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Cigar, alcohol and more: Corona scandal surrounding party of Prime Minister of EU country


Corona hotspots in Europe are slowly recovering from the strict lockdown. Austria is already one step ahead. In Romania, however, a "corona party" causes great trouble.

Corona hotspots in Europe are slowly recovering from the strict lockdown. Austria is already one step ahead. In Romania, however, a "corona party" causes great trouble.

  • The corona virus is putting many European countries to the test.
  • Corona hotspots such as Spain and Italy are slowly returning to normal.
  • Corona deaths in Russia hit a new high (May 29, 1:07 pm update)
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Germany on a map. The following recommendations for Corona protective measures * are currently available.

Update from May 30th, 8:24 pm: Monkeys are probably the most famous inhabitants of Gibraltar. The small country has now come up with a special protective measure to protect against a corona infection.

Update of May 30, 6.41 p.m .: Ludovic Orban , Prime Minister of Romania , has violated the self-established corona rules with several members of his cabinet . A photo shows the head of government in his office with four ministers smoking, drinking and without a protective mask. "So that's what happens in the prime minister's office. Are you ashamed," wrote opposition politician Eugen Teodorovici of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), who was one of the first to spread the image on social networks.

"Corona Party" in Romania - with cigar, alcohol and without masks

In addition to Orban , who is not related to the Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, you can also see Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu with a cigar in his hand. Bottles of alcohol are on the table. Orban told Mediafax news agency  that the picture was taken on May 25, his  57th birthday . "A couple of my colleagues visited me surprisingly. I offered them something to eat and a glass of wine, whiskey. We don't wear masks in the photo because we just finished eating," said Orban.


Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and several members of his cabinet violated the self-imposed Corona rules.

- Xy5Z89 (@ Xy5Z89) May 30, 2020

Former Prime Minister and current MEP Dacian Ciolos asked Orban to apologize. "Every wrong step undermines trust in the authorities when we need it most," he wrote on Facebook. The picture has already been taken up online in memes. It said, for example: "Romania's government, the only restaurant open during the pandemic."

Orban has now apologized. He admitted to having made a "human mistake". He wants to pay the fine for smoking in closed rooms - banned in Romania since 2016. Romania has registered 19,000 corona virus cases. In the country, a mask requirement applies in public buildings. Bars and restaurants are closed, but should be allowed to reopen from June 1st under strict rules.

Corona Hammer: Chancellor Kurz largely removes the obligation to wear a mask - infant dies from Covid-19

Update of May 30, 10:29 am : Although Europe, with just over 176,100 deaths (from almost 360,500 deceased worldwide) is still the most severely affected continent, the strict measures to contain the pandemic are being relaxed across borders - by further economic and social impacts better intercept. An overview:

  • France : In France, easing will come into effect on Tuesday, the luxury kuafhaus Galeries LaFayette has already reopened on Saturday, and public facilities such as the Louvre (from July 6) will be open again. Restaurants open from June 2nd.
  • Spain : Spain wants to enable swimming pools, theaters, museums, cinemas and shopping centers from Monday onwards - but only in some regions.
  • Austria : Austria's hotels have reopened since Friday, and by the middle of June, wearing a nose and throat protector should no longer be compulsory in public, and further restrictions in the catering sector will then also cease to apply .
  • Sweden : Outdoor sports competitions will be allowed again in Sweden from June 14th.
  • Turkey : Despite a further curfew at the weekend, mass prayers in mosques have again been allowed under certain conditions since Friday.

Coronavirus: In Switzerland, an infant dies as a result of Covid-19

Update of May 29, 18:28:  In  Switzerland  an infant from the effects of the first time  coronavirus  died.

The baby from the canton of Aargau was infected abroad, according to the information. There will now be further investigations. There was no information as to whether the infant already had previous illnesses. In Switzerland, more than 30,000 people have been infected with the corona virus, 1,650 of them died.

Corona in Austria: In short, the requirement for a mask largely abolishes - catering can also celebrate

Update from May 29, 2.10 p.m .: Austria - one of the role models for parts of German politics in the Corona crisis - has decided new, far-reaching easing: Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) announced on Friday afternoon an end for large parts of the mask requirement . At the same time, there are further freedoms in gastronomy .

As of June 15 the needs mouth-nose protection be worn compulsory only in three areas of life, explained briefly: in public transport , in the health sector - such as in pharmacies - as well as " services , in which the minimum distance can not be maintained" for example at the hairdresser . The obligation no longer applies in retail and for guests in restaurants.

"We are fully aware of the mask in particular: that was and is a cultural change for Austria, " emphasized Kurz. Now you can "take off the mask a little bit at a time", if not entirely. According to government information, there were only 27 new infections in Austria within 24 hours.

Also from June 15, the curfew in the catering trade will be "extended" to 1 a.m. A minimum distance of one meter must still be maintained between tables. How many people settle as a group around a table, however, should be “hosts decide together with the guests”, said Kurz.

Austria's chancellor also issued a warning to his compatriots. Infection numbers in the country have dropped “insanely fast” - but they could also rise just as quickly.

Corona deaths in Russia peak

Update of May 29, 12.45 p.m .: The number of corona deaths in Russia has increased dramatically compared to the previous day. The authorities said 232 deaths have been reported since Thursday in Moscow. On Thursday, the number was well below the victim mark; at 174. 

According to Johns Hopkins University (as of May 29, 12:56 p.m.), 387,623 people in Russia have been infected with Sars-CoV-2, and 4,374 have died in connection with Sars-CoV-2. Nationwide, 159,000 Covid-19 patients are considered to have recovered.

At the same time, there have recently been numerous media reports on allegedly beautiful statistics. The authorities vehemently reject this. Against this background, experts from the capital Moscow examined the deaths in April again and corrected the numbers slightly upwards. Around 756 deceased had been tested positive for the virus, but "other causes" had led to death. Initially, around 600 corona deaths were reported in April.

Corona in Europe: Austria vigorously warns of Italy - "is still a hotspot"

Update of May 28, 2:55 p.m .: Austria's Minister of Health Rudolf Anschober (Greens) is still critical of possible border openings to Italy due to the corona pandemic . "Italy is still a hotspot, although the situation has already improved in some regions and people are very committed," Anschober told the "Oberösterreichische Nachrichten" . "I am a big fan of freedom of travel, but we still have to be careful with Italy."

Austria wants to reopen its borders with numerous neighboring countries in the coming weeks. With regard to the borders with Italy and Slovenia , however, the government in Vienna recently expressed its reservations. Italy, in particular, is pressing for Austria to ease the situation so that tourism can pick up speed again. For its part, Italy wants to open its borders to EU citizens on June 3.

Meanwhile, South America is increasingly becoming the corona epicenter. 

Coronavirus: The number of Covid-19 deaths is increasing rapidly in Russia

Update of May 28, 1:20 p.m .:  According to the Johns Hopkins University, a total of 4124 people died in Russia as a result of an infection with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . There are said to be 174 new Covid 19 deaths within 24 hours. This reports in relation to the Coronavirus crisis center. Russia had the highest growth in deaths within a day.

In total, almost 380,000 people in Russia are infected with the corona virus. Russia continues to lag behind the USA and Brazil worldwide

Corona: Great Britain at the top worldwide with sad value - ahead of the USA and Germany

Update of May 28, 10:30 a.m .: According  to a report by the Financial Times, Great Britain is said to have the highest mortality rate worldwide in the corona crisis . This emerges from the evaluation of health data from a total of 19 countries for which "sufficient information is available to enable reliable comparisons to be made."

According to the report, the UK has had a total of 59,537 more deaths since March 20, 2020. This, in turn, indicates that the virus, whether extrapolated to one million people, directly or indirectly killed 891 people, the highest figure worldwide

Italy is in second place behind Great Britain,  according to the Financial Times . This is followed by Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands. According to a graphic, Germany is in 13th place, the USA just ahead of it in eleventh place.

The UK has suffered 60,000 excess deaths, directly or indirectly linked to Coronavirus, according to official figures.

Only the much larger US has had more.
UK has had the highest global excess death rate (per million)
And only Peru has had a higher increase in deaths

2 /

- Chris Giles (@ChrisGiles_) May 28, 2020

Update from May 27, 2.20 p.m .: Corona help is being fought for  in the EU . In the ZDF program Markus Lanz, an economist has now made serious accusations against Angela Merkel's federal government.

"I am in favor of: We should give Italy money straight away and say so. This will make it easier for us to get there, because they will then also know that they will be given money, ”said economist Daniel Stelter about the Merkel-Macron plan for 500 billion euros.

Update of May 26, 8:05 p.m .:  In the past few days, normality has returned to Spain , the country was severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic and imposed a more severe lockdown. 

With over 27,000 registered deaths , only four countries worldwide are ahead of Spain. The government ordered a particularly long ten-day mourning for the dead .

Corona easing: Spain orders ten-day mourning for the state

On Wednesday at 12 noon, the mourning began with a minute's silence across the country, the government said on Tuesday. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez will attend a ceremony at the Palacio de la Moncloa government headquarters in Madrid, government spokeswoman María Jesús Montero announced.

# ÚltimaHora El Gobierno decreta 10 días de luto estatal por las víctimas del # COVID19

- (@Consalud_es) May 26, 2020

The national flags are then set to half mast throughout Spain . Since the end of Francisco Franco's dictatorship between 1939 and 1975, there has been no lengthy state mourning in Spain. The government spokeswoman emphasized that eighty percent of the late Covid 19 patients were older than 70 years . In the second half of the 1970s the country, above all, would have helped these people to transform the former dictatorship into a democracy .

Corona loosening: Sweden cracks sad death toll - model failed? 

Update of May 25, 10:35 p.m .:  The Swedish health authorities registered 4029 deaths related to a corona infection until Monday . The rate of death at 40 per 100,000 population in Norway is significantly higher than the rate in Norway (4.4) or Germany (10). To date, around 34,000 corona infections have been reported in the Scandinavian country.  

There was no strict lockdown in Sweden , the only thing citizens were advised to do was keep their distance and wash their hands. The government also did not close the schools , unlike most European countries. The "Swedish Way" is extremely controversial. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnel l points out the declining deaths and contagions * in old people's homes and sees a positive development.

Special way in the Corona crisis: deaths in Sweden rise to over 4000

- StN_News (@StN_News) May 25, 2020

Corona easing: Spain corrects number of deaths 

Update of May 25, 9:15 p.m .:  The Spanish Ministry of Health corrected the corona numbers on Monday evening. Almost 2,000 fewer people are said to have died from the effects of an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. The data had been rechecked and the death toll is now 26,834. 

Some deaths are said to appear twice in the statistics. In other cases, contrary to what was originally assumed, there should be no infection with the novel virus. The number of all registered cases was corrected by 372 to 235,400 .

Corona loosening: Corona hotspots Italy and Spain loosen lockdown measures

Madrid / Rome - While the corona pandemic continues to be dramatic in Brazil and the United States, European trouble spots are slowly returning to normal. Spain and Italy have now decided to further relax the corona measures. 

Corona easing: Spain opens beaches - with conditions

Since Monday, May 25th, bathing has started on the beaches of some coastal regions of Spain , but the number of visitors is limited. In addition, there must be a distance of four meters between the parasols. The country, which is dominated by tourism, has also recently announced that foreign visitors will be able to enter again from July 1st. The two largest cities in Spain, Madrid and Barcelona, ​​also opened the parks and terraces of restaurants.

The number of infections and deaths measured daily in Spain decreased steadily , which is why the strict measures of the Corona hotspot could be relaxed. The country reported Monday the ninth day in a row with fewer than 100 Covid 19 deaths. The Ministry of Health registered a comparatively low value with 50 deaths within 24 hours . According to Johns Hopkins University, 28,752 Covid-19 patients have died in Spain so far  .

Corona loosening: Italy wants tens of thousands of volunteers to comply with distance rules

In Italy , too , the number of cases has been declining for a long time, which is why it was decided to further relax the measures. For example, swimming pools and gyms started operating again after the strict lockdown. Italy was considered the worst country in the world to be affected by the corona pandemic * for weeks before the strict measures took effect. To date, 32,877 people have died in Italy  as a result of a corona infection.


In Rome the people were bustling in the squares again.

© dpa / Cecilia Fabiano

The Italian government also drew attention to itself with a curious report . Around 60,000 volunteers are to the population now help the spacing rules to be observed during and after the output restrictions. The reason for this was pictures from Milan and Naples, where the first gatherings of people already formed on the first weekend after the easing. 

Francesco Boccia , Minister for Regional Affairs, condemned this behavior towards La Stampa newspaper .  "Those who are plunging into nightlife are betraying the victims who have brought millions of Italians," said Boccia. 

Virologist Hendrik Streeck does not expect a second wave of infections, but also sees no reason to give the all-clear.

Markus Söder responds to the question about the end of mandatory masking with an extreme answer.

A study examines the influence of the corona hotspot Ischgl on the infection rate in Germany - this is immense.

Virologist Christian Drosten praises the successful corona fight in Germany, but warns of a possible mutation of the virus.

After the summer holidays, many German students could be taught in club homes or exhibition halls.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list image: © Screenshot: Twitter

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-31

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