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Hard crossing between Ginés González García and Adolfo Rubinstein due to the continuity of the quarantine


The Health Minister criticized the former Macrista official for saying that the Government is "trapped" in the restriction scheme and even disqualified him by mentioning that he faces "six legal cases."

08/11/2020 - 18:35

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The Minister of Health, Ginés González García, starred this Tuesday in a tough crossroads with the former Secretary of Health of the Cambiemos government Adolfo Rubinstein, whom he disqualified for warning that in the national government "they are no longer in love but 'trapped' in quarantine "against the coronavirus.

"Some former officials like Dr. Rubinstein, who played a very bad role and left Argentina without vaccines and without the Ministry of Health, now dare to say atrocities. To pay attention to him, some of his co-religionists (Governor Gerardo Morales ) took massive opening measures such as Jujuy. It did enough damage before so that it continues to do so now, "criticized González García.

The head of the health portfolio, in statements to Radio 10, warned that Rubinstein is now a "counselor" and also advised the Mendoza government. "He has not only been a lousy minister, but a worse former minister," said González García.

"I do not want to talk about other things, but he has six legal cases for what he did in this ministry. I think he is doing this to play the victim later . I find it inadmissible that a guy who leaves his government a few days before because they had lost the election now be the prophet of what to do, "added the Minister of Health. 

Later, Rubinstein took it upon himself to reject the questions. Speaking to Radio Con Vos, the former official said that he "regrets very much" González García's demonstrations and assured that "they are clearly not true." 

Later, he clarified that he does not intend to "enter into a personal dispute" with the Minister of Health because, he said, "the things he says do not make sense . " "Clearly they are not true, I explained them 20 times. But it does not make sense, because the subject does not go through this. I understand that you are very worried about the situation, that you are very pressured by the situation and it seems to me that they are unfortunate statements that I honestly think that if I reflected on it a little, I would not say it, "he evaluated.

Rubinstein recalled that he supported the implementation of the quarantine and that his criticisms of the continuation of the restrictions do not have to do with a question "neither ideological nor political."

"I absolutely supported the decision of the President (Alberto Fernández) when he put this on his shoulder, after two or three weeks where there was a lot of hesitation and even underestimation of the magnitude of the pandemic itself, including with statements from Ginés himself," he recalled.

Followed, Rubinstein reiterated that "quarantine is a limited resource that essentially delays the maturation of the epidemic to gain critical time and prepare the health system, which is what was done."

"What was not done, at the time it could have been done, is to prepare a strong community response. And that is what I question, primary care, more tests, more searches, isolation of the outbreaks. And this I have been saying. since the end of April, "he differentiated.

Rubinstein considered that the coronavirus vaccine "will not be" available in less than a year. "Today you have a country that is closed and at some point it has to be opened. The question that I ask myself and that society asks is until when?"


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-08-11

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