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Coronavirus in Argentina: union fury over a multi-million dollar distribution of funds that again favors Hugo Moyano


They are $ 4,000 million for union social works. Truckers will receive more money than others with much more beneficiaries.

Carlos Galván

04/23/2020 - 18:31

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Amid the pandemic by coronavirus , again a cast billionaire funds to social work union by the government left in a state of anger many of the most powerful leaders of the CGT union. It is that the list that was known this Thursday with the payments that each social work will receive leave, once again, that Hugo Moyano's will receive more funds than those of unions that have a much greater number of affiliates.

The other quarrel is because the distribution of funds - in total they are $ 4,000 million - was carried out in a " completely discretionary" manner and " social works " of few affiliates were "favored" to the detriment of others with a greater number of beneficiaries.

An example: in the list that Clarín accessed, it appears that the Social Work of the Superior Staff of Mercedes Benz will receive $ 24,281,387 . On the other hand, the social work of the Unión Obrera Metalúrgica (UOM) will pay $ 25,154,100.

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The difference between the number of affiliates of one and the other is abysmal.

Just as it had happened at the end of last March, the two social projects of Camioneros will receive more money than those of other unions with much more affiliates.

To the accounts of the two social works of Hugo Moyano the Superintendency of Health Services will deposit almost 122 million pesos.

To UATRE, which has more beneficiaries, 114 million pesos.

There are more cases. A Construir Salud, the UOCRA social work that has around twice as many beneficiaries as Truckers, will receive $ 61 million.

To Gastronomics, which also has more affiliates than Truckers, $ 41 million.

There are more curious facts about the distribution of funds: other social works with fewer beneficiaries appear on the list as recipients of more resources than more.

+ Luz y Fuerza: 48 million pesos.

+ Overseas Captains: $ 39 million.

+ Naval Commissars: $ 210 million.

+ Social Action Social Action for Entrepreneurs: $ 212 million.

The social work that will receive the most funds is that of Commerce Employees, with $ 277,165,090. But it is the largest social work in the country, with more than 2 million beneficiaries.

The one of the CGT co-secretary general, Carlos Acuña -is from the Estacioneros guild- will receive just 2.8 million pesos.

This Thursday, as soon as the list of 13 pages began to circulate with the funds that each social work would receive - it ran like wildfire among the WhatsApp of the unionists -, from the leadership of the CGT they communicated with Eugenio Zanarini , superintendent of Services of Health and kidney man of the minister Ginés González García.

As Clarín reconstructed , the official promised to hold a videoconference this Friday with the heads of the Peronist workers' union and to review how the funds were distributed.

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the downturn in the economy and the drop in contributions, the social work accounts are in red.

Heads of the CGT, this Tuesday, prepared to start a videoconference with government officials

Just when an official plan to help social works had been announced, they exploded in the unions due to the resolution of the Superintendency with the distribution of $ 4 billion from the Solidarity Redistribution Fund, which is through which funds are reintegrated into the works social due to complex and expensive treatments that have already been carried out.

What's more, after the zapateos that there was last month by the previous distribution, according to union sources there was an agreement so that this time the distribution of funds was done in a more balanced way and taking into account the urgencies of each social project. In the CGT, for example, they allege that Moyano's have no problem because their activity continues to function normally.

Source: clarin

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