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Family ministers want to open daycare centers "gently"


Millions of parents are currently looking after their children at home. Many feel left alone by politics because shops and schools open, but day care centers remain tight. The family ministers from the federal and state governments gave advice - the result is not particularly concrete.

Millions of parents are currently looking after their children at home. Many feel left alone by politics because shops and schools open, but day care centers remain tight. The family ministers from the federal and state governments gave advice - the result is not particularly concrete.

Berlin (dpa) - The family ministers of the federal and state governments speak out in the corona crisis for a "cautious" return to childcare in four phases. This was announced by the Ministry of Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey (SPD) on Tuesday.

The recommendation was to enable a return to work "in the coming weeks and months for educational and developmental psychological reasons" - but no specific target date for the reopening of daycare center operations was given. The four phases therefore include current emergency care, extended emergency care, limited regular operation and the return to normal operation.

The decision is expected to feed into Chancellor Angela Merkel's (CDU) consultations with the Prime Minister this Thursday. Far-reaching decisions are not expected during the conversation, but only in a further round on May 6th. Ultimately, the decision rests with the individual federal states and municipalities.

Many parents of small children currently feel left alone by politics, because shops and schools are gradually reopening, but there is still no perspective beyond day care in kindergartens and kindergartens. Children who have parents who are urgently needed at work, for example in the healthcare sector, are particularly in need of care. Emergency care had recently been expanded, for example to single parents in many countries.

The ministers also propose to review the opening of playgrounds and to consider "family care" permits to allow children to socialize and relieve their parents.

Giffey called the decision an "important and good signal" for families. "The families are now expecting more concrete statements about when the next steps can be taken," she said.

The primary goal remains unchanged, slowing the spread of the coronavirus and interrupting chains of infection in order to avoid serious illnesses and not to overload the health system, it said in the announcement. "Nevertheless, the needs of children, especially toddlers, and the needs of parents must be taken into account more." The ministers agreed "that the current restrictions are a severe cut for the children."

Specifically, the ministers advise you to observe the infection process for at least two weeks after each expansion step before taking another step. The opening should be accompanied by "large-scale studies" that focus not only on medical but also social issues. Giffey's Ministry wants to commission the Robert Koch Institute and the German Youth Institute.

Special attention is therefore paid to children whose care is required from child welfare Greens, who have special needs and preschool children. Because the otherwise recommended distance rules cannot be implemented when working with small children, this has to be compensated for as much as possible "through hygiene plans as well as cleaning and disinfection plans".

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-28

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