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It totally escalates between Pocher and Anne Wunsch: car destroyed, howling video and revelations


Oliver Pocher and Jan Leyk leathered violently against Anne's wishes. After that there were real attacks. Now she gives free rein to her feelings.

Oliver Pocher and Jan Leyk leathered violently against Anne's wishes. After that there were real attacks. Now she gives free rein to her feelings.

  • Oliver Pocher recently raged against influencers.
  • The marketing of their own children on social media is also not to his liking.
  • A TV star has now set up an Instagram account with her six-year-old daughter.
  • Now Jan Leyk also intervenes.

Update from May 2nd: As it appears, Anne Wunsch has to digest Oliver Pocher's latest video in peace. In a story on Instagram , Wunsch posted a photo of himself on Saturday and wrote: “I'm fine. Thank you for your numerous messages. Please give me time until Monday to rearrange myself. "

It is clear that the rest of the weekend is unlikely to respond to the latest revelations from their past. It remains open whether comedian Oliver Pocher may use the time to add another one or whether he also waits until Anne wishes to speak personally on Monday about the somewhat tense situation - provided that she intends to. Should she actually  react publicly to the current video in which Pocher shoots her again on Monday , the dispute between the two should almost certainly go into a new round.

Update from May 1: After the howling video by influencer Anne Wunsch, based on  Oliver Pocher's statement that she would market her children on Instagram, the comedian has now made it clear: he continues to stand by his opinion. In a new video that he uploaded to Instagram on Friday , he addressed himself personally to Anne Wunsch: “Again Anne, for you to explain: I don't care what you do, how you do it. You can do whatever you want, ” Pocher emphasizes 


After Oliver Poche's spicy revelations, Anne Wunsch posted this photo on Instagram.

© Instagram @anne_wuensche

There were more encouraging things for Oliver Pocher on Saturday evening when he brought a little TV sensation on RTL alongside ex-rival Michael Wendler.

Oliver Pocher follows on from Steit with Anne Wunsch: New video popped up on Instagram

"But I think you market your children so unappetizing. There is a page where you can book your children. ”Regardless of their teardrop video, he sticks to his opinion that children should not be put on display in the social media world unless they can make their own decision.

But Oliver Pocher not only defended his opinion, but followed up in another video. Because suddenly he speaks about piquant details from Anne Wünsches past , which he now wants to have discovered. These are photos and even a video that she is said to have made of herself in younger years. They are extreme revelations. 


After Oliver Pocher's attack: Anne Wunsch cries bitter tears.

© Screenshot Instagram: anne_wuensche

Oliver Pocher: According to the teardrop video by Anne wishes, he adds - spicy details revealed?

This is despite the fact that she claims in another video that she cannot do anything with such films. At the end of his clip, Oliver Pocher shows exactly what kind of recordings he is in, in which he not only warns against Anne Wunsch , but also her friend, and also questions the attack on the car

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by Oliver Pocher (@oliverpocher) on May 1, 2020 at 7:55 p.m. PDT

Update of April 29: Many amuse themselves about Oliver Pocher's ranting tirades . But what happened after the sometimes violent words against influencer Anne Wunsch goes well beyond the limits of good taste. 

Anne Wunsch: After Oliver Pocher's attack, fans attack her - tearful video

Completely resolved and with tears in her eyes , she stepped in front of the camera. "I didn't really want to show myself like this," she will explain later, "I wanted to be strong for you, outwardly. That was maybe a mistake, because maybe it is just right to show how I really am. " 

By then, most should have understood why the former  “Berlin Tag und Nacht” actress addressed such desperate words to her followers - and explicitly to Oliver Pocher

BTN actress Anne Wunsch after Pocher video on the floor: "It hurts so bad"

" It hurts so bad that I get up howling and howling back to bed, " she admits. The comedian's attack left Anne wishes far from cold. The bullying of Oliver Pocher go just too far. " Is it still comedy? ", ask her. 

"I hope that you look at this story and see if that was really your goal," the influencer appeals to Pocher conscience, "you wanted to see me on the ground ." But the entertainer's attacks are not alone responsible for making her feel so bad.

According to a video by Oliver Pocher: Instagram mob starts with Anne's wishes - girlfriend's car destroyed 

After the Pocher video, a real Instagram mob started on Anne Wunsch. A phenomenon that several influencers had to experience. " Really nasty, nasty news " were among them. What her friend, Kim Zarwell, is going through after partying for wishes goes even further.


Anne Wunsch: She received such messages after the Pocher video.

© Screenshot Instagram: anne_wuensche

The blonde's car was badly damaged . Strangers probably entered their private property and threw paint on the car . In addition, they left a threatening message . "Leave Pocher alone. You fat warthog, ”said the glued letters on a letter that is almost only known from crime films.


This threatening message was received by Anne Wishes friend Kim Zarwell.

© Screenshot Instagram: anne_wuensche

Will Oliver Pocher stay cold when he learns about it? We'll probably find out soon via his Instagram channel. "I don't understand why it all happened and why we influencers have to be attacked like this, " Anne wishes in her final message hoping for explanations.


Anne Wunsch sends a message to Oliver Pocher and the Instagram users.

© Screenshot Ins tagram: anne_wuensche

Pocher's Instagram campaign: Comedian gets TV star to help - he shakes with a confession

Update from April 16: Oliver Pocher's recipe for success is simple and questionable at the same time. The TV star likes to market himself as a moral apostle. He stages himself as the moral guardian of the Internet, who appeals to reason. His unteachable victims currently mainly come from the Instagram scene. To be more precise, it is influencers who, from his point of view, have bad habits from the ground up. As a result, he pillories influencers on social media and pulls them through cocoa for their lifestyle. It is up to you whether that is virtuous behavior. There is no doubt that it will bring him a lot of success. 

Oliver Pocher shoots against Anne Wunsch

Most recently, Pocher raged against a former  “Berlin - Tag & Nacht” actress who created an Instagram account together with her daughter. The moral fire brigade "Pocher" jumped on immediately and is now topping up. In a live chat on Instagram, he attacks 28-year-old Anne Wunsch again. But not only the comedian mocks her - his wife Amira and the former “Berlin Tag & Nacht” - actor Jan Leyk (35) support him in this. Leyk in particular seems to be full of hate. He often takes up vocabulary, and the two have a common past. But one after the other.

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I hadn't been doing sports for 4 months! The fear of what my head suggests to me in moments of exertion was too great. Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath. All the things that happen without great movement. How is it going to be when I fully hang in there again? It was totally ok! Not cool .... but ok! In the end, I am stronger than my fairground head and will make my body a weapon again that I can use against him. I'm still at the beginning of this trip but I'm fighting. Day after day ... and finally with some sport again today. # fairground #nevergiveup #comebackstronger

A post shared by Leykenda (@jan_leyk_official) on Dec 9, 2019 at 7:16 pm PST

“At every sperm party they have a new child. I get too much with the old woman and I always have the child in the picture, ”the DJ takes a breath first - and adds:“ She should buy a few condoms. ”

Leyk alleges that their children would use their children for advertising purposes. "I still think that compensating for the fact that you can't get a shit at all and then use the children to make ends meet is what drives me crazy," the 35-year-old says disparagingly.

Leyk is  seething. It seems as if wishes are the declared archenemy. But that was not always so. "I'll say something now, then I can delete Instagram," the DJ introduces his surprising statement. "I had something with her! I'm sorry. Now it's official."

Jan Leyk: "It only has a vacuum between the ears"

The liaison was apparently eight years ago, as the 35-year-old explains macho-like: " A couple of years ago I really slammed what Anne wanted in my swimming trunks."

Back then, wishes were totally normal, he says. However, there is now no trace of this: “It only has a vacuum between the ears. Back then, that was a normal nice girl. "

The confession surprises even Oliver Pocher. The comedian immediately offered Leyk to delete the live stream. However, this is not an option for the 35-year-old. In addition, wishes can not afford the legal fees anyway, he explains. 

The argument between the two is probably not over yet.

Check out this post on Instagram

HAPPY EASTER we wish you a wonderful day & a hardworking bunny #happyeaster #girlsteam #family #happytime # annewünsch # ostern2020 #ostern #stayathome

A post shared by Anne Wunsch (@anne_wuensche) on Apr 12, 2020 at 5:44 pm PDT

Despite a clear warning from Oliver Pocher: TV star publishes questionable photos

First announcement from April 15: Cologne - That comedian Oliver Pocher is not afraid to make his opinion about influencers known to the general public and to ridicule it thoroughly, has become clear in the last few weeks at the latest. 

Yet another topic seems to be a real thorn in the side of the comedian . For example, he recently commented on marketing his own children on social media. A former  "Berlin - Day & Night" star now opened an Instagram account with her daughter - and directly reaped the full load of ridicule from Pocher. 

Oliver Pocher still warned - but BTN-Star seemed to take it lightly

This is not the first time that Oliver Pocher and his wife Amira have raised this issue. In the past there have been frontal attacks against celebrity parents who show off their offspring on social networks. "Celebrities who market their children in any way and especially on the Internet are totally wrong and to a certain extent also anti-social," Pocher told RTL in November . At that time, ex-DSDS winner Sarah Lombardi was targeted by the comedian. Today Oliver Pocher criticizes the former "Berlin - Day & Night" actress Anne Wunsch .

The 28-year-old seemed to be coldly criticized by Pocher and his wife on this topic. Together with her only six-year-old daughter Miley , she now founded an account on the popular Instagram platform. Miley's account is not open to the public, but already has more than 3,000 followers (as of April 15, 4 p.m.). 

Anne Wunsch creates an Instagram account for her daughter - Pocher's reaction is not long in coming

It wasn't until Easter Monday that the mother of two officially announced her daughter's account on her own Instagram account. "A new Instagram page for both of us!" Wrote Anne Wunsch in a story - and Oliver Pocher did not remain hidden. 

"This is the negative example of children's marketing: Cashing in and totally having one on the waffle ..." Oliver Pocher said, as Promiflash reported.  

Check out this post on Instagram

HAPPY EASTER we wish you a wonderful day & a hardworking bunny #happyeaster #girlsteam #family #happytime # annewünsch # ostern2020 #ostern #stayathome

A post shared by Anne Wunsch (@anne_wuensche) on Apr 12, 2020 at 5:44 pm PDT

Whether the former  Anne Wunsch still decides to delete the account? The fact is: Sarah and Dominic Harrison , who are increasingly becoming Oliver Pocher's target, also had an account for their two-year-old daughter. The account has since been deleted. Katzenberger's sister was also recently targeted by Pocher - and countered.

Sonja Zietlow is badly insulted on Facebook. The moderator pulls the emergency brake.


Rubric list image: © Screenshot Instagram: anne_wuensche / Oliver Pocher

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-03

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