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Researchers discover evidence of life on Venus: "It was a shock for us"


Two research teams independently discovered signs of life on Venus. Alien microbes could dwell in the planet's clouds.

Two research teams independently discovered signs of life on Venus.

Alien microbes could dwell in the planet's clouds.

  • Scientists have found signs of life on Venus.

  • The gas phosphine was detected in the atmosphere.

  • Alien microbes could have created the rare gas.


- Anyone who has dealt a little with our

neighboring planets

knows that conditions prevail on almost all of them that make


there virtually impossible.

This is what people thought about our direct neighbor


for a long time


A surface temperature of 400 degrees and a pressure of 90 bar do not exactly invite you to linger.

In addition, the

atmosphere of

the second


in the solar system consists of 95 percent carbon dioxide and the clouds are saturated with corrosive sulfuric acid.

But it was precisely under these hellish conditions that researchers discovered the

gas phosphine

- an indication of

extraterrestrial life


Life on Venus: Rare gas also exists on Earth

"When we saw the first signs of


in the

Venusian atmosphere

in the measurement results

, it was a shock for us" - says Jane Greaves, astrobiologist at

Cardiff University

and head of the international research team on



gas was

detected by the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii

as early as 2017


It is located in the upper

atmosphere of



, where it is a pleasant 30 degrees and the pressure is only one bar like on earth.

But the scientists were skeptical.

The aim was to check whether


could not have been produced by other events such as volcanic eruptions or lightning in the



But they found so much of it there that other causes could be ruled out.

In 2019 there was the second confirmation of the

gas discovery

through measurements by the ALMA telescope network of the European Southern Observatory in Chile.

Today's Big Space Story: scientists detect an unusual gas in the atmosphere of Venus that * might * indicate life, pending more study.

I'm especially excited by the potential parallels to recent research on the surprising prevalence & importance of microbial life in Earth's clouds

- Ferris Jabr (@ferrisjabr) September 14, 2020


is a rare



It only arises when a phosphorus atom combines with three hydrogen atoms.

But there is, as on earth, unbound oxygen in the


, then it combines more quickly with the phosphorus.



can only be produced artificially.

On earth, for example, it has been found in the subsurface of moors, in the intestines of fish or in the excrement of penguins.

Scientists consider

phosphine to be

an important part of the metabolism of life beings that do not need oxygen and therefore it is considered a

biomarker for life

on other planets.

Life on Venus: Microbes in the atmosphere could secrete phosphine

A few decades ago astronomers discovered

dark spots

in the ultraviolet light spectrum of the





Scientists are now speculating that there could be large clusters of floating



The little creatures would have to be very tough.

The sulfuric acid content there is 90 percent.

On earth,



at five percent.

In order to finally determine whether there is




, a

probe has

to visit the planet.

Russia is planning such a mission for the year 2026 or 2031. A balloon could then be stowed on board the Venera-D probe, which can

collect samples

in the upper



There are already plans to work with NASA on this project.


Recently, NASA was amazed when an asteroid flew close to Earth.

Not so long ago, an ESA probe took breathtaking images of the sun's surface.

List of rubric lists: © DB ESA / picture alliance

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-09-15

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