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Democratic primary election|Party friend Huang Guotong supports local Feng Dajun Huang Biyun: the party will deal with


Democratic primary elections are underway, and Democratic Party Member Huang Biyun announced that the election was urgent. She and the party’s chairman Hu Zhiwei and Tu Jinshen met with reporters outside Yuanzhou Square in Sham Shui Po today (12th). Huang Biyun said that the Democratic Party hopes that the Democrats will win 4 seats in Kowloon West to provide citizens with a broad political spectrum of choice. Regarding the Democratic Party member Huang Guotong's local candidate Feng Dajun's platform for the same district, she responded that the Democratic Party will deal with it later.

Political situation

Author: Zhen Yiheng

2020-07-12 17:36

Date of last update: 2020-07-12 17:36

Democratic primary elections are underway, and Democratic Party Member Huang Biyun announced that the election was urgent. She and the party’s chairman Hu Zhiwei and Tu Jinshen met with reporters outside Yuanzhou Square in Sham Shui Po today (12th). Huang Biyun said that the Democratic Party hopes that the Democrats will win 4 seats in Kowloon West to provide citizens with a broad political spectrum of choice.

Regarding the Democratic Party member Huang Guotong's local candidate Feng Dajun's platform for the same district, she responded that the Democratic Party will deal with it later.

Regarding local candidates criticizing her, Huang Biyun responded that each candidate has their own political opinions and does not think that the criticism reflects the situation of the Democratic Party. (Photo by Zhen Yiheng)

Cen Aohui is criticized as a "compromiser" Huang Biyun: Don't dig scars each other

Cen Aohui, a candidate for the "super area", canvassed for Zhang Kunyang in Kowloon West this morning, criticizing Huang Biyun for being a "compromiser" and "dumping and building", saying that she would "kick Huang Biyun away" and that she was not suitable for staying on the parliamentary front. .

Huang Biyun responded that he did not think that the relevant criticism reflected the situation of the Democratic Party. He emphasized that the Democratic Party was firm in the anti-amendment movement and opposed the evil law. The criticisms that do not represent the other party are facts. She said that the democrats now have no conditions for splitting and do not want to see abuses in the democratic camp again in the primary election.

Regarding Democratic District Councillor Huang Guotong as Feng Dajun's platform, Huang Biyun said that he hopes everyone understands that there will be exceptions in each election and emphasizes that the 16 Democratic District Councillors in Kowloon West support the Democratic Party and hope that the Democratic Party will handle the matter later.

As for the local candidates who said they would "clamp Qu Dao (Democratic Party) vote" after entering the Parliament, Tu Jinshen responded that only the Hong Kong people can "clamp" the Democratic Party's vote because the Legislative Council members are representatives of public opinion No one else, regime, party, etc. can force the Democratic Party to vote.

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Democrat Huang Biyun declared urgent. (Photo by Zhang Haowei)

Huang Biyun lags behind in response to polls: repeated votes appear

As for his backwardness in the opinion polls, Huang Biyun believes that there are firstly the phenomenon of fake account numbers, repeated voting, and "one person voted 4 votes". The primary election is one person, one vote, I believe the reality will be different. The second is that young people are more active online, and there will be a gap between the online world and the real world. Hu Zhiwei added that all polls need reference, and the Democratic Party’s actions have changed a lot from the past, and it must respond to the central government’s suppression of a high degree of autonomy in a resistance manner.

The Legislative Council Election 2020 Local Democrats Democrats Huang Biyun Tu Jinshen

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-07-12

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