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One-year anniversary of the revision of the storm|The water gun vehicles were dispatched for 78 days and 135 sorties were on duty soaring last month


Hong Kong has experienced anti-revision laws over the past year, which has led to a number of fierce clashes between the police and the public. On August 25 last year, the police dispatched a crowd management special purpose vehicle (commonly known as a water gun) to cooperate with sharp armed armoured vehicles to disperse demonstrators in downtown. As of the end of May this year, the water cannons had dispatched a total of 78 days and 135 sorties. Among them, during the peak demonstration period in November, 19 and 35 sorties were dispatched, almost every two days. Entering 2020, due to the outbreak of new pneumonia, the Hong Kong government announced the implementation of the "restriction order" in February. The number of demonstration conflicts in Hong Kong in the first April was significantly reduced compared to last year, and the number of water gun vehicles dispatched also decreased accordingly. However, until the epidemic eased in May, and the National People's Congress passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", street conflict broke out again in Hong Kong, and the number of water cannon trucks returned to the level of the second half of last year, a total of 11 times and 14 sorties.

Social News

Author: Kong Fanxu

2020-06-11 21:15

Last update date: 2020-06-11 21:15

Hong Kong has experienced anti-revision laws over the past year, which has led to a number of fierce clashes between the police and the public. On August 25 last year, the police dispatched a crowd management special purpose vehicle (commonly known as a water gun) to cooperate with sharp armed armoured vehicles to disperse demonstrators in downtown. As of the end of May this year, the water cannons had dispatched a total of 78 days and 135 sorties. Among them, during the peak demonstration period in November, 19 and 35 sorties were dispatched, almost every two days.

Entering 2020, due to the outbreak of new pneumonia, the Hong Kong government announced the implementation of the "restriction order" in February. The number of demonstration conflicts in Hong Kong in the first April was significantly reduced compared to last year, and the number of water gun vehicles dispatched also decreased accordingly. However, until the epidemic eased in May, and the National People's Congress passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", street conflict broke out again in Hong Kong, and the number of water cannon trucks returned to the level of the second half of last year, a total of 11 times and 14 sorties.

August 25, 2019: Since the outbreak of anti-repair laws broke out in June, triggering a series of violent demonstrations, the "water cannon car" that the police bought for it was finally dispatched and appeared in front of others. The "Tsuen Kwai Tsing Parade Rally" held on that day evolved into a fierce police-civilian conflict. Two water cannon cars departed from the Fanling Police Mobile Force Headquarters to Tsuen Wan. At least two water cannons were fired during the "attendance". Since then, water cannon trucks have often appeared in demonstrations to disperse demonstrators and assemblers. (Profile picture/photo by Yu Junliang)




According to figures provided by the police, between August last year and May this year, water cannon cars were dispatched 78 times and 135 sorties, and armored vehicles were dispatched 80 times and 159 sorties. During the period from September to November last year, the water cannon was dispatched almost every two days. In November last year, Hong Kong experienced many days of the third major strike in Hong Kong, the CUHK incident, and the PolyU incident. Daily and 35 sorties, armored vehicles also had 19 sorties and 42 sorties.

October 20, 2019: The Democratic Front was originally scheduled to launch the Kowloon Parade. Although it was not approved by the police, a large number of demonstrators took to the streets. One of the demonstrators clashed with the police outside the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. When the police cleared the site, they used water cannon cars. The water column was once shot in the direction of the mosque. The ground inside the gate was blue. Some people outside the mosque were shot and fell. After the incident, Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue and the Police Commissioner Lu Weicong personally arrived at the mosque to meet with the dean and apologized for the incident. (Profile picture)

From February to April, only one day and one sorting were dispatched

Affected by the new Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, anti-repair routine demonstrations declined at the beginning of this year. Water gun vehicles and armored vehicles were only dispatched from February to April this year for one day and one sortie. However, in May, conflicts broke out again in many districts of Hong Kong, including 5.10 Mother's Day conflict, anti-"National Anthem Law" demonstrations and opposition to the establishment of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" demonstrations, etc. Water cannons were dispatched on the 11th and 14th , And the armored vehicles were dispatched 10 times and 15 sorties.

It is reported that in response to the redeployment of the "Wanderers" by the police in May, the anti-riot squad reverted to 6,000 during the heyday of last year, and the establishment of the "special mission police" has increased to 700. Before congesting roads, try to "slow down as fast as possible" and arm in high-risk areas to minimize the impact.

In the early years, the police spent 16.6 million yuan to buy three crowd management special-purpose vehicles commonly known as water guns. According to a document submitted by the Security Bureau to the Legislative Council, when the public riots caused serious casualties, property was destroyed extensively or was disrupted or illegally blocked by occupying the main road When traffic has a significant impact on public order or public safety, the police will consider deploying a water gun. However, in the past, water cannon trucks have been controversial in their operations. In October last year, the water cannon trucks fired blue water cannons in the direction of the Tsim Sha Tsui mosque. Dissatisfaction, the police need to apologize. So far, the complete guidelines for the use of water guns have never been published.

In addition, from June 9 last year to May 31 this year, the police demonstrated in anti-repair demonstrations that the Chinese Communist Party fired 19 rounds of live ammunition, 16,223 tear gas, 10,108 rubber bullets, and 2,033 issued bullets.

The first anniversary of the revision of the law|Thousands of juvenile minors were arrested 9 times, and Xiao Liusheng was arrested 4 times.

The first anniversary of the revision of the storm | Police riot equipment is doing its best to respond to conflicts

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law. Photo Gallery | Street conflict reappears, police deploy water cannons, tear gas to disperse

Water Cannon Car "Dye Blue" Mosque Rongle: Police Demands to Apologize Publicly Without Demonstrators

[10.20 march] Police water cannon shot at Tsim Sha Tsui mosque US "Washington Post" reported

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-06-11

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