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Social measures, aid to companies ... Guerini (LREM) delivers to Macron its roadmap to end the crisis


The boss of LREM defended Sunday a check for 400 euros for the most disadvantaged and the opening of the RSA to those under 25, to the "Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI".

In full reflection on the political response to the crisis, Emmanuel Macron will be able to draw on the roadmap prepared by La République en Marche (LREM). " Social " and "activity support " measures , without "tax increases" or unraveling the reforms carried out, summed up on Sunday the party's number one, Stanislas Guerini, guest of the "Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro- LCI ”. His profession of faith is not only for a head of state wishing to "reinvent himself"  : it must also serve as a "sting of the majority", weakened exit from the first round of municipal elections and resignation about fifteen deputies of the LREM group, last month.

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To try to ward off the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic, the boss of the majority party first endeavors to put forward his most "precarious" "support" measures . 400 euros check to the poorest 10% of households, at an estimated cost of 3 billion euros; opening of active solidarity income (RSA) to those under 25 ...

For Stanislas Guerini, it is a question of "mobilizing all the devices". Including the participation tool, which he wishes to see developed in “small businesses” , in order to redistribute to the employees part of the profits made. Or “subsidized jobs”, on a “temporary” basis - in reverse of the position of the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire.

No withdrawal of ongoing reforms

Convinced that the “reconstruction plan” of the economy must “stand on its two legs, supply and demand” , the MP also urges the executive to take new pro-business measures. Among its priorities is the reduction of charges for companies in difficulty, "against (their) absolute commitment not to cut jobs" . Even see their total elimination on the first permanent contracts (CDI) signed, in order to "further open the job market to our young people" , wishes Stanislas Guerini.

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For the number one of the Walkers, the widening of the public deficit is a risk to run: the deputy refuses any increase in taxes. "Including symbolic," he said, ruling out the full reinstatement of the solidarity wealth tax (ISF), limited to real estate since January 1, 2018. According to him, the end of the crisis does not go through the cancellation of the reforms already carried out.

Or even those suspended during the crisis. Medically assisted procreation (PMA) "for all" must therefore be adopted "as soon as possible". As for pension reform, its "calendar" may be more "flexible" , but "its foundations" must be preserved. "First the project, then the question of people," insists the number one of the Walkers. Relegating to the rank of "secondary question" a possible change of prime minister.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-06-07

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