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Corona: Söder publishes video message and explains measures - "Get insulted for it ..."


Markus Söder calls for a uniform approach to the Corona crisis, but does not adhere to it himself. Bavaria's Prime Minister warns in a video message.

Markus Söder calls for a uniform approach to the Corona crisis, but does not adhere to it himself. Bavaria's Prime Minister warns in a video message.

  • The number of corona infections is increasing across Germany.
  • Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder had called for a uniform approach before the meeting of the state leaders with Angela Merkel, but then withdrew himself.
  • Söder warned in a video message on Twitter: “Corona is back. It just won't let us go. "
  • Here you can find the Corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Bavaria in a map. *

Update from August 29th, 9:19 am : "Corona is back. It just doesn't let us go. ”This is how Markus Söder begins a video address on Saturday morning. This was published on his Twitter account. Just as feared, the vacation has unfortunately turned into a risk. Therefore, now is the time to react to the increasing numbers of infections . “We mustn't bury our heads in the sand,” Söder continued. That is why the prime ministers met this week and that is why the Bavarian cabinet is making proposals on what can be done.

Caution and circumspection are the most important things - even at private parties . "We are no longer making any restrictions , but we kindly ask you to think carefully about how a private party takes place at home." It is also important there to keep distances and to ensure traceability. Söder also talks about the importance of masks: “The mask is ultimately the most harmless but most effective means we currently have. It's better to put on and use one more mask than the other way around risking a greater lockdown and infection. "

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Söder: "I sometimes get insulted for it ..."

The priority now is to get the rising numbers under control, and everything is to be done for this, as Söder explains further. “Despite some breakdowns , one thing is clear to us: We test more than others. And we offer this offer in a wide range. Such an offer is not available everywhere in Germany, especially for free. I am sometimes berated for why Bavaria offers free tests. Why are we doing this Because it is a service to all citizens that everyone knows that the state does not only impose restrictions. He also makes an offer to quickly find out what the situation is like. "

Video message: Corona is back. The most important thing now is to continue to be careful and careful. As a service offer, Bavaria continues to offer free tests for everyone.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) August 29, 2020

Coronavirus in Bavaria: travelers returning at the weekend - the military supports employees at test stations

Update August 28, 22:48: Also this weekend will be to Bavaria again limits many returning travelers expected. The military is now also deployed to support the employees at the corona test stations . Health Minister Melanie Huml said on Friday at the border crossings Hochfelln-Nord on the A8 and Donautal-Ost on the A3, the Bundeswehr will help. This should also relieve the Bavarian aid organizations that had helped with volunteers at the test stations over the past weekends.

School start in Bavaria: Markus Söder is thinking about corona measures in schools

Update August 28, 21:51: In less than two weeks is in Bavaria , the school off again. The state government is not yet sure how school will start. Prime Minister Markus Söder , for example, believes that a mask requirement in class is conceivable, as he is now in Nürnberger Nachrichtensaid. “We want regular lessons while protecting students and teachers at the same time. We're also talking about masks in class. The decision should be made by consensus. ”There will be talks with school representatives on this next Monday.

But before a final decision can be made, the experiences of other federal states should first be evaluated, said Söder . Regional differences in Bavaria should also be taken into account : "If there are no or few new infections, for example in the Rhön-Grabfeld district, the situation there is to be assessed differently than in Munich or Rosenheim, where the numbers are currently higher."

Corona in Bavaria: Munich administrative court overturns alcohol ban

Update from August 28th, 6:57 pm: The Munich Administrative Court at least partially overturned the alcohol ban in Munich on Friday afternoon . One man sued the measure and was right. Now he can consume alcohol in public places without fear of the consequences. The Bavarian Administrative Court will decide in the coming week whether the judgment will also be extended to the rest of Munich's population .

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter gave the following statement in response to the judgment : “As long as we do not have a final decision by the Bavarian Administrative Court , we assume the legality of our measures, which have also been agreed with the Ministry of Health, and will also carry them out. The decision of the Munich Administrative Court only relates to the ban on alcohol consumption - not to the ban on the sale of alcohol - and applies exclusively to the applicant as an individual and not to the general public. I have no reason to suspend execution just because of this first instance decision. Especially with regard to the court decision on the measures in Bamberg, which were confirmed in the second instance by the VGH. "

Corona virus in Bavaria: Free state wants to hire more staff to relieve district offices

Update from August 28, 5:31 p.m.: In order to quickly identify chains of infection in Bavaria and take action, the Free State wants to massively increase its staff by the end of 2021 . 700 people are to be hired on a temporary basis in order to replace existing forces such as civil servant candidates and employees from other areas of the state administration in the district offices who have helped in so-called contact tracing teams ( CTT ). A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health said on Friday that there should be one to four CTTs in every district office in the future . In addition, other employees from the state administration would be prepared for an assignment via online training as a precaution. "This guarantees that CTTs will continue to be in use at all district offices in Bavaria."

The contact tracing is an important instrument for the infection process curb, the spokeswoman said. Since the beginning of the corona pandemic , the public health service staff has been increased from 1150 to 5150 at short notice. Among them are staff from other departments as well as 240 medical students and more than 100 doctors.

Corona in Bavaria: In Munich, alcohol is now prohibited in public spaces

Update from 3.10 p.m .: In Munich, after a further  increase in the corona numbers  from Friday onwards, alcohol is prohibited  in public spaces at night  . The  early warning value  of 35 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was exceeded on Friday and was 35.27. "This means that the general  decree that we have issued comes  into force," said a spokesman for the city.

The  sale of alcohol  is therefore prohibited from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. In addition, alcohol may no longer be consumed in public places between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Exceptions apply to serving in restaurants and to approved events.

At 35.27, the # Corona incidence number for # Munich exceeded the signal value 35. From today, Friday, August 28th, there is a 7-day ban on the sale of alcohol (from 9 p.m.) and alcohol consumption (from 11 p.m.) in public spaces. More information at

- City of Munich (@StadtMuenchen) August 28, 2020

Citizens in custody for corona violations: Two Bavarians shoot the bird - Green politician foams

Update August 28, 6:06 a.m.: Because of violations of exit restrictions in Bavaria during the lockdown in the spring, the police took people into preventive detention nationwide in 191 cases . Although most of those affected were free after less than 24 hours, the arrests lasted significantly longer in various other cases - up to 17 days. This emerges from a response from the Interior Ministry to a request from the Greens in the state parliament.

Accordingly, a person affected in Augsburg had to be behind bars for 15 days because of 15 violations of the Infection Protection Act and disregard of dismissals - "he was completely unreasonable," says the ministry's response to the case. In Bamberg, an unteachable person had also repeatedly celebrated "corona parties" and violated the distance requirement for infection protection. He also said that there was “absolutely no awareness of wrongdoing”.

Corona Bavaria: Citizens must be detained for violations - "Completely unreasonable"

The statistics , which reaches 28 to date April, according to have been in other cases, people - including young people - trapped between a half and twelve days. According to the ministry, 42,245 reports of administrative offenses were made nationwide in the wake of the pandemic between the issuing of the exit restrictions on March 21 and the aforementioned deadline .

For the leader of the parliamentary group of the Greens , Katharina Schulze , the figures show that the police officers were “initially sent too sharply” by the state government, especially at the beginning of the exit restrictions, and therefore reacted too harshly “in some cases”. “It is unbelievable that it is not even known whether or not people who have been in custody for so long have had legal counsel. One youth was even imprisoned for almost two weeks. "

Corona rules not followed: Greens politicians complain of a disproportionate reaction in Bavaria

For Schulze it is therefore clear that the legal regulations, for example in the Police Task Act, urgently need to be adapted. "The Interior Ministry had already announced a reform bill for last November, which we are still waiting for."

Further: “Something like this must not be repeated. Such massive encroachments on fundamental rights - here people were locked away, sometimes for several days, who had not committed a crime - are not dealt with, not even in the event of a changing infection rate and other restrictions. "There are always other options, such as the use of conflict managers, the contact to the youth welfare office or even fines. "

In principle, everyone who has to be in preventive detention by the police has the right to seek advice from a lawyer. If he cannot afford this, a defense lawyer can be assigned to him on request .

Due to Corona, it has been mandatory to cover your mouth and nose on buses and trains for months. But many passengers ignore this protective measure *, even if violations cost 250 euros.

Corona in Bavaria: New numbers make the Free State a problem child - Söder does not go along with two Merkel points

Update from 9:50 p.m.: In German health authorities , 1492 new infections with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus were registered within the last 24 hours . This emerges from an evaluation by Focus Online. 492 new corona cases were reported from the Free State, as the Bavarian State Office for Health announced (as of August 27, 8 a.m.). In the other federal states, the number of new infections tended to decline.

In Bavaria, Upper Bavaria is particularly affected. 312 of the total of 492 new cases were located here. The administrative districts at a glance:

  • Upper Bavaria: +312 cases
  • Lower Bavaria: +32
  • Upper Palatinate: +44
  • Upper Franconia: +4
  • Middle Franconia: +28
  • Lower Franconia: +8
  • Swabia: +64

The current corona numbers already suggest the beginning of a second wave.

Corona in Bavaria: Prime Minister Söder is in favor of higher fines for violations of the mask requirement

Update from 6:06 p.m.: When asked about the planning uncertainty for schoolchildren and parents, Söder announces that they will consult again in Bavaria in the coming week to answer unresolved questions until school starts on September 8th. "In most of the countries we have already started school well and we are confident that we can do the same in Bavaria ."

Update of 18.00: After the press conference at the chancellery speaks Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) at . He suggests higher fines for mask refusers in Bavaria than the nationwide guideline of 50 euros. “I think higher fines are important. Especially when it comes to quarantine fines . That was certainly not the last word today, ”says the Munich regional chief.

Corona in Bavaria: Chancellor Merkel is currently ruling out new border controls

Update 17:55: No major events until the end of the year, stricter enforcement of the mask duty , and changes for returning travelers . We have summarized the corona measures decided on today for you here.

Update from 5:12 p.m.: This ends today's press conference . The Chancellor, Prime Minister Markus Söder and Peter Tschentscher leave the lectern.

Update from 5:05 p.m.: The Chancellor is asked whether the government is considering travel bans if citizens should not adhere to the travel warnings. Merkel invokes the citizens' personal responsibility and rules out the introduction of travel bans. Their implementation with the help of border controls alone is not desirable.

Corona in Germany: Söder confirmed - test strategy in Bavaria is retained for the time being

Update 16:59 : The Free State of Bavaria hold until October 1 to its strategy with free trials for returning travelers firmly says Söder. After that, the changes decided on today will be followed. Free tests for return travelers will then be abolished and travelers from risk areas will inevitably have to go into quarantine . The core task of the state is to protect the sensible from the unreasonable, concludes Söder . The federal states will still be fine-tuning the regulations. The Prime Minister did not say how these should look like ..

Update 16:55: The Prime Minister praised in terms of parties and private parties the measures taken by the individual municipalities measures, such as a night ban on alcohol, are a good way to parties to avoid, where it could lead to infections.

Update from 4:52 p.m.: Söder praises the agreement on a lower fine for violations of the mask requirement . "The mask is currently the only thing we have to fight Corona," said the Prime Minister .

Corona in Germany: Markus Söder praises "very intensive discussion" and warns of the number of infections

Update from 4:50 p.m.: The Chancellor is now followed by the Bavarian Prime Minister. Markus Söder speaks of a "very intensive discussion", from which, however, a common path emerged. The numbers are too high too early, says Söder with an outlook for the coming winter. You now have to lower the numbers again without running into a second lockdown.

Update from 4:43 p.m .: The possibility of free testing for vacationers from non- risk areas ends on September 15, as Merkel continues. Returnees from risk areas must go into quarantine. Travel to risk areas should be avoided. The test obligation for returnees from risk areas will remain in place for the next few weeks. You should go into a 14-day quarantine, which may only be left if a negative test is carried out from the fifth day.

Corona in Germany: minimum fine decided - only one federal state does not participate

Update from 4.38 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel opens the press conference. In view of the increased numbers, "we now have to make a fresh start." This challenge was faced today and the aim was to keep the health system strong in the pandemic.

"Consideration, prudence and caution" are the most important, additional opening steps cannot be justified at the moment. Distance must be maintained. The federal states have agreed on a minimum fine of 50 euros. Only Saxony-Anhalt does not follow suit.

Update from 4.34 p.m.: The press conference begins.

Update from 3:47 p.m .: The press conference with Angela Merkel has still not started. A statement is also expected from Markus Söder. When it will start is still unclear.

Update from 2:25 p.m.: The press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel has still not started after a video switch with the Prime Minister. The press conference was originally announced for 1 p.m.

New corona rules: Merkel and states agree - only Bavaria refuses on two points

Update from 1:35 p.m.: In Bavaria, violations of the mask requirement remain significantly more expensive than in the rest of Germany. According to information from the German Press Agency (dpa), even after the federal and state governments have agreed on a uniform minimum fine of 50 euros for violations, another 250 euros will be due. According to reports, there should continue to be the possibility in the Free State for travelers returning from non-risk areas to be tested directly free of charge at motorways, airports and train stations. In a resolution paper, the federal government proposes no longer offering free corona tests for travelers from non-risk areas from mid-September.

According to dpa information at their video conference at noon, the federal and state governments agreed to levy a fine of at least 50 euros for violations of the mask requirement. Only Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) announced that he did not want to implement the regulation in his country. Meanwhile, Angela Merkel will speak up again on Friday (August 28). Then the traditional summer PK is on the agenda

The federal-state talks on the #Corona measures are ongoing in the Chancellery. Chancellor #Merkel and MP @Markus_Soeder, who is chairman of the Prime Minister's Conference, consult with their colleagues via video link.

- Steffen Seibert (@RegSsprecher) August 27, 2020

Update from 1:11 p.m.: The press conference has not yet started. There is currently no more detailed information on how long it will take.

Update from 12.43 p.m .: Today the country leaders are meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel on the current Corona situation. The results of the meeting will be presented at a press conference. You can follow them here in the live ticker and stream from 1 p.m.

Update from 10:07 a.m.: Before discussing the corona strategy with Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Minister, Markus Söder called for long-term planning. "It would be good if we try to develop long-term management now ," he said with a view to dealing with travelers returning from risk areas on Thursday in the ZDF "Morgenmagazin".

Laboratories and also health services need a longer-term perspective for their work. The last change of course brought into play by Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) from mandatory tests to new quarantine regulations was "very quick". “That doesn't seem to be really well thought out,” said Söder.

Söder criticizes Spahn's Corona proposal - but is willing to compromise: "I totally understand if ..."

First report from August 27, 9:14 a.m .: Berlin - mask requirement, fines and permits for major events. According to Markus Söder *, all of this should depend on the regional level of infection in Germany . "I have total understanding when in a district in which the number of infections is very low that you don't automatically have to apply the same strict rules here as there, where they are developing very strongly," said the Bavarian Prime Minister on Wednesday evening on the ARD talk show "Maischberger" . He hoped that the federal and state governments could agree on a mechanism at their conference on Thursday that would make this possible.

Corona in Bavaria: Prime ministers discuss the procedure with Chancellor Angela Merkel

Söder stressed that he also a continuation of the Corona-test requirement for returning travelers hope. He thinks the plan submitted by Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn * (CDU) with the end of mandatory testing after the summer season is not correct. "That's why I hope that we will shed some light on tomorrow at the Prime Minister's Conference," said the CSU boss in the ARD talk.

However, Söder was willing to compress the question under certain conditions. Here "it would be important to me if a good quarantine regulation takes effect and the feasibility is guaranteed, then you can talk about other strategies," he emphasized. The quarantine regulation after the summer break, preferred by Spahn and the majority of the state health ministers instead of mandatory testing, could not be implemented sensibly. Therefore, at least "until a meaningful and comprehensible quarantine regulation" can be implemented, the mandatory tests must be adhered to. Otherwise, Germany is taking a very high risk when it comes to infections.

Country leaders meet with Chancellor Merkel: Are common standards for infection protection coming?

Today, Thursday (August 27), the country leaders want to discuss the next steps in the pandemic with Chancellor Angela Merkel * . Among other things, it is a matter of defining common standards for protection against infection , despite different levels of impact .

Today the Prime Minister's Conference: We need more uniform rules for Corona. Https://

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) August 27, 2020

Markus Söder again emphasized that he did not understand that the mandatory test for travelers returning from risk areas was introduced in many federal states much too late overnight only two weeks ago and thus for the end of the summer holidays and that they are now being said again that we want them replace with a “quarantine regulation that does not work in practice”. In the end, those returning to quarantine would also be a burden on taxpayers .

Corona tests at Bavarian airports and motorways: Almost 300,000 tests in the Free State

Almost 300,000 tests have been carried out in the Free State since the tests * began at airports, motorways and train stations . It shows that the positive rate is “excessively proportionally high”, said Söder. Around 60 percent of those tested are citizens from other federal states.

The reproduction number R is a central value for politicians and experts in the Corona crisis. What this is all about and why it is crucial in the fight against the coronavirus. * (Kam / dpa) * is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

You can always read all the news from Bavaria with us.

List of rubric lists: © Michele Tantussi / Reuters / Pool / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-08-30

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