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The Likud should fear a protest vote


Jacob Ahimeir"Boring won't be." These words were crowned with a list printed here two months ago (17.05). Today I strike for sin: I was wrong, and big time, on the eve of the establishment of the unity government. It was a headline whose wording was incorrect, in a light style, but mostly to say the least.  A government headed by two people so different in temperament, did it even have a low chance of "boring...

"Boring won't be." These words were crowned with a list printed here two months ago (17.05). Today I strike for sin: I was wrong, and big time, on the eve of the establishment of the unity government. It was a headline whose wording was incorrect, in a light style, but mostly to say the least. 

A government headed by two people so different in temperament, did it even have a low chance of "boring"? The nearer the exchange date, the greater the tension between them. Faced with the epidemic and the need to protect human life, the government had a good chance of functioning properly. After all, it was marked a target that had to be set. 

In the past, especially during emergencies or wartime, members of government knew how to rise. In the anxious moments before the Six Day War broke out, Menachem Begin offered to hand over the prime minister, or at least the Ministry of Defense, to his bitter rival David Ben-Gurion. Anyone who followed the hostility between the two just astonished. When Begin and Joseph Sapir were joined as members of the government during those waiting days in '67, they did not demand office responsibility and did not bargain for authority. And today? Remember the rationale that has been translated into public pressure on leadership these days: the people demanded unity as the plague spread. Unity government was formed. 

The IAF thought that in order to fight the epidemic, the necessity of forming a two-pronged unity government is urgent. A single captain is enough to ship. himself. Every day, Netanyahu had to cleanse the atmosphere, shun any idiotic statement from any of his ministers who uttered empty words, and mostly silly ones. 

Most importantly, the promises of financial compensation to the unemployed, to businesses, to the victims of the epidemic were not fulfilled at the time specified by Netanyahu. Sharon, at the time, knocked on the hood of a car to intensify his demand to speed up housing solutions for Gush Katif evacuees. And now, the continued existence of the government depends on the intensity of the outcry of employers whose downturn has broken. One of the screams had already swung in front of the camera with a tight, threatening punch. 

Heartbreaking cries emerge from the backgrounds as a plea for realization of aid promises. Failure to implement them would jeopardize the existence of the government. The polls also indicate that this mood is hurting public confidence in the prime minister. The trend may change if and when self-employed becomes aware that the promised aid amounts have been transferred to their accounts. Perhaps then there will be sighs of relief, and perhaps then he will also benefit Netanyahu, because the issue of elections will evaporate. Otherwise, during an election, there may be a protest vote of hundreds of thousands of unemployed, they and their families. That includes a mass protest of despair, burnt Likudniks, a vote that could disrupt Netanyahu's tenure.

For further opinions of Yaakov Ahimeir

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-07-12

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