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After searching for days on the mountain: Dog Timmi found safe


Helmut Wiesmeth struggles when he reports how much help he has experienced in Kochel in the past few days. His missing dog Timmi was found on Saturday.

Helmut Wiesmeth struggles when he reports how much help he has experienced in Kochel in the past few days. His missing dog Timmi was found on Saturday.

+++ UPDATE JUNE 7th ++++ 

The shock was great when dog Timmi disappeared on a hike last Wednesday afternoon. Helmut Wiesmeth was with a mate while descending below the grass corner in the direction of the Geißalm when Timmi fell at the confluence of the climb from the Kotalm into a ditch to the Heckenbach. The dog is basically mountain-experienced, reports Wiesmeth on the phone. He believes that something had startled Timmi, because suddenly he was gone.

Even until Wednesday evening, Wiesmeth was looking for his dog. He received support from some Kochler Bergwacht members. As a private initiative, a drone was made available to search the ditch to the Heckenbach (on the north side of the Jochberg). Today we know that Timmi was there too. "Why we didn't see him remains a mystery," says Wiesmeth. He suspects that the sound of the drone scared the dog "so that he crouched in the area". 


Timmi crashed in this steep area.

© Wiesmeth

The reporting about the missing dog was circulating, some volunteers contacted Wiesmeth. The Ingolstadt-based company searched the pathless area on Heckenbach on Thursday with the support of the mountain rescue service, and the police and community were also informed. Wiesmeth had also designed posters to draw attention to the dog.

On Friday the weather was too bad for a search. "I sat at home all day, watched the webcam from the Herzogstand and studied maps," says Wiesmeth. Timmi has only been living with him and his wife for a year. The five-year-old mixed-breed dog originally comes from Romania, lived there on the street and came to Germany at the age of three. However, not every owner got along with him, so the dog ended up in the shelter again and again. "He is shy and suspicious of some people," says Wiesmeth. 

However, he had managed to build trust. "Timmi is a treasure of gold," says its owner. "We are a good team on the mountain." Throughout the day, he wondered whether Timmi had survived the crash - and how he was doing. "It is said that dogs can survive without food for about a week if they have enough water." 

Due to the national reporting, Joana Hoffmann from Mittenwald reported. She also comes from Ingolstadt and knows Christopher Lührs. The Bundeswehr member from Munich has ever saved a dog from a shortage of supplies. They made an appointment on Saturday at the scene of the accident. Lührs climbed into the ditch, secured himself, and then continued to abseil. A few minutes later the redemptive call came: Timmi has been found and he is alive. The dog was on a plateau in the demolition site that was sufficient for him and was not visible. He was doing relatively well, he only had minor injuries. 


Goodbye: Dog Timmi made a relatively good impression after his rescue. The photo shows Helmut Wiesmeth (right) and Joana Hoffmann with Christopher Lührs (center, crouching) and the Kochler Bergwacht members (from left) Max Köhler, Max Lantenhammer and Uli Rappolder.

© private

In the meantime, Uli Rappolder from Kochler Bergwacht had also arrived. He brought the weakened dog up onto the path, there was water and something to eat. "Timmi was then able to make the short connection to the mountain rescue vehicle," reports Wiesmeth. Downstairs in the parking lot, Wiesmeth thanked all helpers emotionally. Wiesmeth was also very touched on Sunday, when talking on the phone with the Tölz courier. "I made friends here at Kochelsee," says the pensioner. The fact that other people in their free time stood up for others on the mountain, even for dogs, had moved him a lot. "I will never forget that. My wife and I are very, very grateful. "

First report on Thursday June 4th:

Kochel am See - Volunteers searched for "Timmi" for hours, but did not discover the four-legged friend. Owner Helmut Wiesmeth from Ingolstadt still hopes that his dog will show up again.

Wiesmeth was out in the mountains on Wednesday with a friend and “Timmi”. On the way down from the Sonnenspitz towards Graseck, his dog suddenly made a "strange movement". His companion noticed this and made him aware of it, reports Wiesmeth. But when the Ingolstadt wanted to look after his four-legged friend, Timmi had disappeared. "It all happened so quickly, I looked to the left and then he was gone," explains Wismeth. That was on Wednesday between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.


There had been no sign of Timmi since Wednesday afternoon. With this poster, Helmut Wiesmeth asked for information.

© private 

Of course, he immediately looked for his dog and kept calling his name. His fellow migrant stopped where the dog had disappeared, hoping that "Timmi" would come back. But the wait was in vain. Finally, the hiking duo got help from locals. However, the volunteers also searched in vain for the mixed breed male until 10 p.m. The search continued on Thursday - also to no avail. Roland Stadler from Kochel am See was one of the helpers. "At the point where the dog has probably crashed, it goes quite deep down to the Heckenbach," he says on request. In his opinion, it is difficult to assess whether the dog could have survived the fall. "But we all keep our eyes open, Timmi," he says.

Wiesmeth himself drove back to Ingolstadt with a heavy heart on Thursday afternoon without his beloved Timmi. If you see the dog, please call 01 72/7 58 66 25. The six-year-old hybrid is about 50 centimeters tall and has white fur with brown and dark spots. "Timmi" wears anthracite-colored crockery and is generally quite shy.

Also read: 

Drama at the Herzogstand: Augsburg dies before the eyes of his family 

Kochler apartment building has problems with Telekom 

Corona madness at Lake Walchensee 

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-06-07

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