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Before the transfer, I interviewed Nie Dequan to approve the democratic faction "scramble theory": making one country, two systems thorny


The election of the Legislative Council was held in September. Democrats were determined to compete for more than half of the seats. They even threatened to veto all the government bills to "scramble", which indirectly forced the chief executive to step down. The constitutional crisis is on the verge of happening at any moment. What strategies does the SAR Government have to deal with it? Recently, Nie Dequan, Director of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, who was caught in the dispute of Article 22 of the Basic Law, is reported to be transferred to the Secretary of the Civil Service. He was interviewed by Hong Kong 01 last Thursday. It may be the last election in the Legislative Council Respond. Nie Dequan said that if the democratic factions use the parliament to block all bills and paralyze the parliament, the implementation of "one country, two systems" will be a thorny issue. The voters should choose which members can lead Hong Kong.

Political situation

Written by: Chen Jialuo, Huang Fengyi, Peng Zhuowei, Chen Xiaoyu

2020-04-22 07:00

Last update date: 2020-04-22 07:00

The election of the Legislative Council was held in September. Democrats were determined to compete for more than half of the seats. They even threatened to veto all the government bills to "scramble", which indirectly forced the chief executive to step down. The constitutional crisis is on the verge of happening at any moment. What strategies does the SAR Government have to deal with it?

Recently, Nie Dequan, Director of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, who was caught in the dispute of Article 22 of the Basic Law, is reported to be transferred to the Secretary of the Civil Service. He was interviewed by Hong Kong 01 last Thursday. It may be the last election in the Legislative Council Respond. Nie Dequan said that if the democratic factions use the parliament to block all bills and paralyze the parliament, the implementation of "one country, two systems" will be a thorny issue. The voters should choose which members can lead Hong Kong.

Nie Dequan.

Studying the Legislative Council or seeing a vacuum

Less than half a year before the change of the Legislative Council, the government has not yet gazetted the date of the Legislative Council election. Nie Dequan said that due to the pneumonia epidemic, he faced many unstable factors, but the preparations for the election are proceeding at full speed, including voter registration, recruitment of staff, etc. At present, it is still necessary to pay close attention to the development of the epidemic situation and prepare various plans.

According to section 44 of the Legislative Council Ordinance, if the general election is held before the general election, the chief executive believes that the election is likely to be hindered or seriously affected by riots, public violence, or any accidents that endanger public health or safety. The chief executive may order to adjourn the election The maximum postponement is 14 days, and the postponement may require amendments. Nie Dequan pointed out that a series of violent incidents occurred in the pre-election district society last year. He is worried that the violent election culture will continue to emerge this year. In addition to public health risks, if the election is cancelled, there will be a political vacuum in the legislative council. The government is studying how to deal with it in law. He added that the government ’s stance is still to follow the original plan as much as possible.

Democrats are striving for "35+", and many of them advocate local or self-determined people intending to stand for election. However, the government's "DQ" line has been accused of being unclear. Will the authorities issue guidelines to the RO to draw the "red line" standard? Nie Dequan said that the law clearly stipulates the qualifications for election. Candidates must support the Basic Law and allegiance to the SAR. They must also fill out a confirmation letter. "Each case is different. It is difficult to tell what is possible and what is not." Emphasizing that members of the Legislative Council enter the political system, and sincerely supporting the Basic Law are the most basic requirements.

Democrats strive to win more than half of the seats. (Profile picture)

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More than half of the controversy over democratic forces will be announced. The Citizen Party earlier stated that once the seats meet the target, it will veto all government bills, forcing the authorities to respond to the "five major demands." Nie Dequan questioned the benefits of "scramble" to the society. "Against all government bills, including the Budget, in short, the government proposes evil laws, and everything the central government does is evil law. This must be done in this way. Resist, this is the problem. "

He pointed out that the Basic Law lists 10 functions of the Legislative Council, which need to be implemented and performed. "But if the (election) situation or the general purpose of the general public is to paralyze, resist the government, and block everything, what will be the consequences?"

Nie Dequan did not respond positively to whether he would dispatch the "DQ" or dissolve the Legislative Council. He only said that the voters elected representatives to perform the duties and powers of the members of the Legislative Council and be able to lead Hong Kong down. This is every voter ’s own Their own responsibilities and choices, "What the society wants to discuss is whether the Legislative Council elections, political reform issues, the National Anthem Act or Article 23, these controversial issues, in fact, how to sort out the contradictions behind them. In the process of implementing one country, two systems, it will be thorny. "

Nie Dequan Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Legislative Council Legislative Council Election I Home Stadium 01 Video

Source: hk1

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