meantime, the coronavirus is spreading even more in Russia.

Corona: NRW is cracking down, a robot should also help - 30 new deaths in 24 hours

Update of March 28, 2020, 7.40 p.m .: In the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia , which is severely affected by the coronavirus, a robot in an Edeka store in Lindlar is now helping customers to keep their distance at the checkout and to prevent infection with Sars-CoV-2 to protect.

"Pepper", the name of the robot, is actually a care robot. He has been in the checkout area of ​​the branch since Wednesday and advertises, among other things, consideration, solidarity with one another and advises against buying Hamester.


In Lindlar (NRW), a robot at the checkout helps customers to keep the minimum distance.

© dpa / Markus Klümper

Update of March 28, 2020, 12:51 p.m .: According to current information from the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Health, 12,744 infections have been registered, 105 people died in North Rhine-Westphalia as a result of an infection (as of 11:30 a.m.). 30 people have died since yesterday and over 1200 new infections have been reported.

Under the motto "We weaken the virus with the strength of each individual" and with the hashtag #NRWkanndas , the authorities are now going even more on the offensive with citizen information .

Everyone who adheres to the rules to protect others is strong now. Everyone can help fight the #CoronaVirus. #NRWkanndas

- State Chancellery NRW (@landnrw) March 28, 2020

In the meantime, the first Bundeswehr aircraft landed in Italy in the morning to bring seriously ill patients to NRW . In addition to ten patients from Italy, NRW will also take in four patients from France. They should be cared for in various clinics in the country.

The police in North Rhine-Westphalia have since found several violations of the ban on contacts, including vehicle inspections - especially the raging scene seems to show itself unreasonable:

The controls continue. Unfortunately, we find again today that the raging scene approaches the emergency services with incomprehension and disrespect. In fact, some had to be made clear that we are currently experiencing a pandemic. #Dortmund

- Police NRW DO (@polizei_nrw_do) March 27, 2020

She now thanks in a separate tweet for the positive feedback from the population:

We just want to say # THANKS

We are overwhelmed by the warm feedback we get on our social media channels in the days of #Corona. Only a small section can be seen in the picture

Thanks and #stayathome

- Police NRW DO (@polizei_nrw_do) March 28, 2020

Coronavirus in NRW: National player supports the city of Heinsberg, which has been severely affected

Update 10:25 p.m .: A place in North Rhine-Westphalia has it particularly difficult in the Corona crisis. The county town of Heinsberg is most affected with over 1150 infected people and is now receiving help from England unexpectedly. National player and Manchester City star lkay Gündogan , who was born in Gelsenkirchen, supports the community intensively.

The 29-year-old also finances a shopping service for the needy and thank-you packages for the nursing staff in the intensive care units of the Heinsberger hospitals with private donations. “I followed the news situation in Germany closely in Manchester. I got stuck with the pictures from the particularly badly affected district of Heinsberg. So I wanted to start a relief effort exactly where the need is greatest , ”said the midfielder.

# DFB international Ilkay # Gündogan helps people in the district of Heinsberg with private donations and the support of amateur football: @DFB_Team @DFB @IlkayGuendogan #coronavirusdeutschland

- Middle Rhine Football Association (@fvm_de) March 27, 2020

Coronavirus in NRW: National player supports the city of Heinsberg, which has been severely affected

Gündogan launched the campaign in collaboration with the Mittelrhein Football Association, the Heinsberg district, an amateur club and a supermarket in Birgden. FVM President Bernd Neuendorf expressed his thanks to everyone involved: “Ilkay Gündogan approached the DFB and FVM with the idea. I think it's great that with this campaign we can build a bridge between football professionals, the footballers in the amateur clubs and everyone in the Heinsberg football club who are particularly badly affected by the corona pandemic. ”

Update 8.15 p.m .: North Rhine-Westphalia joins federal states such as Thuringia or Hamburg and takes in Corona patients from Italy and France . In the coming days, 14 affected people are to be brought to NRW in the crisis regions. Several clinics will take in a total of ten people from Italy and four more from France, as the State Chancellery announced on Friday. The Italian infected would be flown to the state by the Air Force .

Coronavirus in NRW: Laschet offered support to Italian ambassador

Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) said in a message: “Our friends in Italy in particular need our solidarity these days. With the admission of the patients we want to signal: You are not alone. ”Laschet offered the Italian ambassador help during the week. The state government received a request for help from France.

As the Federal Foreign Office reported on Thursday, various federal states had given commitments to treat 47 intensive care patients, including NRW. In other federal states, Italian and French intensive care patients are already being treated.

Update 4.10 p.m .: What Armin Laschet had already said in his press conference was also confirmed by the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs. According to this, there are currently 11,523 infected people in North Rhine-Westphalia, which corresponds to an increase of 651. The death toll rose by three to 85 .

Meanwhile, a 38-year-old man from North Rhine-Westphalia has a criminal case for assault on the neck

Corona virus in North Rhine-Westphalia: man coughs up others - criminal proceedings for bodily harm are ongoing

The man had appeared aggressively in Brilon on Thursday and was upset about a briefly vacant till. The police said on Friday. A 24-year-old tried to calm the man down in the incident. He was then coughed up with the words "I have Corona" .

A police spokesman said the health department of the Hochsauerland district must now check whether the 38-year-old is actually infected with the corona virus.

People were deliberately coughed up in Gütersloh too. In the pedestrian zone, a 52-year-old wheelchair user pressed several people for no reason on Thursday afternoon. The 57-year-old, whom he first harassed and coughed up, informed the police. For Gütersloher, this entails criminal proceedings for physical injury.

Update 12:27 pm: The district administrator of the district of Heinsberg informs that one is currently “slightly optimistic” . The number of cases would not increase exponentially in the district of Heinsberg.

Update 12.21 p.m .: The study should take two weeks. The district of Heinsberg is an opportunity for the whole of Germany to draw conclusions about how to contain the virus.

Update 12.15 p.m .: Virologist Professor Hendrik Streeck now reports on how to deal with the virus in the long term. It is about how to tackle the virus over the next few years and how to contain the virus. A study will be carried out in the Heinsberg district to collect information. The virologist therefore asks the residents for help and understanding. Among other things, it is also about undisclosed figures. The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia says that there is no better place than Heinsberg to carry out a study on the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. The aim is to find out in a scientifically sound way which measures are sensible in order to optimally protect the citizens, says Laschet.

Update 12.12 p.m .: Now Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann speaks. There are currently 11,523 infected and 85 deaths in NRW. 307 people are currently in intensive care units. Mr. Laumann also said that attempts are being made to increase the number of beds in an emergency.

Press conference in Heinsberg: Laschet: "The situation remains very serious"

Update 12.05 p.m .: The measures in NRW would take effect, said Laschet. "North Rhine-Westphalia has never been in such a crisis," said Laschet, addressing the hard-hit district of Heinsberg . 800,000 protective articles were received, he said.

Update 12.03: "The situation is still very serious," said Armin Laschet. It's about life and death. The first goal that Laschet addresses is to slow down the spread of the virus. Furthermore, the clinics were to be kept free so that everything available was available in one day “X”. He is also now addressing how the crisis is to come out.

Update 11.50 am: At 12 noon, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet will give a press briefing on the current situation. We report live.

NRW raises alarm in secret paper: Corona collapse threatens - Abi decision finally made

Update 10.14 a.m .: Strict measures are now being taken in the municipality of Menden in the Sauerland (Märkischer Kreis) in the fight against the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . As reported by the "Bild" newspaper (article behind payment barrier), infected people who do not comply with the quarantine are now to be locked up there.

There are now 20 camp beds in a sports hall. The first city councilor, Sebastian Arlt , said: "We want to deter, but also to effectively protect all those who are not guilty." The two paragraphs 28 and 30 of the Infection Protection Act would regulate and also require these measures.

The reason for these measures is that so far every fifth person who has been quarantined in the community has not been found during controls. Further violations would therefore lead to a forced quarantine . Arlt said he could imagine other cities and counties taking similar measures.

Corona virus in North Rhine-Westphalia: warning of crisis teams in the municipalities

According to secret reports that are said to be in the "Bild" newspaper , protective equipment stocks are also shrinking dramatically. Among other things, it says: "The first closings of nursing facilities have already been announced, if supplies are not available soon." Is the first collapse in North Rhine-Westphalia?

The municipal crisis teams warn: “There is a risk of a system-critical infrastructure failure in the short term if the supply of missing protective material continues to fail. All cities and counties report problems with the procurement of protective equipment and disinfectants. "

More and more medical personnel in the clinics have also become infected and capacities for patients requiring ventilation or intensive care will be quickly exhausted.

Corona in NRW: Abitur exams postponed

Update 10.05 a.m .: The Abitur exams in NRW are postponed. The main exams are scheduled to start on May 12, said the school minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) on Friday.

Update of March 27, 9.30 a.m .: On Thursday evening , NRW Prime Minister Armin Lasche t asked audience questions about the corona crisis on WDR . In it, he also said that everyone would suffer losses from the Corona crisis.

Laschet also commented on Thursday on the topic of "respiratory masks" . "We have already organized 113,000 masks in North Rhine-Westphalia, which were then delivered via the German Red Cross." His hope was that further deliveries that had been ordered would arrive in the coming week. "There are orders for almost five million masks - but we have to be behind," continues Laschet. There is a global struggle. "And we are in the fight and try to get masks as soon as possible."

He described it as "absurd" that the material for the respiratory masks was made in Germany, but the masks were then produced in China "because it was a few cents cheaper". Laschet added that this would be put to the test after the crisis.

Coronavirus in NRW: More than 10,800 infected - Laschet with warning: "Are not over the mountain"

Update, 20:32: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet has commented on the discussion about an end to the corona restrictions : "The date is set after the Easter holidays," said Laschet on Thursday evening (March 26) on the ARD . At this point, you have to decide about the school closings, he explained. However, the politician also warned that one should not think too quickly about an end to the measures. "We are not over the mountain," warned Laschet.

Coronavirus in NRW: Over 10,800 people infected - New figures published

Update, 6:25 p.m .: The Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs has published new case numbers for Thursday (March 26, 10 a.m.): 10,872 people are now infected in North Rhine-Westphalia . The number of people who died from the corona virus is also increasing - there are now 82 fatalities .

The Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs in North Rhine-Westphalia has attached a statement to the current figures. “The numbers listed here are based on current government reports reaching the ministry . On the one hand, this can mean that cases that have already been confirmed on site and are not yet on the list can be known, ”it says.

Based on the reporting channels laid down in the Infection Protection Act, this could also lead to "that the Ministry had already recorded infection numbers before they reached the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin," the statement continued.

Corona virus in NRW: More than 10,000 infected - NRW Interior Minister warns of "grandchildren trick in white coats"

Update 12.37 p.m .: As addressed by NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul in the press conference on Wednesday afternoon, the police in Gummersbach reported a vigorous argument about toilet paper in a supermarket in Bergneustadt. The seller prevented a 54-year-old woman from buying several packages of toilet paper. Pointed out that she should only buy a package, the woman sat on the cash register. The apparently confused woman refused to leave the supermarket and had to be taken away by the police.

Update 12:21: The NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul warned in a press conference on Wednesday against an increase in violence at all levels. Without sport as compensation, the propensity for violence among young men could increase. Parents should also be particularly careful with regard to crime on the Internet. In a time of crisis like this, young people would be particularly vulnerable online, and perpetrators might be particularly active.

Reul also warns of a particularly brazen grandson trick. Reul calls him "the grandchild's trick in a white coat". Fraudsters appear at the front door and pretend to want to run corona tests . Experiences from other countries showed, according to Reul, "that fraud is increasing".

Update 12:08: The NRW state government registered around 250 violations of the contact ban within a few days. These include not only group meetings in public spaces, but also tangible arguments when buying toilet paper. NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul reported in a press conference on Wednesday.

Coronavirus in NRW: More than 10,000 infected - state government tightened contact bans

Update from March 26th, 10:29 am: The situation in North Rhine-Westphalia is becoming more and more urgent. So far, the federal state had held back with its own measures despite the high and increasing number of cases and had always waited for the federal directive. But on Tuesday evening the state government triggered Katwarn to expand the rules on the ban on contact. On Wednesday morning, NRW reports more than 10,000 infected people - almost a third of all cases in the Federal Republic. So far, 75 people have died in North Rhine-Westphalia from the consequences of a coronavirus infection.

The current Katwarn rules for blocking contacts in NRW:

"The previous guidelines with the character of binding rules are expanded as follows:

1. Citizens are encouraged to reduce contact with other people outside of their own household to an absolutely necessary minimum.

2. Wherever possible, a minimum distance of at least 1.5m must be kept from the public, other than those mentioned under I.

3. Spending time in public space is only permitted on your own, with another person who does not live in the household or with members of your own household.

4. The way to work, emergency care, shopping, doctor visits, attendance at meetings, necessary appointments and exams, help for other or individual sports and exercise in the fresh air as well as other necessary activities are of course still possible.

5. Groups of people celebrating in public places, in apartments and private facilities are unacceptable given the serious situation in our country. Violations of the contact restrictions should be monitored by the regulatory authorities and the police and sanctioned for violations.

6. Restaurants are closed. This does not apply to the delivery and collection of take-away meals for consumption at home.

7. Services companies in the field of personal care, such as hairdressers, cosmetic studios, massage parlors, tattoo studios and similar companies are closed because physical proximity is essential in this area. Medically necessary treatments remain possible.

8. In all companies and especially those with public traffic, it is important to comply with the hygiene regulations and to implement effective protective measures for employees and visitors.

9. These measures should be valid for at least two weeks. "

Corona crisis: NRW releases 1,000 prisoners

Update of March 25, 16:36: Already 9421 people in North Rhine-Westphalia have been infected with the corona virus, according to the latest figures from the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs - that's about 670 more infected than yesterday. According to this, 61 people also died. Most people have become infected in the district of Heinsberg, over 1000 cases are known and 61 people have died. 880 infected people live in Cologne, about 260 live in Düsseldorf. 8745 infected and 45 dead had been reported on Tuesday afternoon.

A telemedicine program is scheduled to start on March 29: Smaller hospitals should be able to access the expertise of university hospitals by video. This " virtual hospital " was planned for spring, the start is now being brought forward.

Update of March 25, 2020, 12:59 p.m .: The spread of coronavirus presents the judiciary in North Rhine-Westphalia with major challenges. According to, the NRW has decided to release short-term prisoners . NRW Minister of Justice Peter Biesenbach has instructed the 36 correctional facilities (JVA) to release prisoners who are serving a short prison sentence of up to 18 months. According to internal estimates, this would affect around 1,000 of the approximately 16,000 prisoners. The decision also applies to those serving a replacement sentence for failing to pay a fine. Sex offenders are excluded. The unusual measure aims to reduce the risk of infection in the prisons.

In order to curb the spread of the corona virus, a contact ban applies in Germany. Those who do not abide by this can face heavy penalties. The police report incredible incidents.

The corona restrictions largely paralyze life in Germany. But how long will the coronavirus measures be maintained?

Video: Prisoners freak out in the Corona crisis

Corona crisis in North Rhine-Westphalia: Düsseldorf OB warns of the consequences of the corona measures

Update of March 25, 2020, 9:59 a.m .: Düsseldorf Mayor Thomas Geisel (SPD) has warned of the economic and social consequences of the corona restrictions. "I'm afraid our country will not survive an almost complete shutdown for a long time," he wrote in a guest post by the Rheinische Post (Wednesday).

There are already initial bankruptcies , the "full-bodied generous state rescue packages" would probably not be sustainable in the long run due to a lack of state revenue, said Geisel. In addition, there is already a "significant increase" in taking into care and entry bans due to domestic violence because of the contact bans. The closure of schools and universities would jeopardize the solidarity between the generations. It is feared that young people are increasingly rebelling against the measure because they do not feel themselves affected by the dangers of the infection.

According to statistics from Italy, the average age of those who died in Covid 19 was just under 80 , 99 percent of whom had previous illnesses. The risk group for a critical course of the disease must be specifically protected . It must be enabled to avoid physical contact and still participate in social life as much as possible. At the same time, politics had to develop a strategy for when and how public life could be started up again, the mayor of Düsseldorf demanded. In his opinion, it is high time to pause to think about whether we are really on the right track.

Corona crisis in NRW: Abitur 2020 on the brink

Update from March 25, 2020, 9:31 a.m .: The Abitur exams 2020 are on the brink in NRW, reports *. The culture ministers of the federal states want to advise on Wednesday how to proceed with the upcoming school-leaving exams. There is confusion about the Corona crisis. In Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, the Abitur exams already started, while Bavaria * and Baden-Württemberg postponed the exams. Schleswig-Holstein even wants to drop the exams entirely.

According to official information, 9,087 people are infected with the corona virus in NRW. So far, 54 fatalities have been registered (as of March 24, 4 p.m.).

Corona virus in NRW: doctor dies after collapse in corona test site

Update from March 24, 2020, 5:08 p.m .: A tragic death occurred at a central corona smear site in Herford (NRW). A doctor collapsed at work and died in hospital despite attempts to resuscitate herford district. "The cause of death is still unknown, presumably the man died of a heart attack," says the message.
The retired doctor volunteered for the health team. "Employees of the smear office and the entire district administration mourn the committed doctor, the sympathy belongs to the relatives of the deceased."

Read also: In Munich, meanwhile, another death * as a result of the Coronavirus * became known.

Corona virus in NRW: Klosterfrau donates 500,000 bottles of disinfectant

Update of March 24, 2020, 4:57 p.m .: The Cologne company Klosterfrau Healthcare (formerly Klosterfrau Melissengeist) wants to donate 100,000 liters of disinfectant to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. That said NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) on Tuesday in a special session of the state parliament. The company plans to donate 150,000 bottles of hand disinfectant as early as next week. In total, Klosterfrau give 500,000 bottles. The country also bought five million protective masks.

Corona crisis in NRW - new case numbers

Update from March 24, 2020, 2:12 p.m .: The number of cases in NRW has increased further. According to reports from *, the number of people infected with the corona virus has risen to 8745 - over 500 people more than on Monday. The number of corona deaths has risen to 45 . That is five more than on Monday.

In the particularly affected district of Heinsberg, 1043 people (as of 12:30 p.m.) were infected with the virus on Tuesday. The previous day it had been 1004. The death toll rose to 25 (previous day 24). 247 people recovered. According to calculations by the University Hospital Aachen, the contagion curve is flattened in a circle.

Update from March 24, 2020, 10:39 am : “We can't fool ourselves. The number of dead and infected will increase, ”says Armin Laschet and prepares the citizens for a difficult time in the next few weeks. The country has also agreed to support Italy in its emergency and admit ten corona patients.


Coronavirus in NRW: Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) warns unreasonable people.

© dpa / Federico Gambarini

Corona crisis in North Rhine-Westphalia: zero tolerance in the fight against the corona virus

Update from March 24, 2020, 10.30 a.m .: “We will warn the unreasonable. We will create clarity with a catalog of fines, ”says Armin Laschet (CDU). NRW was the first federal state to introduce a catalog of fines against the ban on contacts in the corona crisis.

Laschet also makes it clear that the ban on contact is a physical ban and not a social ban. Social contacts would be particularly important in these times.

“Fortunately, most people stick to the rules and show solidarity. We don't have to monitor the sensible, we have to punish the senseless. Consistently and hard. The signals have to be received, ”Laschet previously said to the dpa news agency.

The zero tolerance principle was successfully introduced in North Rhine-Westphalia in combating crimes such as clan crime. "Zero tolerance also applies to lawbreakers in the fight against the corona virus," said Laschet.

NRW published the fines and penalties via Twitter with the warning words "This is the only way we can reach the unteachable who knowingly jeopardize the health of their fellow citizens".

- State Chancellery NRW (@landnrw) March 24, 2020

Update of March 24, 2020, 10:08 a.m .: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) opens the special session in the state parliament. "On February 25, almost exactly four weeks ago, there was the first corona virus case in North Rhine-Westphalia," said Armin Laschet before the state parliament. The Minister referred to restrictions on fundamental rights due to the corona pandemic.

Update from March 24, 2020, 10:00 a.m .: The state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia convened a special session on Tuesday. The meeting will focus on the aid package for Germany's most populous state (18 million inhabitants) and the catalog of fines for violations of the Corona measures.

In today's # special session, the #ltnrw votes on a € 25 billion # supplementary budget to deal with the #corona crisis. After a briefing by @landnrw with debate, committee discussions and votes followed. Live stream from 10 a.m .:

- Landtag NRW (@Landtag_NRW) March 24, 2020

Corona crisis in NRW: Violation of the ban on contact may result in heavy penalties

Update from March 24, 2020, 8.09 a.m .: In the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia , which is particularly affected by the corona crisis, as in all other German federal states, drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus have come into force. In accordance with the Federal Government's recommendation, a so-called contact ban has been in effect in NRW since the weekend.

Among other things, this means: No meetings of more than two people, at least 1.5 meters safety distance and restaurants, bars and hairdressers remain closed for the time being. However, these rules are repeatedly violated - both by private individuals and by places such as a shisha bar, which was still open at the weekend despite the ban, reports

Corona crisis in NRW: Violations of measures are to be punished with fines

Just as the measures against the spread of corona differ in some federal states , there is no uniform catalog of fines that could apply to violations of the measures. Some federal states such as Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania do not even want to set one up, but those responsible in NRW do otherwise. According to a report by the Bild newspaper, there is a decision for an as yet secret catalog of fines for Germany's largest state. The planned resolutions in key points:

  • In the event of a violation of the ban on visiting hospitals or old people's homes, a fine of 200 euros must be paid.
  • Anyone who continues to operate a disco, bar or gym has to pay 5,000 euros .
  • If a restaurant is operated , 4000 euros are due.
  • Failure to observe the minimum distance of 1.5 meters or disregarding the hygiene measures costs 200 euros .
  • Public meetings of more than two people who are no exception are also fined with 200 euros .
  • There is a fine of 250 euros for picnics and barbecues .
In principle, it applies in North Rhine-Westphalia that violations of the measures should be punished with a minimum of 200 euros and a maximum of 25,000 euros .

Corona crisis in NRW: Hospitals in the Aachen region break with RKI recommendations

First message from March 23, 2020:

Düsseldorf - North Rhine-Westphalia is the federal state most affected by the Coronavirus * pandemic . The nursing emergency was also an issue in NRW before the outbreak of the new virus disease. Shortly after the first cases became known in North Rhine-Westphalia , the hospitals in the Aachen region had to break with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute . The company could not be kept under the strict quarantine * measures. Now the hospitals in NRW are not only facing a financial problem. In the Heinsberg hospital , protective clothing * had also gone out last week. The clinic had therefore already rung the alarm bells and warned against closing.

Corona crisis in North Rhine-Westphalia: Heinsberger district administrator sends call for help to Chinese President

The Heinsberg district administrator Stephan Pusch (CDU) has now sent a call for help to China . In a letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping, Pusch asks for protective clothing and suggests a city partnership between Heinsberg and Wuhan. This fire letter was published on Monday.

"You will surely ask yourself how a person, who is relatively insignificant in the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany, like a district administrator, can turn to the government of the People's Republic of China," wrote Pusch in his request for help. Heinsberg and Wuhan shared the unjust accusation that the places were to blame for the spread of the virus *. As Trump speaks of the “Wuhan virus”, Heinsberg is also experiencing social media exclusion, Pusch appeals to China's feeling of solidarity.

The district administrator had previously criticized the lack of support from the Bundeswehr.

Mr. Stephan Pusch, District Administrator of the District #Heinsberg, criticized the rejection of the requests for help to the #Bundeswehr despite great promises by the Federal Minister of Defense #AKK: "I find it shameful." # COVID2019de

- Frank Ⓥ (@AixiPale) March 18, 2020

Coronavirus: Crisis in NRW - Will the Health System Stand Up?

"Since medical practitioners in China have obviously had the most experience in dealing with the containment and control of the corona virus, I would also like to have a professional exchange," writes the district administrator and asks China for support with protective materials, because: The available masks and protective coats the hospitals in the Heinsberg district were only enough for a few days.

At a press conference in Düsseldorf, NRW Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann explained on Monday noon how federal funds should now deal with the impending emergency. Laumann said that additional protective clothing had already been made available to the hospital in Heinsberg. Nevertheless, the situation in NRW still seems particularly precarious. Critics now accuse the state government of recognizing the crisis too late and failing to respond quickly enough.

Corona crisis: How many beds do the hospitals in NRW have?

Laumann resists this accusation. It is the job of the employer, not the government, to get protective clothing. He could understand the concerns of District Administrator Pusch if he saw the situation regarding protective clothing . “But this situation is the same in all of Germany and all of Europe,” says Laumann. Because there is no production capacity in Europe.

An app has now been installed in NRW , with which the hospitals transfer the occupancy of their beds to the health department . The majority of the clinics have already participated, says Laumann. There are currently 443 inpatients in NRW, 146 of them in intensive care units. Of the intensive care patients, 121 were provided with ventilation support. In total there are 6184 intensive care beds in the state, 4123 of which are equipped with ventilators. Laumann tries to reassure other ventilators.


* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Federico Gambarini

Source: merkur

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