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Berlusconi continues to fight coronavirus: statement of his doctor shocked - the mystery of infection remains open


Silvio Berlusconi has been fighting the corona virus for days. Now his doctor is shocking with a drastic statement. Italy is now puzzling over who infected the ex-head of government.

Silvio Berlusconi has been fighting the corona virus for days.

Now his doctor is shocking with a drastic statement.

Italy is now puzzling over who infected the ex-head of government.

  • The Italian ex-head of government Silvio Berlusconi is fighting against the corona virus.

  • His doctor thinks he would have died if he had been infected in March.

  • Italy is wondering who infected Berlusconi, who also received frequent visitors during the pandemic.

Update from September 11, 2020, 12:06 p.m.:

The doctor of




former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi

shocked now with a disturbing statement.

In his opinion, Berlusconi would have

died of

the disease in March or April

with a similar

corona infection


"The viral load in Berlusconi's nasopharyngeal swab was so high that it would certainly not have had such a happy ending in March or April as it is now," said Professor Alberto Zangrillo on TV channel



“Would it have killed him?

Absolutely yes, very likely yes, and he knows that. "


is in a "more than satisfactory" condition, said Zangrillo, who believes that his patient will recover soon.

On Wednesday he spoke to Berlusconi again and reported on his fight against the "hellish disease".

"It's the worst experience of my life," he said of his




Berlusconi donates ten million euros for an emergency hospital - months later he is infected with corona

First report from September 11, 2020:

Rome - It felt like an escape.

The government in Rome had just declared a state of emergency and established the first red zones in the country, when shocked Italy heard a familiar voice.

Silvio Berlusconi

said he was never as proud to be


as he is now


"May God help us," he said and donated ten million euros for the emergency hospital that

was to be built

in Milan


corona patients


The 83-year-old had long roped down from his villa in Arcore near Milan to his daughter's property near Nice.


Corona *


its course in Italy with over 280,000 infections and more than 35,000 deaths.

New infections remained low over the summer until the country was apparently fed up with keeping its distance in August * and the numbers rose.


had meanwhile moved to his luxury villa in Sardinia and was enjoying life there.

Until a week ago, the Corriere della Sera on page 1 headlined

“Berlusconi positive: I'm fine”


The four-time Prime Minister, who is still involved in Roman politics, had himself regularly tested out of concern about infection.

Corona infection: Berlusconi often received guests in his villa - now he is fighting against "devilish disease"

Apparently, as always, there was no lack of visits to the splendid Villa Certosa.

Friends, party comrades, family members came to the door.



is said to have


on August 14th


After many negative results, the

positive test

followed on September 2nd


First of all, the person concerned reassured them that he was doing very well and that he had no symptoms.

That fitted in with the image of the invincible, successful




likes to draw of himself.

Two days later, his personal physician, Alberto Zangrillo, advised him

to be hospitalized


The diagnosis: bilateral pneumonia, but without artificial respiration.

His condition is stable and gives no cause for concern, it is said to this day.

"I am fighting this diabolical disease," said


in a phone call with the senators from Forza Italia on Tuesday.

When news of the infection made the rounds, politicians responded with rare expressions of solidarity.

Even the protest party Five Star Movement wanted the fastest possible recovery.

Who knows what words the disciples of the star founder Beppe Grillo Berlusconi used in the past had to rub their eyes.

Luca Zingaretti, head of the Social Democrats who has recovered from Corona, also wished them a speedy recovery.

Corona positive: Who infected Silvio Berlusconi?

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

reported personally.

The question remains who




Ultimately, the politician could have fallen into the trap that many experts warn against: It is currently mainly the younger ones who are infected and thus pose a risk for the older generation.

Initially, the suspicion fell on the former

Formula 1 manager Flavio Briatore

, who had visited Berlusconi in Sardinia in mid-August and later tested positive.

Briatores Nobel Disco Billionaire in Porto Cervo turned out to be a large

corona contagion *


Then Berlusconi's children from their second marriage,

Barbara (36) and Luigi (31)

, came into focus, who had been infected during a pleasure trip on Capri. Even


new girlfriend, the

Forza Italia deputy Marta Fascina (30

), has


. The family peace seems permanently disturbed. "Someone behaved irresponsibly," Berlusconi's firstborn

Marina (54) is

said to have scolded. The matter is particularly fatal for the reputation of Berlusconi's personal physician Zangrillo, head of intensive care medicine at the San Raffaele Hospital. He had declared the virus "clinically dead" in June. (Julius Müller-Meinigen)

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-09-12

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