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Weather hammer in Bavaria: new snow in May - the temperature roller coaster follows at the weekend


Something has brewed: After early summer weather in Bavaria, the big change came. After snow and frost it could look different again at the weekend.

Something has brewed: After early summer weather in Bavaria, the big change came. After snow and frost it could look different again at the weekend.

  • The weather in Bavaria has been sunny, warm and early summer in the past few days.
  • With the ice saints comes the big change in the weather in Bavaria .
  • It gets cold , rainy, windy - and the DWD also issues a weather warning .
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Update from May 14, 7.53 a.m .:  Gray in gray and rainy starts Thursday (May 14) in many places in Bavaria . As the German Weather Service reports, there is only the chance of some sunny moments in the north of the Free State . Rain showers  have been announced throughout Bavaria for the day. 

Friday (May 15th) does not promise any improvement. It stays rainy in the night from Thursday to Friday. With a low of eight to one degree , ground frost can even occur locally . Only in northern Bavaria is it partly sunny during the day. 

The sun finally shows up again at the weekend - but the temperatures remain low. For Saturday (May 16), the lowest temperatures are between eight and two degrees. Sunday (May 17th) is a surprise . With maximum temperatures of 16 to 22 degrees, it gets warmer and sunnier again.

Weather hammer in Bavaria: New snow in May - weather service with warnings

Update from May 13, 9:17 a.m .: The German Weather Service has issued several warnings of storm gusts for the extreme south of Bavaria. Storm gusts of up to 65 km / h can occur at an altitude of 2000 meters. 

For the rest of the Free State, continuous rain can be expected, especially in the southern half. The south east can also prepare for a wet day. In the middle and in Franconia, however, it remains largely dry.

Weather hammer in Bavaria: New snow in May - frost temperatures even in big cities

Update from May 12, 10:10 a.m .: As predicted, it snowed in the higher elevations in Bavaria during the night to Tuesday . For example, there is fresh snow on the Herzogstand in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district, and it is white on Wallberg am Tegernsee as well. 

It was very cold in many places this morning . With temperatures around two degrees, some Bavarians shivered on their way to work. Freezing temperatures were even measured in Nuremberg : -2.6 degrees.

The rain is over for now, it stays dry but cold on Tuesday and the following days . It only gets warmer after the ice saints , which end on Friday.


Fresh snow covers the terrace of a hut in the Grasgehren ski area in the Oberallgäu.

© picture alliance / dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Update from May 12, 7.15 a.m .: As reported by the German Weather Service, the outermost edge of the Alps in Bavaria warns of light snowfall and slippery conditions. In congestion, the amount of snow can be up to 10 cm. In large parts of Franconia, the view is clouded by fog. The DWD has therefore issued an official warning of fog.

Overall, the temperatures in large parts of Bavaria have plummeted. During the day it gets mostly dry.

Update from May 11, 8:40 p.m .: The weather in the north of Bavaria also hit violent capers on Monday: In Upper Franconia - specifically in the Kronach district - snow even fell, as the news agency News5 reported.

Something similar could also bloom in the Bavarian Alpine foothills and the inhabitants of the mountain regions on Tuesday night. According to the German Weather Service, " light snowfall with quantities between one and five centimeters " is expected above 800 meters . Widespread smoothness can also be expected there. 

Thunderstorms hit Upper Bavaria surprisingly - "Violent bang" in Munich

Update of May 11, 19.30: The storm on Monday night have partly taken violently Upper Bavaria . In parts of the government district, trees were overturned and streets were flooded. 

A police spokesman reported some fallen trees in the Erding area . A spokesman for the local fire department control center said the storm had come unexpectedly and led to some operations. Among other things, because trees were on streets or streets were flooded. A spokesman for the Munich police reported individual branches on streets. The professional fire brigade in Munich had to deploy around 30 times. According to initial knowledge, no one was injured.

Due to the storm, some trains on the Südostbayernbahn failed , and the Bayerische Oberlandbahn also reported cancellations and delays. In Munich, due to strong winds, the rope of a crane at Ostbahnhof touches the overhead line - a "huge bang" and violent turbulence in the after-hours traffic of the S-Bahn Munich .

Weather in Bavaria: Official warning from the DWD - Thunderstorm over Upper Bavaria

Update from May 11, 4:25 pm: In large parts of Upper Bavaria, people have to be prepared for uncomfortable weather right now : The German Weather Service is currently warning of " strong thunderstorms " coming from the west , an official warning is in effect until 6:00 p.m. A little longer, until 8 p.m., gusts of wind of up to 60 km / h can be expected.


The DWD's storm warning on Monday evening.

© Screenshot-DWD

An area between the Swabian district of Ostallgäu , the southern edge of the district of Freising and the Berchtesgadener Land is affected , including the state capital of Munich . In the southwest, the storms subside somewhat earlier, around 5 p.m.

Weather overview from May 11th: Temperature drop: It's getting really cold in Bavaria - DWD issues further warning

Munich - In the past few days, people in Bavaria have been really spoiled by the weather . It was warm and sunny, and Mother's Day on Sunday could even be celebrated outdoors after a brief shower in the morning.

Weather change in Bavaria: ice saints bring ground frost on time

But that's the end for now. Weather experts forecast a massive change in the weather for the night from Monday to Tuesday , and the coming week will be cold, rainy and windy. This is not unusual: the ice saints are coming up this week.

According to the qualified meteorologist Dominik Jung from the Q.met weather service, a rain band will build up along the Main on Monday, which will then move southwards during the day. 

Weather: rain and even snow in Bavaria

Fortunately, many will say. After all, it is far too dry. However , in many places it will not stay when it rains . Everyone who lives at 500 to 700 meters must be prepared for snow .

It won't just be a few drops or flakes. “Regionally, 20 to 40 liters of precipitation per square meter are possible from Saarland, southern Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria to Thuringia and Saxony. Up to 50 liters of rain locally, ”wrote Jung in a message. 

Fall in temperature: Bavaria has to adjust to cold nights

The drop in temperature is clear and very noticeable. While it was really summery at the weekend with 25 degrees and above, the temperature rushes down by 20 and even more degrees. On Monday, the temperatures drop to 10 to 5 degrees, and it gets really cold at night .

Weather in Bavaria changes significantly: snow comes at night

"The coming night will bring snowflakes all the way down to the south, and tomorrow morning we will have ground frost and even air frost in many parts of the country, " said Jung. 

With rain and cold there is also wind , which will be somewhat stronger in places. The German Weather Service (DWD) warns for the Alpine districts of storm gusts above 1500 meters. Speeds between 60 km / h and 75 km / h, initially from the south, later from the northwest, can be expected. 

Ice Saints bring storm to Bavaria - sometimes with heavy gusts

"In exposed locations, severe gusts of wind of up to 90 km / h must be expected," said the DWD. In some foehn valleys, the wind refreshes properly, gusts  from the south can occur at speeds of up to 60 km / h. 

Weather in Bavaria: After the ice saints it gets warm again

On Tuesday, however, the spook will be over again, the weather calms down. But: it stays cold at around 10 degrees. As soon as the ice saints are over on Friday, the temperatures climb - as far as can be predicted at the moment - back up. Around 18 degrees should be reached on Sunday. And: it's getting sunny. 

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-14

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