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Coronavirus in Austria: Success with experimental therapy - even with previous illnesses


Austria initiated easing in the Corona crisis. Starting May, the exit restrictions will be lifted. All developments in the news ticker.

Austria initiated easing in the Corona crisis. Starting May, the exit restrictions will be lifted. All developments in the news ticker.

  • Corona crisis :  The exit restrictions no longer apply  in Austria .
  • For some time now, the number of newly recovered people has exceeded the number of newly infected people
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus *  and the corona news from Germany *.
  • You can also find current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The most important thing about the topic is also on our Facebook page Corona News. Become a fan now.

Update from May 7, 8:35 p.m .: Several Covid-19 patients * were able to recover from the severe lung disease in the Austrian hospital in Graz . The reason for this was a blood plasma therapy in which they were treated with the blood plasma of healed patients. The therapeutic approach, which is considered to be experimental , delivered very good results for three patients at the same time , said the Graz infectiologist Robert Krause at a press conference.

Corona in Austria: Experimental form of therapy delivers good results - even with previous illnesses

However, the form of treatment is an "option for very selected patients, which is not transferable to everyone," said Krause. In particular, patients who had other pre-existing conditions and had a weakened immune system were treated. However, side effects and allergic reactions should not be excluded. 

Already 20 patients suffering from Covid-19 * could be treated with blood plasma in Austria. The Rote Kreutz also called for blood plasma donations , so far around 200 people in Austria are said to be ready to make a donation. The method is currently being tested in many countries , including France, the United States, Switzerland, Germany and China. However, more tests and more time are required for reliable statements.

Corona in Austria: Chancellor Kurz wants to boost tourism with a curious measure

Update, May 7, 9:38 a.m .: Austria is fighting an impending economic recession . This should not only be addressed with 38 billion euros in  emergency aid . As reported by , the government around Chancellor Sebastian Kurz  also wants to present medium-term measures. This includes tax relief for working people, relief for the economy to keep jobs, and investments in climate protection , digitization and regionalization. 

The requirement that "Corona heroes", who are working as nurses in hospitals during the crisis, for example , receive a bonus of EUR 1,000 has now been replaced by another idea. According to , vouchers for hotels and restaurants should be distributed instead. The measures could boost tourism and thus also the economy. As of May 29, hotels are to open again. 

As the data from the Johns Hopkins University show that is the number of infected people in Austria currently at  15,684 people ( as of 9:38 ). 608 people died as a result of the corona virus.

How is the coronavirus pandemic evolving? A group of US researchers has been working on this question - and has developed three possible scenarios.

Corona in Austria: Bavaria's Minister of the Interior Herrmann "Austria was not completely uninvolved ..."

Update of May 6, 1:55 p.m .:  In view of the border openings to Germany demanded by Austria , Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said . "It is an absolute federal matter. A large number of foreigners are prohibited from entering the country. There is also a uniform federal regulation that German citizens who come from abroad have to be in quarantine for 14 days , ”said Herrmann, who subsequently teased the virus spread in Hotspot  Ischgl . “I want to remind Austria that it was not entirely uninvolved that Germany and Bavaria in particular were so badly affected. Nobody wants controls forever, ”said Herrmann's whole statement to Bild at the Munich press club.

Herrmann answered another question differently. “We won't get any further if everyone adds his mustard to it. Is this quarantine still needed? Everyone can take 14 days of vacation in Austria, but then also 14 days of quarantine vacation in Germany, ”said the CSU politician.

Update from May 6, 11:15 a.m .:  Austria is currently cautiously withdrawing from shutdown as part of the Coronavirus * containment and is already considered a model with its model in Bavaria. Despite the euphoria, the government is vigilant and, in the face of the pandemic, is extending border controls on its neighboring countries, as the Neue Volksblatt reports. This emerges from a new regulation by the Austrian Ministry of the Interior.

Corona in Austria: among a hundred intensive care patients - border controls extended

The extension concerns the borders to Germany *, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and is valid until May 31st. So far, the controls should go until May 7th. The border crossings to Hungary and Slovenia are also to be checked further. Without exception, entry to Austria is only permitted at certain crossings. Anyone wishing to enter the country needs a medical certificate that certifies a negative corona test * . This document can be a maximum of four days old . The new restrictions on entry into Austria have been in force since May 1st.

So far there have been 15,684 positive test results in Austria . However, 13,462 of them are considered recovered, as reported by, 608 people are said to have died of the consequences of the Corona virus. Currently, 418 people are hospitalized for the Corona virus and 97 of them are in intensive care units.

Update of May 5, 5:30 pm: Austria is vehemently campaigning for German tourists for summer vacation in the Corona crisis.

In an interview, Minister of Tourism Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP) has now called for the opening of borders with Bavaria - and made advertising for the Alpine Republic.

Corona in Austria: Militia companies should guard the borders

Update from May 5, 12.30 p.m .: In Austria , men and women of the so-called militia companies have moved into the barracks of the Federal Army.

For the first time ever, the Alpine Republic is partially mobilizing its armed forces to continue preparing for the challenges of the Corona crisis .


Straß: Soldiers from the Jägerkompanie Deutschlandsberg move into the Archduke Johann barracks of Jäger Battalion 17 with fabric masks.

© dpa / deputy officer Robert G

For this purpose, 13 hunting companies from all federal states were called up, they are a reserve of the regular army . After two to three weeks of training, they should take on the duties of professional soldiers who have been in use since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic .

According to the Federal Armed Forces, this includes border controls, surveillance of borders and protection of particularly critical infrastructure.

Corona in Austria: Viennese virologist with a somber prognosis about vaccine

Update of May 5, 12:15 p.m .:  How long will it take before an effective vaccine against the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 comes onto the market? Long, experts agree.

An Austrian virologist has now indicated how long it can go. According to Monika Redlberger-Fritz, it will take at least a year or two before a coronavirus vaccine is available to the general public - at best.

The Austrian motto is now: We will unlock everything as soon as possible. The virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz from @meduni_vienna says that we currently have everything under control. It looks good.

- Ö1 journals (@ oe1journale) April 27, 2020

As the expert from the Center for Virology at the Medical University of Vienna explained at a press conference with the Austrian Minister of Health Rudolf Anschober (Greens)  according to , some active ingredients only come onto the market after ten years of development.

Corona in Austria: Mails from Iceland burden Tyrolean authorities

Update of May 4, 10:50 p.m .:  Emails from Iceland are heavily burdening the Tyrolean authorities because of alleged failures in the corona pandemic . The magazine profil reports

In retrospect, the Tyrolean party mecca Ischgl is considered a coronavirus hotspot in Europe. According to the profile , there were emails from the Icelandic authorities warning their Austrian colleagues - on March 5.


No tourists because of the corona crisis: Ischgl in April 2020.


According to the emails, it appears that the first vacationers infected with Sars-CoV-2 returned on February 29 from  Ischgl via Munich to Iceland. 

The Tyrolean authorities should therefore have known that there have been suspected corona cases in Ischgl  since the end of February , it is said. But: It was only on March 9th that the superspreader bar "Kitzloch" was closed by the regional medical directorate, in which the Icelanders are said to have been infected.

Read also:  Many people suffer from the exit restrictions because of the corona virus. Limits may be crossed for love even in Corona times. In practice, however, this often leads to problems. Meanwhile, the US may have made a breakthrough in corona testing. Researchers referred to a new test as a "game changer".

Corona crisis in Austria: unemployment figures skyrocket

Update of May 4, 1:45 p.m .:  The number of corona infections and fatalities in Austria has remained comparatively low since the pandemic began and politicians abolished the exit restrictions early. But the right crisis management does not mean that the consequences of the spread of corona in the Alpine Republic cannot be fatal.

When looking at the new unemployment figures in Austria, government officials will probably realize that the future will not be easy. The labor market service in Vienna announced that the number of unemployed and training participants rose by around 58 percent compared to the previous year to 571,477 people - a drastic increase. This is the highest level in the Federal Republic of Austria .

571,477 were unemployed in Austria at the end of April. Due to the #Corona crisis, the national unemployment rate is now 12.8 percent. #Wien has the lowest increase in unemployment among all federal states # W24https: //

- W24 (@ Wien24) May 4, 2020

As a result, the unemployment rate also rose to 12.8 percent. Compared to the previous year, the number rose by 5.5 percentage points. Statistics show that all age groups in all areas and all federal states are affected. While the rising numbers are worrying, the increase slowed somewhat in April. The tourism sector in  particular is  suffering from the crisis, which is why Chancellor Kurz wants to open the borders to Germany again soon. He thinks summer vacation in Austria is possible.

Corona crisis in Austria: Van der Bellen with TV address to the citizens

Update from May 3, 8:30 p.m .: An asylum accommodation with around 400 residents in Vienna has been evacuated because of a suspected corona outbreak .

The news portal reports . Accordingly, it is the refugee shelter "Haus Erdberg", in which 22 migrants and four carers were infected with the insidious corona virus.

As ORF Vienna reports, 50 corona tests are still pending . Most of the residents were brought to the Covid-19 emergency quarters of the Austrian capital on the exhibition grounds, it is said. According to the report , some migrants had fled - and had to be picked up again by the police.

Corona crisis in Austria: Van der Bellen with TV address to the citizens

Update of May 3, 6.30 p.m .: Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen  addressed the citizens of the Alpine Republic in a TV address.

According to the news portal , the 76-year-old quoted from the national anthem, which "defines how we are when things get really serious:" Brave into the new times, free and believing see us stride. Happy and hopeful. ' So are we. And that's why we can do it, ”he said with regard to the Corona crisis and the exit restrictions that have been overcome,   as well as the expected economic consequences.


Austrian President: Alexander Van der Bellen.

© dpa / Peter Lechner

Van der Bellen was therefore convinced that "we seize the opportunity in the crisis, overcome unemployment and turn the corner on a sustainable economy. With nature, not against it. For a healthy climate ”.

Corona virus in Austria: Corona tests at Vienna Airport - at your own expense

Update of May 3, 12:58 p.m .:  At the Vienna Airport there is the possibility of a corona test from the beginning of the week . As of Monday, there will be PCR tests * in which a nose or throat swab is taken and checked for coronaviruses.

The result should within noisy airport two to three hours available. In the event of a negative finding, a 14-day quarantine in the country is no longer necessary when entering the country, as was previously the case under the regulations. 

The test successes information provided by the airport, according straightforward, but it is not free . It is a private service for which an on-site laboratory charges 190 euros . The tests are available to every interested citizen and are not limited to passengers only. 

Corona in Austria: border dispute with Germany? Seehofer and Kurz disagree

Update of May 3, 7:36 a.m .: After the announcement by Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz that he wanted to resume travel between Germany and Austria as quickly as possible, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has now spoken out clearly against these plans. As long as the virus does not go on vacation , people would also have to limit their travel plans , according to Seehofer on the “Bild” newspaper.


Seehofer: Thoughts about Merkel's fifth term heard more often

© dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Reckless openings of the limits that the infection rates could be back to skyrocket, would not help anyone. Kurz had spoken in a previous interview about possible border openings , hoping to be able to greet tourists from neighboring Germany again in the summer holidays at the latest .

Debate about border openings: Seehofer with indication of Merkel's fifth term

Even Foreign Minister Heiko Maass spoke out against "quick fixes" for the resumption of leisure travel from. "We cannot and will not bring a quarter of a million people back from vacation in the summer," he said.

Apart from the discussion about border openings , Seehofer once again praised the determination and strength with which Chancellor Angelas Merkel is leading Germany through the crisis. This also triggered considerations for a fifth term of office for the German Chancellor. "I cannot deny that I have heard the thought more recently," revealed Seehofer.

Corona in Austria: shortly with several easing from May 1st - mask requirement will be expanded

Update from May 1, 3:43 p.m .: Starting this Friday, there are no exit restrictions in Germany's neighboring country Austria . Among other things, the ban on entering public places ends. From May 2, all shops and almost all service providers such as hairdressers can reopen. On May 15th the restaurants will continue.

However, there are also some changes to the existing rules. These are quite interesting for Germany: Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, in particular, has repeatedly emphasized that he is closely following developments in Austria , since the country is almost two weeks ahead in the Corona crisis. So it cannot be ruled out that Chancellor Kurz's innovations will also be considered in Germany.

After the end of the exit restrictions on May 1st, a distance rule of one meter still applies in Austria . In addition, the mask requirement has been expanded : It now applies generally when entering public places in closed rooms , as reported by

In addition, events with a maximum of ten participants are now permitted. These include sports and cultural events as well as weddings. At funerals, up to 30 people are allowed. However, according to the report, these rules explicitly do not affect events in the private sector.

Coronavirus in Austria: exit restrictions lifted - new regulations from May 1st

Update from May 1st, 9.25 a.m .:  After the weeks-long exit restrictions due to the corona pandemic in Austria, people no longer have to provide a valid reason to leave the apartment. However , the rules on distance from people who do not live in their own households still apply in public. The minimum distance applies in public transport if it can be observed. A mask to protect the mouth and nose must still be worn in local traffic and when shopping. 

Likewise, a maximum of ten people can come together in the public space , so yoga classes are again permitted in parks. Up to 30 participants are now also allowed at funerals

To date, around 15,000 positive corona cases have been detected in the Alpine Republic

580 dead

Austria has a comparatively low figure. 

Sweden, however, is going its own way in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise for the Corona course from the WHO directorate. *

Corona virus in Austria: "The consent of the population is beginning to crumble"

Update from April 30th, 8:04 pm: The contagion numbers in Austria have recently decreased, so the government around  Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) also announced some easing. 

A corona all-clear is not associated with this, so that various measures such as a mask requirement continue to exist. How does the Austrian population deal with the current balancing act between returning to normality and keeping the rules? 

A current survey comes to the conclusion that the Alpine dwellers are especially longing for the former. 

The poll was conducted by the polling institute Gallup. Managing Director Andrea Fronaschütz told the Kronenzeitung: "The population's approval of the government's handling of the crisis is still high ( currently 78 percent, 91 at the end of March ). But it is beginning to crumble - just like the willingness to waive rights of liberty for the common good. ”In Germany there are similar results.

According to the data, only one in two people in Austria are currently afraid of contracting the coronavirus (54 percent). At the end of March, three out of four respondents (74 percent) expressed this concern. The number of those who believe that the pandemic risk is exaggerated has increased significantly (from 21 to 31 percent). 

Corona in Austria: Couple was in the clinic for 39 days - now there are new details on the state of health 

Update from April 30, 3:32 p.m .: Positive news from Innsbruck . An elderly couple from Tyrol was released from the university clinic on Thursday. The two infected with the coronavirus and therefore had the last 39 days on the corona special ward of the hospital spending. It is a 90-year-old man and his 83-year-old wife.

In both the disease took a rather mild course. "You have been with us since the opening of our ward and there is of course a certain connection," said nursing manager Stefan Pirchner to the Kronen-Zeitung.

Coronavirus in Austria: New infections in the country are currently low

Update of April 30, 10:34 am : There are currently 1,961 coronavirus cases in Austria (as of 10:00 am), the Ministry of Health announced. 500 patients currently have to be treated in the hospital. A total of 15,387 people have so far been tested positive for Covid-19. 555 people died. 

Since the new infections are currently low, Austria will loosen its strict corona rules from May 1st. The exit restriction is lifted. Everyone can get out. However, a minimum distance of one meter must be maintained. The mask requirement for shopping and public transport remains.

Public events with a maximum of ten participants - such as a yoga class in the park - are permitted. Up to 30 people can attend funerals.   

Update of April 29, 10:20 p.m .: Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has tied government aid to German Lufthansa in the corona crisis through Austria to strict conditions.

Corona virus in Austria: Brief support for Lufthansa is conditional

Background: In September 2019, Lufthansa took over the loss-making Austrian Airlines for 166 million euros - since then it has been the subsidiary of the largest European airline.

In the next few weeks, we as the federal government will take concrete measures to strengthen Austria as a business location and secure as many jobs as possible in our country.

- Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) April 29, 2020

“The owner is Lufthansa , a German company. We are therefore happy to enter into talks, ”said Kurz in an interview at PULS 24 with a view to the economic damage to Austrian Airlines caused by the coronavirus pandemic :“ But we have very clear conditions, very clear interests: that is Austria. These are the Austrian employees there. And that is the question of what advantages the Republic has of potential support. ”


Subsidiaries of German Lufthansa: Austrian Airlines.

© dpa / Unknown

What he could rule out, the 33-year-old head of government further stated, "that there will be financial support for a German company without benefits for the Republic of Austria ". 

At least he did not rule out participation in an aid package.

Corona crisis in Austria: border to Germany soon open again? 

First message from April 29: Austria wants to open the border to Germany again soon.

The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) explained this in an interview with Bild live . While initial restrictions continue to apply, particularly in southern Germany, the head of government from Vienna hereby announces the next step towards more normality in the Corona crisis .

Coronavirus pandemic in Austria: From easing to opening the border

“In our view, it is possible to open the border to Germany in the foreseeable future , but also to other neighboring countries, where the development is similarly good. If the situation in Germany and Austria is the same, it doesn't really matter whether someone is moving within Germany or to Austria and back again, ” Kurz explained in the online live interview - and said:“ This is actually very obvious . "


Chancellor of the Republic of Austria: Sebastian Kurz (left).

© dpa / Ronald Schlager

It is also obvious that behind Austria's efforts to deal with the corona virus is a look at its own tourism industry - 60 percent of all guests in the Alpine Republic come from the Federal Republic of Germany .

Corona virus in Austria: Briefly contradicts German Foreign Minister Maas

The German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) recently warned of similar-sounding suggestions from Vienna against a "European race" in the tourism sector. This can short not understand clearly.

"So there can be no question of an overbidding competition," said the only 33-year-old chancellor at Bild : "We will keep the borders closed to all countries that pose a threat to us."

Meanwhile, an explosive report from an intelligence document is causing a stir. Accordingly, China wanted to cover up the Corona outbreak and thus lie to the whole world.

pm with material from dpa and AFP

* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list picture: © dpa / Cai Yang

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-08

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