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Call for testimonials: all the questions you ask yourself for your summer vacation


PRACTICAL - Will we be able to leave, what borders will be open, how to ensure that our accommodation meets health standards ... Ask us all your questions about your next vacation. The editorial staff of Figaro Voyage and its experts will respond to this in a dedicated article.

In France, in Europe, in the rest of the world ... Can we go this summer and where? Is it wise to book your vacation now? Is it necessary to take out insurance before leaving? How can you be sure that your means of transport or your accommodation meet health standards?

Ask journalists from the Figaro Tourism center any questions relating to your future trips at the following address: . Our experts will answer you in a dedicated article.

Your question or testimony must be written precisely. Please leave your contact details (an e-mail address you are viewing, your telephone number), so that we can contact you if we need additional information, as well as your nickname, if you wish your contribution to be anonymous.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-06-12

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