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German doctor in Sweden on the lack of restrictions: "It is too late for us to ..."


No restrictions were imposed in Sweden during the Corona crisis. This path was followed critically abroad. Apparently everything is geared towards rapid herd immunity.

No restrictions were imposed in Sweden during the Corona crisis. This path was followed critically abroad. Apparently everything is geared towards rapid herd immunity.

  • Compared to Germany and many other nations, Sweden waived restrictions in the Corona crisis.
  • The country from Scandinavia seems to have herd immunity.
  • A German doctor practicing in Sweden makes his assessment.

Munich - Germany is slowly returning to normal. But many are now wondering: have our politicians exaggerated their anti-corona measures ? Sweden is repeatedly referred to as an example, where, unlike in other EU countries , drastic measures have been dispensed with and the state has largely relied on the citizens' common sense in dealing with the hygiene regulations .

The World Health Organization (WHO) now even praised this course as a model for the return to normality after the lockdown. Were the Swedes smarter than us in the anti-corona fight ?

The tz also spoke to the German doctor Thomas Schimke , who emigrated 14 years ago to Pajala in Swedish Lapland. As chief physician in the local infirmary, Schimke is also responsible for four retirement homes in the region with 6,000 inhabitants.

Corona crisis: deaths per 100,000 inhabitants three times higher than in Germany

In Sweden, too, there is now a downward trend in the number of infected people and deaths . But with a total of 2941 corona deaths , the number of victims is much higher than in other Scandinavian countries such as Denmark (506) or Finland (252) (which have about half the population of Sweden). Based on 100,000 inhabitants, the number of corona deaths is 28.9, more than three times as high as in Germany at 8.6.

The number of infected people at 23,918 is not very meaningful because almost only seriously ill and sick staff are tested in Sweden . Compared to countries with rigid curfews, such as Italy or Spain, Sweden is doing well overall.

Corona crisis: Interview with a German doctor in Sweden

What are the Swedes doing differently?

Thomas Schimke: The German way was: full braking! With German thoroughness and sufficient testing options. The Swedes, however, braked very gently. In February our state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said that Sweden would not be affected by the pandemic - our Covid guru saw us north of the end of the world. Until the beginning of April, the only recommendation was to wash your hands thoroughly * and to stay at home if you had a cold problem . Very little was tested due to the lack of test capacities, almost not at all here in Pajala. For example, relatives who care for Covid 19 sufferers at home should still go to work even if they work in a nursing home or in a hospital! Restaurants, hairdressers, gyms and schools are open. Recently, however, an arm's length distance is recommended when visiting bars .

What are the consequences?


At home in Sweden: the German doctor Dr. Thomas Schimke is critical of the Scandinavian way.

© fkn

Schimke: Here in Pajala, for example, there was an - allowed - party for Easter , which led to a lot of sometimes serious illnesses with us. It is therefore not surprising that we have a high infection rate . A induce herd immunity is now an official part of the state epidemiological strategy. Research shows that around 20 percent of the population has antibodies . Unfortunately, we don't know much yet whether that really provides immunity. But we hope ... What bothers me the most: We doctors shouldn't speak directly to the Swedish media. Unlike in Germany, there is too little transparency and too little discussion about the enormous problems in health care.

What is missing?

Schimke: We do not have enough anesthetics and breathing tubes , there is a shortage of staff. The result: only under 80s and healthy over 60s can get ventilation!

There are experts who believe that thanks to herd immunity, a second wave of infections won't catch Sweden so hard ...

Schimke: Certainly, slow braking can also have advantages over the German version - full braking and now accelerating again. The fact is, however, that all of world science still knows very little . I want to put it this way: If you see something furry brown between the trees while walking in the forest, you can choose: hide because it could be a brown bear. Or you can go on looking for berries, because it's probably just an elk ...

How well prepared are you for the pandemic in the province?

Schimke: Officially, we only have two deaths in Pajala. But I can't know how other deaths, especially in old people's homes or home care, are related to Corona. I know about 50 cases with more severe courses , such as shortness of breath, and some sick people who had to be hospitalized in the clinic 150 kilometers away. Only a slight increase in the number of infections would mean that we have to do what is already common in Stockholm: triage * . That means: over 80-year-olds and over 60-year-olds with two relevant previous illnesses can be sorted out in favor of healthier people. Then there is only hope that there is enough morphine .

Only in a year or two will we really be able to judge whether the Swedish or German course against Corona was the more successful. What is your forecast?

Schimke: I honestly believe that it is too late for us in Sweden to hope for anything other than early herd immunity . I assume that Sweden will have significantly more deaths in international comparison . What worries me most is the uncertainty about long-term consequences * such as lung diseases , possibly even permanent damage. But of course one should not ignore other aspects such as the suffering of societies under strict curfews.

One argument against the German course is that we are only delaying the deaths - as soon as we loosen up again, the death rate * will rise to a Swedish level. Would you agree with that?

Schimke: In principle yes, but with more time you can equip yourself better - with medication, protective equipment *. Time is knowledge, and knowledge is power in the fight against an as yet largely unknown enemy Covid-19 * .

You can read about how Germany is being maneuvered by politics through the Corona crisis in our news ticker. A doctor was on the brink of a research breakthrough in the corona crisis - but then he was shot.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Interview: Klaus Rimpel

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-08

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