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Significant easing since Monday: Corona rules in Bavaria at a glance - this is now allowed again


New corona rules in Bavaria! These measures will change in the Free State on Monday, June 15th. There are far-reaching easing.

New corona rules in Bavaria! These measures will change in the Free State on Monday, June 15th. There are far-reaching easing.

  • Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder announced on Tuesday (May 5) far-reaching easing of the Corona * rules in Bavaria - this will continue in June.
  • The easing affects cinemas and theaters, among others.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the coronavirus *. You can also see the current number of cases in Germany as a map *. The most important thing about the topic is also available on our brand new Facebook page Corona News.

Update of June 13, 2020: Not only for cinemas and theaters, further easing of  the corona rules will come into force from Monday (June 15) . With the amendment to the corresponding Infection Protection Measures Ordinance of June 12th, the Free State will again allow more people for church services and outdoor gatherings (such as mourners at outdoor burials). Instead of the previous 50 people, 100 people can come together again. The corresponding paragraph in the wording: "The maximum number of participants outdoors is 100 people and a minimum distance of 1.5 m must always be maintained."

Corona rules in Bavaria at a glance: cinemas and borders - these easing now apply

Update from June 12: The easing of the corona measures will continue on Monday (June 15) in Bavaria. After restaurants, hotels and fitness studios it is now also the turn of theaters and cinemas. An overview .

What applies to cinemas, theaters and concert halls?

They may reopen from June 15th. However, as in gastronomy, hotels or outdoor pools, the usual safety precautions apply.

As far as face protection is concerned, stricter rules apply in cultural establishments than in inns or sports facilities: in theaters or cinemas , the mask must not only be worn when entering and leaving the premises and in the sanitary areas, but also during the screening in the auditorium. And this despite the fact that the audience is sitting at a distance and "is not talking because they are watching a film", as Thomas Negele, President of the leading organization of the film industry (Spio) in Wiesbaden criticizes. The staff also has a mouth-and-nose covering.

Up to 50 spectators are allowed to stay in closed rooms, up to 100 spectators are allowed at open air stages. Married couples and families can sit together. Otherwise, spaces between visitors must be kept free. In cinemas, the distance rules are just as easy to follow. In addition, visitors could leave the cinema hall via the emergency exit after the screening, for example, so as not to meet the spectators who come into the hall after them.

What does the relaxation mean for cinemas gastronomy?

In cinemas, restaurants are allowed to open again, but the sale of snacks, sweets and drinks to take away to the cinema hall is particularly important. "Cinemas do not live from admission, but from confectionery."

Bavaria's Corona timetable: We enable more normality with caution and prudence. From 2.6. open inside and outside until 10 p.m. From 8.6. start outdoor pools, fitness studios and dance schools, from 15.6. Theater and cinema. By July 1, all children should be back in the daycare.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) May 26, 2020

Corona loosening in Bavaria: The plan for universities, schools and kindergartens

What happens in universities and colleges?

According to the state government, lectures should continue to be ensured primarily through online teaching. In addition to the existing possibility of holding face-to-face events - for example if laboratory or work rooms are required - seminars with a maximum of 30 participants can also be held if the minimum distance is observed.

What easing are there for schools and daycare centers?

Before the Pentecost holidays, according to the Ministry of Culture, around half of all age groups were back at schools - now all pupils should go back to school on a weekly basis.

From Monday (June 15th) onwards, children who are required to go to school in the 2021/22 school year should also be allowed to go back to kindergarten . The same applies to children who are about to go to kindergarten - they can then go back to the crèche. This would enable around 80 percent of the children to visit their facilities again. This should be possible for everyone by July 1st.

What changes when traveling and at the borders?

From next Tuesday (June 16) on, normal operation will again largely prevail at the German national borders . EU citizens and Swiss nationals can then enter again unhindered, i.e. without controls and without quarantine regulations - with a few exceptions. 

What else is changing?

From Monday (June 15th), a mask is mandatory in the entire Bavarian state parliament . However, the AfD group has already announced that it will not implement them in its own offices and work areas. State President Ilse Aigner (CSU) announced that she would reserve the right to take further steps.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Further easing will come into force on June 8th

Update from June 7th: With the beginning of the Pentecost vacation the tourist life in Bavaria has started again. Hotels, campsites and mountain railways were allowed to reopen under hygiene regulations. From Monday (June 8th) there will be further relaxation of  the corona rules. An overview.

Relaxation of the corona rules in Bavaria: This applies to gyms, swimming pools, dance schools and sports

Loosening for gyms

Athletes can go back to the gyms from Monday - subject to conditions. A mask is required when entering and leaving the facilities and in the sanitary facilities . It must be ventilated regularly and sufficient disinfectants must be provided. In order to comply with distance regulations, some of the wardrobes in the changing areas and some of the permanently installed training equipment may remain locked, as a spokesman for the State Association for Bodybuilding, Fitness and Weight Training in Munich said. 

What applies to team sports?

In team sports , up to 20 people can be trained outdoors again. However, the names of the participants must be documented here and kept for four weeks so that the infection chains can be traced if necessary.

What are the rules for dance schools?

Dance schools are also allowed to reopen from Monday. However, dancing is only allowed with a permanent partner or without contact. Otherwise, the dance schools must adhere to the usual hygiene regulations and distance regulations , so when entering and leaving the facility and in the sanitary facilities, mouth-nose covers must be worn.

Loosening also for outdoor pools

Outdoor and beach pools are preparing for the start of the season - fewer visitors, distance and, in certain areas, a mask requirement. For example, only a third of the usual number of guests is allowed to go to the Schliersee lido , for example . * Normally it can accommodate up to 1200 visitors, as operator Tom Loch says. It is also open whether the water trampoline and other play equipment can be in the water. There are changing rooms outdoors, the large changing rooms remain closed. Toilets are disinfected regularly. "The personnel expenditure is greater and the number of visitors is reduced", summarizes Loch. There are no empirical values, you have to see whether that pays off. "It won't be a mega year, we are clear about that." The outdoor facilities of spa facilities may be reopened.

What is the schedule in the cultural sector?

Since May 30th there have been various educational offers with face-to-face courses. The next opening step will follow from June 15th: Concerts, theater and other cultural events are then permitted in closed rooms with up to 50 people, outdoors with up to 100 people. The audience must wear masks.

By the way: You can also get an overview of the current state of easing in all federal states from .

Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder announces far-reaching relaxation of the rules

Update from May 26, 2:21 p.m .: The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder announced on Tuesday (May 26) far-reaching easing of the coronavirus measures . In the second week of Pentecost ( June 8 ), outdoor pools are also to be opened. Even dance studios or gyms will then be able to open again. Theaters and cinemas in Bavaria are allowed to reopen from June 15 under strict hygiene and clearance requirements. Concerts and other cultural events should also be possible again

In catering the opening times from Pentecost (June 2) are to be adjusted - then to outdoors an opening to 22:00 be possible.

Bavaria's Corona timetable: We enable more normality with caution and prudence. From 2.6. open inside and outside until 10 p.m. From 8.6. start outdoor pools, fitness studios and dance schools, from 15.6. Theater and cinema. By July 1, all children should be back in the daycare.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) May 26, 2020

Update of May 25th: Today, Monday (May 25th), further easing of the corona measures will come into force. This should make life a little easier for stressed parents, children, landlords and people with relatives in need of care. An overview.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: These easing will apply in the catering trade from Monday (May 25th)

What's next with gastronomy?

After opening the beer gardens and restaurant terraces a week ago, the interiors now follow . The distance rules (1.50 meters) and a mask requirement also apply here as long as  you are not sitting at the table. In addition, one person per group must be registered. The opening hours have been relaxed . Local restaurants are allowed to open until 10 p.m., beer gardens are only open until 8 p.m.

The reason is that the government wanted to start carefully with the relaxation of the outside catering , as economics minister Hubert Aiwanger explained. The later the evening, the funnier it would be, he said - probably alluding to alcohol consumption - and that was better under control in indoor catering. If everything goes well, you will soon be able to sit outside until 10 p.m.

Read also:  Söder is asked about the end of the mask requirement in Bavaria - his answer shows the extreme way

Corona virus in Bavaria: Relaxation in child emergency care - this applies from Monday

Childcare - Is there still only emergency care? Who can go back?

Officially, the procedure is still called emergency care , but all preschool children can go back to kindergarten - even if their parents do not work in systemically relevant professions. Sibling children are also allowed to come, according to Family Minister Carolina Trautner , because this would not open up new infection chains. In addition, day care for the elderly can open again - with a maximum of ten children, who are looked after by two or three people. May continue also forest kindergartens and similar facilities where the children reside most of the time outdoors - without restricting the vintages.

Is the support running as before the corona pandemic?

No. Small and firm groups should continue to be formed. Children with symptoms of illness are not allowed to visit the facilities.

After the Pentecost break , there will be further easing, provided the infection numbers allow it. Then the future preschool children can go back to kindergartens and children who switch to kindergarten in autumn can go back to the crèche. At the same time, children from the second and third grades are allowed to attend the after-school care center.

Corona rules in Bavaria: These relaxations apply to old people's and nursing homes

Retirement and care homes in Bavaria: What will be loosened from Monday (May 25)?

The general admission freeze for old people's homes and nursing homes and for inpatient facilities for people with disabilities is lifted. The facilities should then decide for themselves whether new residents can move in, depending, among other things, on the local conditions, as Minister of Health Melanie Huml (CSU) explained. Every facility needs an individual protection concept.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Relaxation for hotels and the tourism industry will apply from May 30th

Relaxation in the Corona crisis: what about hotels and the tourism industry?

Hotels, guesthouses or holiday apartments are allowed to open from May 30th - just in time for the Pentecost weekend. This also applies to campsites, but the residential units must have their own sanitary facilities. In addition, the usual hygiene regulations , such as minimum clearance and, in some cases , mouth protection requirements apply . The company's own swimming pools, saunas, wellness and fitness areas remain closed.

Many other companies in the tourism industry can start again at Pentecost under certain conditions. Amusement parks can open their outside areas, city and guest tours are allowed, tourist bus and train traffic can start again and the cable cars start operating. The river and sea ​​shipping may transport guests again. The lock management also unlocks their properties at Pentecost. Only a few visitor magnets such as Neuschwanstein, Linderhof or the residences in Würzburg and Munich have to wait until after the long weekend and are only accessible again from June 2nd.

Even after the restrictions in the corona crisis were relaxed, the catering industry is in a dramatic situation. A wave of bankruptcy threatens. *

Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder announces opening of outdoor pools

Update of May 22:  Prime Minister Söder has announced the reopening of outdoor pools. In the course of easing the corona measures, many should be happy - despite strict rules.

Update of May 15: On Monday (May 18), further easing in the Corona crisis will come into force in Bavaria. An overview.

Corona loosening in Bavaria: rules for gastronomy and beer gardens

Who can open again from Monday?

First of all, gastronomy is allowed to open outside . These include beer gardens, host gardens or free bar areas. It must be locked at 8 p.m. Diner restaurants are allowed to open a week later (May 25) - until 10 p.m.

What are the rules for visiting restaurants?

The otherwise prescribed mouthguard may be removed from the table . People from two households can sit together. Otherwise the minimum distance of 1.50 meters applies. The service staff must wear a face mask, this is only mandatory in the kitchen if the minimum distance cannot be maintained.

According to the industry association Dehoga, a reservation makes sense, but is not absolutely necessary. In addition, arriving guests are placed by the staff and their personal details and telephone numbers are recorded. The latter is intended to ensure that chains of infection can be traced if the worst comes to the worst.

The beer gardens are also opening: the beer garden opening hours could be extended again in late May, despite Corona in Bavaria. Nevertheless, there is discussion between the CSU and Hubert Aiwanger. The joy of the innkeepers is also clouded by the new rules when opening the beer garden.

Corona virus rules in Bavaria: This is how it continues in schools

Who can go back to the classroom from Monday?

The lower classes will start again on Monday (May 18) . That means: first graders, the fifth grades of middle schools and the fifth and sixth grades at secondary schools and high schools are returning. At the business schools, depending on the type, the eighth, the seventh or even the sixth grade may go back. 

Will the lessons take place as usual again?

The timetables are streamlined and mostly reduced to the core subjects. Subjects such as sports, music or art often fail. Classes should also take place in divided learning groups that alternate on a weekly or daily basis. In weeks without face-to-face lessons, the students should then learn from home again.

You can find out how the first beer garden day at Tegernseer Bräustüberl went at * - you can get an impression of the restart in Munich at *.

Update from May 13, 1:58 pm:  Today, Wednesday (May 13), a far-reaching decision was made. The border, which was closed due to the corona pandemic, is to be fully reopened on June 15. This was confirmed by the Austrian chancellery of the Austrian news agency APA on Wednesday. Accordingly, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz advised on Tuesday (May 12).

Briefly announced in the Austrian program "10 to 10" on Tuesday (May 12) that both Germany and Switzerland are considering opening the borders again in June. The tourism industry can probably breathe a sigh of relief for now. According to the report, family visits between the border will soon be possible again.

By the way: You can find out which protective mask models work best against coronavirus infection at *.

Corona in Bavaria: Further relief comes into force “immediately”

Update May 12: A further relief in the Corona crisis comes into force “immediately” in the Free State: the number of mourners at outdoor burials is no longer as limited as before. The same requirements now apply as for services, said a spokesman for the Bavarian Ministry of Health. 

According to this, the maximum number of participants for open-air ceremonies is 50 people and a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must always be maintained. In buildings, the maximum number of guests depends on the number of places where a minimum distance of 2 meters can be maintained. To date, a maximum of 15 people have attended burials.

Also read:  BMW triggers a wave of indignation - will Söder's corona plans be thwarted?

The wait of many people comes to an end on Monday (May 18): The beer gardens in Bavaria are allowed to open again. A cult brewery from Munich has now surprised: It allows its businesses *.

In order to make life easier for people in the border region between Bavaria and Austria , further border crossings will be opened during the day from Wednesday . Travelers can now also cross the border between Breitenberg and Hinteranger, between Bad Füssing and Obernberg and between Passau-Voglau and Freinberg. The Oberjoch-Schattwald transition is opened in the Allgäu.

In some places the possibility of crossing the border, which is currently only possible in special cases, is also limited to certain groups of people . Only commuters residing or working in the municipalities of Großgmain (Austria), Bayerisch Gmain and Bad Reichenhall as well as pupils may use the border crossing there. Medical reasons are also permitted, as can regional delivery traffic as well as farmers and foresters.

Corona measures in Bavaria: Further easing since Monday, May 11th

Update, May 11:  From Monday (May 11), further easing will come into force in Bavaria . These affect, among other pupils and toddlers. The fourth and final classes will return to schools in 2021. In addition, extended care for kindergarten children starts . Even day care and parent-child small groups are allowed again. 

Public life continues to ramp up. From May 11, all shops in the Free State are allowed to reopen - as are zoos , libraries , museums and driving schools .

New corona plan for Bavaria: gastronomy, school, vacation - Söder with another change

Update from May 7th : A further easing will take effect on Friday, May 8th . As of tomorrow, several members of two households can meet again in Bavaria - both in private and in public spaces. State Chancellor Florian Herrmann (CSU) said on Thursday of the German Press Agency. By amending the relevant regulation, the Free State is already implementing a federal-state decision on Wednesday before the next cabinet meeting.

New corona plan for Bavaria: gastronomy, school, vacation - which is already valid from now on

Update, 5:36 p.m .: Bit by bit, Bavaria is loosening the restrictions and measures due to the Corona crisis. "Now is the right time for a careful opening," said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Munich. The state government has drawn up a concrete road map . A lot will change very soon.

  • So who is visiting the immediate family from May 6 allowed. The limitation of contact to a person outside of their own household continues to apply - with one change: The person can also be visited from May 6th .
  • As of May 9 and is then visited the nursing home and hospital of close relationship possible.
  • Far -reaching innovations have also been announced for schools and kindergartens . Accordingly , the return of the fourth grades and the final grades 2021 will take place from May 11th . Then extended day care, the start of day care and the parent-child small groups should also start. From May 18, 1st and 5th grades should also return, as well as 6th grades at high schools and secondary schools.
  • From May 11th, all shops, zoos, libraries, museums and driving schools will open in Bavaria .
  • There are also far-reaching loosenings for the catering trade : From May 18, the outside areas of dining rooms may reopen (until 8 p.m.). From May 25th onwards, those may open the interior again (until 10 p.m.). The hotel industry should open its doors from May 30th - a little too late for a Pentecost holiday, which could be possible elsewhere.

Bayernplan sets timelines: family visits possible from tomorrow, playgrounds open. From 9.5. Visit to homes. From 11.5. More emergency daycare, parent-child groups, museums, individual sports and at schools 4th grades and graduation in 2021. The regional infection situation is decisive.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) May 5, 2020

Before the planned beer garden opening after weeks of Corona closure, the operators in Munich are still waiting for important information. In many places it is unclear whether unlocking is worth it at all.

Corona loosening in Bavaria: Söder announces far-reaching loosening on Pk

Update of May 5, 12.45 p.m .: Munich - Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder announced on Tuesday in a press conference far-reaching easing of the corona rules in Bavaria. They apply to all areas of life.

Overall, the state government has now presented a long-term plan for the first time, which provides for gradual easing in public life until May 30. Longer timelines are supposed to give people and the economy prospects again. 

According to Söder, the final decision is based on the number of infections. If the numbers remain the same, the opening plan will continue. If the numbers increase, a new way of thinking. The most important points at a glance:

Corona loosening in Bavaria: exit restrictions will fall tomorrow (May 6)

Söder: “From Wednesday (May 6th) we will change the exit restriction into a contact restriction. That means for all of us: We can go out again. ”The contact restrictions and the minimum distance remain.

Corona rules in Bavaria from May 6th: Family can be visited again

Starting tomorrow, it is allowed to visit the family next to the one contact person: children, parents, grandparents. 

Retirement homes : Visits from Saturday / Sunday are again possible under certain conditions. However, it was only late because the homes should have time to prepare for the visits and take measures.

Corona loosening in Bavaria: three important dates for gastronomy and hotels in Bavaria

May 30th open hotels: Söder: "At Pentecost we will allow hotel and tourism, so from May 30th, Pentecost Saturday. Hotels may open under hygiene requirements. "

May 25th Restaurants open: Diner restaurants open. With very strict hygiene concepts. Limited number of guests. Keep distance. Zones for families. Mask for kitchen and waiter. Mask that you wear yourself when you come in to the square and go to the toilet.

Dining rooms are allowed to open until 10 p.m.

Despite Corona: beer gardens open in Bavaria

May 18, beer gardens and outdoor areas open : outdoor dining opens until 8 p.m. with similar clear hygiene requirements.

Culture and leisure : Museums and galleries open from May 11 under strict hygiene regulations.

Sports facilities: No team sports, but athletics and everywhere else where you are alone outside.

No decision is currently being made about theater.

Playgrounds and daycare centers in Bavaria will reopen from May 6th

Children: All playgrounds will be open from May 6th

Daycare centers : double-edged. Some parents are happy when they have childcare again. Others fear infection. 

By Pentecost, 50 percent of the children should go to daycare again. The following is added: family care groups and day care with a maximum of five children per group. From May 25th Then come all the preschool children and the forest kindergartens.

Schools in Bavaria will reopen from May 6th

School: worries are crossed. Some want to go back to school faster, others warn against it. Even before Pentecost, 50 percent of schoolchildren again. Then continue to expand bit by bit. 

Söder: “Nobody has to end badly because of Corona. Nobody has to stay seated because of Corona. Voluntary repetition is possible. Just as voluntary sitting. "

There will be a partial mask requirement in schools: "We do not make a mask in class, but a mask requirement at school, so, during the break, in the aisles on the toilet."

If the parents assess themselves as a risk group, they can continue to go digital and are supported. At least until Pentecost.

Holiday times remain, the holidays are not shortened.

Corona: The changes to the easing in Bavaria from April 30, 2020

Original article dated April 30: Berlin - Chancellor Angela Merkel consulted on Thursday April 30 in a top-level meeting with the federal and state governments * on how to proceed in the Corona crisis. The result: There will be further easing of existing measures in Germany . However, the competence in many areas lies with the federal states . Not all decisions of the federal government also apply to the Free State of Bavaria. *

After the easing in Germany on Thursday (see below), Markus Söder said in the subsequent press conference that a roadmap for the implementation of the decisions in Bavaria would be developed in the coming week . It is clear that Bavaria will continue to take a more cautious approach. 

Corona loosening: what applies to Bavaria?

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder already warned about the federal decisions: "We have achieved most, but some already want to leave the field and say the game is won," said Söder on Bayerischer Rundfunk , adding: "That's it unfortunately not so. ”Söder had previously admitted several times that it would loosen up more slowly in Bavaria than could be the case in other federal states. He now confirmed this again.

So what applies in Bavaria? Bavaria , for example, had the exit restrictions applicable in the Corona crisis two days before the summit in Berlinextended by one week until May 10th . Until then, the following rules apply in the Free State:

  • Sports and walks are allowed with a non-household person.
  • There is a requirement for a mask * from the age of six in public transport and in shops.
  • As of April 29, many retail stores opened. The sales area must be limited to 800 square meters. 
  • From May 4, services and meetings of up to 50 participants are allowed. In addition, hairdressers, foot care shops and physiotherapies open. 
  • From May 11, school openings are planned for final classes 2021 and fourth classes. 
  • Further concepts for relaxation for schools, restaurants, hotels, sports facilities and day care centers are to follow. 

We don't rush. Trade can open up to 800sqm, services are possible again from May 4th. Bavaria pays for closed midday care and day care as well as for day care centers. For gradual daycare and school openings, we wait for the federal recommendation.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 28, 2020

Read more:  Because Bavaria still has tougher corona measures than in other federal states, the owner of the Berkramerhof golf course is now taking a risky step.

Corona loosening in Bavaria: The innovations after the Merkel summit

The federal government now wants to further loosen the restrictions on public life due to the corona pandemic - albeit under strict conditions regarding the number of visitors, minimum distance (1.5 meters) and hygiene protection . Because the successes achieved so far in containing the corona pandemic have allowed "a gradual relaxation of the measures", says the draft resolution from the federal and state governments:

  • Services and other religious gatherings are to be allowed again
  • Cultural institutions should be allowed to receive visitors again
  • Also museums , zoos , botanical gardens and monuments are open to the public operating its doors, according to proposed resolution. 

Apart from these limited easing, the current corona requirements in Germany should remain in force at least until May 10th * . Chancellor and country heads want to decide on May 6 whether a "further major opening step" is possible afterwards. Until then, the federal and state ministers are to work out a concept for opening schools, day-care centers and sports facilities.

Researchers in Penzberg have probably made a breakthrough with a view to the corona virus. This could have consequences for the entire Free State and Germany. Markus Söder informs.

The 76 health offices in Bavaria have so far had a shadowy existence *. The corona crisis puts the authorities at the center of crisis management. Insights into a misunderstood facility.

Corona demos * took place in several Bavarian cities on Saturday (May 23) - but these were not the main problem for the police. The officials had a lot to do in Augsburg.

Virologist Hendrik Streeck does not expect a second wave of infection, but does not want to give the all-clear.

Markus Söder is asked about the end of the mask requirement and responds with an extreme answer.

According to a study, the corona hotspot Ischgl has an immense influence on the infection rate in Germany.

German students could be taught in clubhouses or exhibition halls after the summer holidays.

Edmund Stoiber spoke to about the effects of the corona virus in Bavaria.

rjs / afp

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Peter Kneffel

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-06-18

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