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Trust or Envy-"Second Return" after the National Security Law


National security legislation has continued to be debated in Hong Kong for 17 years, and it is still impossible to complete. In addition to the rising social turmoil, "self-determination" and "Hong Kong independence" consciousness in Hong Kong in recent years, the central government decided to take the initiative to enact legislation.

01 point of view

Written by: Yu Pinhai

2020-06-23 23:02

Date of last update: 2020-06-23 23:02

National security legislation has continued to be debated in Hong Kong for 17 years, and it still cannot be completed. In addition to the rising social turmoil, "self-determination" and "Hong Kong independence" awareness in Hong Kong in recent years, the central government decided to take the initiative to legislate. It is reported that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will complete its deliberations at the end of this month. The National Security Council of Minato City will take effect immediately after it is passed. This time, there is a major difference between the central legislation and the 2003 Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law. The implementation of the National Security Law is the responsibility of the Hong Kong judicial system. The chief executive is the main person in charge of Hong Kong’s national security mechanism. This arrangement relieves most Hong Kong people’s doubts, but the central legislation includes the establishment of a “National Security Agency” in Hong Kong and the appointment of a “National Security Advisor” A small number of cases will be transferred to mainland national security personnel due to "special circumstances". Such a structure will also make Hong Kong people worry again.

Slightly older Hong Kong people are familiar with the word "worry" because it has repeatedly appeared during the return of Hong Kong. From the beginning of the Sino-British negotiations in the early 1980s, the feelings of anxiety came one after another. In the early days, even because of anxiety, devaluation of the Hong Kong dollar, capital outflows, property prices plummeted, and supermarket snap-ups, etc.; Reappeared. After the reunification, anxiety has never diminished for some people. Whenever political disputes, large or small, occur, anxiety will become a common phrase in public opinion. Because of national security legislation in 2003, "anxiety" has once again become the mantra of citizens. Of course, politicians take advantage of opportunities to continue to strengthen their anxiety. The purpose is to consolidate their connection with the citizens and occupy the right to speak. This is a convenient means of electoral politics. Since then, anxiety has become the most commonly used weapon in Hong Kong politics. On the one hand, it has intensified the suspicion and prejudice between the citizens and the central government. On the other hand, it has solidified anxiety through distrust, and has gradually made "opposition politics" a mainstream form of Hong Kong politics.

The implementation of the National Security Law is the responsibility of the Hong Kong judicial system, and the chief executive is the main person responsible for Hong Kong’s national security mechanism. (Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

Resistance to trust only solidifies prejudice

The long-term conflict between Hong Kong and the central government stems from the relationship of suspicion, prejudice and mistrust between the two places. The result was last year’s anti-revision riots and the recent National People’s Congress national security legislation. Some politicians who once opposed 23 pieces of legislation have recently changed their position, thinking that Hong Kong’s own legislation may not be bad, but it has been unable to change the central government’s determination to legislate for Hong Kong. Even if Hong Kong makes its own legislation as soon as possible and fulfills its constitutional responsibilities, the Central Government will not withdraw or adjust this time the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District after the completion of legislation in Hong Kong. The reason is simple. If Hong Kong people have been lacking in trust in the mainland, the central government will also lose political trust in Hong Kong. The Central Government should of course understand the people’s sentiments in Hong Kong as much as possible, but Hong Kong society should also thoroughly review its suspicions and prejudices, seriously reflect on the need for mutual trust between the Central and Hong Kong and the reality and true meaning of “one country, two systems”, and clarify the relationship between national security and “one country, two systems” 1. What exactly should Hong Kong people think of their national security responsibilities and whether they really adhere to and believe in "one country, two systems". I firmly believe that political confrontation with the central government is by no means the original intention of the Hong Kong people. Many people who participated in the demonstrations of anti-revisionism just wanted to express their resentment and anger towards the Hong Kong government. The populist politicians thought they could use the theme to distort the "fugitive offenders regulations" into "send to China regulations", and even take risks to encourage social destruction and riots, to encourage foreign governments to sanction China, and to embark on the road of "rebellion" in disguise, but this is what Hong Kong people hope Politics of participation?

The political understanding of most people is shallow, and it may not be possible to see how politicians deliberately distort the source and nature of resentment and anger because of private interests, and induce the general public to point the finger at the central government, consolidate existing suspicions and prejudices, and directly intervene. The political struggle between the US sovereignty even intended to change the nature of the relationship between Hong Kong and the central government, embarking on a political path that runs counter to "one country, two systems", and as a result trampled on the "one country" red line. However, the cost of appointing others is heavy. When the central government exercises "full governance" under the unavoidable circumstances, the public can only helplessly feel compelled to be buried in the face of Taishan. Hong Kong people must reflect on whether they want to live and work in a stable society, or should they pursue the mirage of independent nation building? Should we maintain "one country, two systems", or indulge in the worry of "one country, one system", or even fantasize about "one country, one system" in Hong Kong? Is it to maintain national security, or to become a gap in national security?

National security is obviously based on one country. Britain’s national security will never be based on the interests of the United States. France’s national security also does not consider Germans’ requirements for security. Hong Kong does not have its own national security issues, as if New York or Tokyo would not discuss national security on their own, because neither is a country. Maintaining national security in Hong Kong is based on China's national identity. According to China's national security requirements, as a part of China, it participates in the construction of a national security system and assumes responsibility and plays a role. Some people think that "one country, two systems" means that Hong Kong and the central government have no contact outside of national defense and diplomacy. This is wrong. On the contrary, because of the fundamental principle of "one country" in "one country, two systems", Hong Kong must directly participate in the work of national security; as part of the "two systems", Hong Kong may appear in the form or procedure in the process of promoting national security The difference with inland cities, but in essence, is still part of the overall consideration of national security. Any imagination and behavior to break or divide the relationship between China and Hong Kong because of the "two systems" is meaningless. Some politicians hope that by confusing the relationship between national security and democracy and freedom, the general public will misunderstand national security and provoke the divisive relationship between Hong Kong and the central government. Such a move cannot succeed, it can only cause greater anxiety among the people of Hong Kong and cause social unrest. Hong Kong must establish its own basic understanding of the relationship between national security and "one country, two systems" in order to avoid external incitement and negative influence.

Hong Kong people must reflect on whether they want to maintain "one country, two systems", or indulge in the worries of "one country, one system", or even fantasize about "one country, one system" in Hong Kong? (China News Agency)

Say no to political speculation

Now Hong Kong does make many people uneasy, and their dreams are difficult to realize, but should they be politically speculative if they are frustrated with life? Obviously not, let alone hit the stone with eggs. The way to solve the problem should not only be hard work in the cause and strive for the realization of dreams, but also the promotion of the government's reform of the economy and people's livelihood, so that Hong Kong can truly become a place for Hong Kong people to settle down. National security and personal life are never one of the two choices. Only political speculators will take the opportunity to reverse right and wrong and fish in troubled waters. The central government’s strong legislation on national security is only part of the response to the provocation of political speculators. Measures to provoke chaos and countermeasures may come one after another, including amendments to the Basic Law. Everyone should think about it. If you turn a blind eye to the fundamental problems that jeopardize national security and Hong Kong’s interests, stand by and even cheer on you, thinking that you do not need to take responsibility without direct participation. Is this ambiguous and speculative attitude smart? Everyone should think hard about how to choose. Should we actively build a prosperous and stable Hong Kong, or should we embark on a dangerous road that is parting ways with the country? Should Hong Kong be the leader of China's opening up to the outside world, as a special administrative region sharing common honour and disgrace with the country, or should it be cut off from the country and compensate for the family and career of a small group of speculative politicians?

What has happened to the politics of Hong Kong in the past decade or so has made "Hong Kong independence" and radical politics the main political demands of young people, forcing the central government to make legislation immediately, and to put an end to the vicious political propositions, so that they are particularly conscious of Hong Kong people Is it completely disappeared from the consciousness of young people? Young people are in the development stage of thinking and judgment ability, and they do not have mature legal bearing capacity. The law even requires the appointment of guardians for minors. This is a normal trajectory in the growth process, not age discrimination. Young people are young people in the big family of Hong Kong. If we as adults are indifferent to their changes or even deliberately mislead them, we will commit a sinful mistake. On the other hand, if you only treat it with brutal force, you can't solve the problem at all. Hong Kong society must establish a consensus, work together to create an environment for young people, let them get rid of the political curse, actively understand Hong Kong's political positioning and the important role of "one country, two systems", re-establish the understanding of the relationship between the country and Hong Kong, and seriously establish the Chinese Identity is the only way in which Hong Kong can actively develop "one country, two systems" and Hong Kong people can become a group proud of China and internationally.

What has happened to the politics of Hong Kong in the past decade or so, so that "Hong Kong independence" and radical politics have become the main political demands of young people, forcing the central government to make legislation immediately? (Associated Press)

The starting point is three basic understandings

Hong Kong should start the "second return" with a new understanding of "one country, two systems." This is the only way out for Hong Kong to explore, and it must have a basic understanding of the ins and outs of Hong Kong's situation today. I think this basic understanding mainly revolves around three aspects.

First of all, "Hong Kong 01" emphasized from the beginning that "fairness and justice" is the bottom line that any modern society must adhere to. It can not only provide a happy life for citizens, but also a political lever to overthrow the illusion of prosperity. Hong Kong is a modern society on the surface. It is wealthy by any international standard for measuring wealth, but it cannot avoid long-term contradictions and turbulence. The reason is that there is no "fair and just" society in reality. Why can't American democracy and freedom solve racial discrimination? It is also because its system does not value "fairness and justice" at all. What the two have in common is that modernity and wealth cannot guarantee the prosperity and stability of society without the "fairness and justice"; if democracy and freedom are not built on "fairness and justice", racial discrimination and the conflict between the rich and the poor cannot be eased. How long can a society without fairness and justice maintain its illusion of prosperity? If wealth cannot be distributed effectively, can society be stable? Effective distribution is a rational distribution, not an even distribution, nor is it degraded by some as the planned economy of the Soviet Communist society. The market economy has never required most people to sacrifice their own interests. Some people selfishly distorted the free economy into a laissez-faire economy and deprived the majority of their interests from a small number of people. This is true treachery and hypocrisy. Reform and distribution is not just communism, but to let economic growth truly serve most people. Singapore and Germany have done a good job in this regard. The people of Hong Kong are arguably the most diligent employment group in the world. Even if the working hours are long and the wages are low, living in a small space, they will have no choice but to complain. When it is impossible to get a reasonable return for a long time, what is the guilt of expressing resentment and anger? I definitely do not agree with violence, but it is reasonable to complain about social injustice. Once chaos is created, the responsibility is inevitably and completely government. The lack of fairness and justice is the fundamental source of all contradictions in Hong Kong society. It has deteriorated into a virus that challenges economic and political stability. Without comprehensive reforms, all other efforts for stability will be mirrors.

Secondly, Hong Kong's politics has completely entered the populist stage, and it has become completely qualitative. It has formed a "hostile politics" model, which is not only a political offensive and defensive between the ruling party and the opposition party popular in the West, it even challenges the national sovereignty of Hong Kong. Some opposition politicians in Hong Kong have even ignored the principle of sovereignty, which has led to political speculation that tramples on the bottom line of "one country." They verbally insisted on "one country, two systems", but regarded Hong Kong politics as sovereign politics, ignoring Hong Kong as a "high degree of autonomy" special administrative region, and placed "Hong Kong people" and "Chinese people" on both sides of the dispute. The result was that the central government To exercise their sovereignty strongly, they can only avoid it embarrassingly. Democracy and freedom are the goals that most modern people strive for. Of course, it is reasonable and reasonable for Hong Kong people to fight for, but whether it is political speculation or unrealistic resistance, it is not conducive to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong and the development of a democratic system. "Hong Kong 01" advocates the establishment of "Hong Kong citizen" status to highlight the unique rights granted to Hong Kong people by "one country, two systems", but "Hong Kong citizen" must belong to the "Chinese citizen" family. Being the master of the country's "citizens" is based on the state, but as a city in a sovereign country, even if it is a "special administrative region", it will never have the same political power. Some politicians deliberately distort and confuse young people indiscriminately, attempt to antagonize Hong Kong and the mainland, tie Hong Kong to Sino-US politics, and willfully intervene in sovereign politics. How can the central government ignore it? If Hong Kong people do not realize that this is a matter of self-immolation, what reason should they use to blame the central government for setting up a national security law for Hong Kong? Whether the National Security Legislative Council restricts the democratic freedom and human rights protection that Hong Kong people value is of course everyone should be concerned. So far, various indications indicate that the Central Government insists on taking the utmost care of Hong Kong people’s doubts about legislation. In the context of such a complicated political situation in Hong Kong, this kind of trust has special significance and enlightenment, as long as it is carefully chewed and digested The central government's persistence and trust in "one country, two systems."

Finally, as a cosmopolitan city in Hong Kong, the citizens do not anticipate that the world has changed in recent years. World politics has been dominated by the West for nearly two hundred years. The gradual rise of China in the past few decades is challenging the original power structure. Past history shows that once the power structure changes, it is usually accompanied by the advent of war. Whether this time can be an exception depends on the maturity of the defending and rising powers. Ten years ago, the Obama administration announced that "return to Asia" was to contain China. Trump's "make America great again" also responded to China's rise. There is no suspense in the trade war between China and the United States in recent years. It is a containment battle. The ongoing technological warfare and national security struggle are the in-depth development of the containment battle. When cross-strait exchanges hit the rocks, Hong Kong's political turmoil, the United States actively intervened, and the attempt to take advantage of the opportunity to weaken China's revival momentum was obvious. It may not be true to blame the instability of Hong Kong on the dominance of foreign forces, but it is not a childish judgment to think that foreign forces have not contributed to the turmoil and robbed the fire. The central national security legislation is to defend as well as prevent. As a sovereign state, the Central Government has to legislate for Hong Kong’s national security because of anti-revisional riots, and comprehensively respond to threats from hostile political forces in the United States and other Western countries. It is understandable that this is the usual and necessary political and legal means of any mature country. Hong Kong should stick to its role as an international city, but if it ignores the change of power in the world’s political and economic landscape and ignores China’s rise and the restructuring of geopolitics, it will only be marginalized in the case of advancing and retreating, and the central government will directly assume its responsibility. Hong Kong's own work.

"Fairness and justice" is the bottom line that any modern society must adhere to. It can not only provide a happy life for citizens, but also be a political lever to overthrow the illusion of prosperity. (Profile picture / Photograph by Zheng Zifeng)

"One country, two systems" is still the solution

The rise of China will inevitably threaten the world order dominated by the West. More than one early warning friction will occur in history, and the actual situation proves that conflict cannot be avoided. As long as friction and conflict do not deteriorate into war, most people can still be relieved. As a part of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong people have asked other countries to intervene in China's internal affairs and even proposed sanctions against their own country. This is completely disregarding their political identity and completely contradicting the most basic political ethics of modern countries and citizens. This situation should definitely not be allowed to continue, nor can it use "one country, two systems" to refuse to assume responsibility for national security. Contradictions between countries are not much different from those between people. They are not only due to competing interests, but also because of misunderstandings, which may cause misunderstandings and have been in contact for a long time. If you uphold openness and tolerance, conflicts will eventually be resolved . Whether it is a fight for interests or a lack of understanding, to solve the problem, it must be thorough and comprehensive. The development of relations between countries has its own trajectory, both cooperation and struggle. National security legislation is a legal means to eliminate hidden dangers to the national security from within the country. It is also a warning to potential offenders to help them not to Fall into the French Open. If all countries insist on taking the interests of the people as the basis, abandon ideological prejudice, refuse to demonize the system that they do not agree with or are unfamiliar with, and do not underestimate the persistence of all parties in safeguarding their own interests, use great wisdom and courage to resolve conflicts, the world Peace is still just around the corner. If mankind cannot learn lessons from long years of war to reduce conflicts, it will only be a self-humiliation of human wisdom.

Many political groups in Hong Kong and the central government are extremely lacking in mutual trust. However, since the return of 23 years, Hong Kong’s lifestyle has not changed at all, social and political activities have blossomed, and even developed into a world-famous "demonstration capital", which is enough It proves that the central government is extremely restrained in handling Hong Kong affairs and respects "one country, two systems." If so, why has the trust between the two places continued to deteriorate? First of all, the new generation of traditional democratic parties deviate from the values ​​of consensus and compromise, and have no resistance to the populist politics that has arisen in recent years, or even be pinned by it, losing the political rationality that once relied on the respect of the citizens; at the same time, the populist political power is completely lacking Self-restraint, only knowing the worries of kidnapping Hong Kong people arbitrarily, trampling on the "one country" red line at will, just like the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution, without principle and morality, gradually changed from a xenophobic attitude that discriminated against mainlanders to a separation of dry ports , From "local" to "self-determination" and "Hong Kong independence". Under the influence of extreme ideology, the peaceful occupation became a riot in Mong Kok. Even the Citizen Party, which showed its professional image, proposed "Hong Kong self-determination." If both the legal elite and university professors can be used by populist politics and lose their direction and principles, it will be a matter of time before Hong Kong society moves towards extremism or anarchism. The central government has increased its vigilance, and proactive legislation will no longer be a trivial matter, or even due.

The implementation of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong is due to different social systems and lifestyles from the mainland. During the British colonial period, the British government had complete control over Hong Kong. The people of Hong Kong never questioned the colonial government’s arrangements for maintaining British national security. The British Government’s “Political Department” monitored civilian political forces and was not protested by democratic parties. After the reunification, Hong Kong people's awareness of democracy and freedom has increased and they are more sensitive to any measures that may affect democracy and freedom. This is progress. But as the center of economic and political exchanges between China and the West, the opportunities for the situation in Hong Kong directly affecting national security are also rising. During the return, the conflict of interest between China and the West was not obvious, and China's influence on the West was negligible. Today, the strength comparison between China and the West has completely changed. Hong Kong people should think about how to adapt. Everyone is not accustomed to this and it is understandable that many people’s unclear and unsteady awareness of the country is a fact, but even so, they cannot refuse to assume the responsibilities of the constitution and "one country, two systems."

No modern country will delegate the power of national security to a city, but the central government has entrusted the Hong Kong government with the major responsibility for national security enforcement and interrogation through national security legislation. This is a great trust considering the conflicts that have occurred in recent years. (Profile picture)

Work together to reform to eliminate suspicion and prejudice

Evasion is never a solution to the problem, and suspicion will only deepen and solidify existing prejudices. Since neither the Central Government nor the Hong Kong Government has correctly understood the challenges faced by Hong Kong after the return, the gap between the two places has not decreased due to the return. In fact, after China's return to Hong Kong, China has undergone tremendous changes and its economy has risen vigorously. The lives of Hong Kong people have been directly and indirectly dominated by the magnetism of the mainland economy, and the primary and secondary translocations have taken place. Hong Kong has always used the development of the country to create wealth for itself, but Hong Kong’s system has not effectively distributed wealth, and even intensified the structural inequities that existed before the return of Hong Kong, leaving young people unable to solve the challenges in life and career. If Hong Kong continues to deepen its economic connection with the Mainland, continue to leverage its advantages as China’s most open and free special administrative region, and promote reasonable and fair reforms to Hong Kong’s distribution system, Hong Kong will truly feel the sharing of its own interests, honor and shame with the country. . On the contrary, if we continue to persist in suspicion and prejudice, the anxiety of Hong Kong people will continue to rise, and any management means cannot avoid the deterioration of the situation.

Trust is an effective way to resolve power conflicts, especially between two groups with very different political ideologies. Because of the mistrust, there is a chance that some people can use it to achieve their own political goals. They go against the way, see the pin and continue to advocate the two regions. How to reverse the situation of mutual distrust is an urgent task that Hong Kong citizens and the central government should focus on. It directly affects the development and construction of "one country, two systems." No modern country will delegate the power of national security to a city, but the central government has entrusted the Hong Kong government with the major responsibility for national security enforcement and interrogation through national security legislation. Considering the conflicts that have occurred in recent years, this is a great trust; at the same time, The central authorities have retained the power to intervene because there is still some mistrust in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong society should use trust to give back to trust, to eliminate suspicion and resolve prejudice, including to completely eliminate the remaining concerns of the central government about Hong Kong. As long as you candidly understand the central government's insistence on "one country, two systems", and understand that the central government has always used various means to consolidate and develop Hong Kong's advantages, I hope that Hong Kong's prosperity and stability will be guaranteed, and realize that Hong Kong must strengthen social fairness and justice on the basis of the existing It is necessary to work together with the central government to promote reforms so that the accumulated sense of distrust can be completely resolved.

In the riots last year, some people hoped that the central government would use the People’s Liberation Army or the armed police to quell the turmoil in Hong Kong, thinking that this could prove the autocracy of the central government and even beautify it as a “speculation”, but nothing happened. After the riots, the central government still insisted on "one country, two systems". After formulating the national security law, it still relied on the judicial power of Hong Kong. From this point of view, it can be seen how absurd and low-level the "scramble" and how its advocates create lies and fake news. Determined to divide Hong Kong's internal unity. In fact, if you really want to "fry", it will only be "self-fried".

Misunderstanding can only be resolved through cognition. This is what Hong Kong people should insist on; refusing to cognize is an ostrich. It is even more sinful to deliberately intensify the problem and distort the facts. In the face of powerful political forces, in the end, you can only lift a stone and hit your feet . Most Hong Kong people do not want to see the central government formulate Hong Kong version of national security legislation, but it is estimated that more and more people will believe that the central government’s approach is reasonable and in line with Hong Kong’s overall interests, and they will start to realize that it is used to deal with extreme politics. Good medicine. Although Hong Kong is a small place, there are many people who have misunderstood the Central Government, but Hong Kong people do not lack wisdom. After a period of calm, everyone will see the facts behind the appearance of chaos. Can a politician with a narrow eye can see the politics here? Do you realize how small you are, or can you see the size of your opponent?

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Source: hk1

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