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Donald Trump's corona infection: all the news in the update


Bill Stepien is organizing the US president's election campaign - and could have contracted the corona virus from him. And: Twitter wants to delete death wishes to Trump. The news at a glance.

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Trump's campaign manager Bill Stepien tested positive for Corona


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Twitter wants to delete death wishes to Trump

11:00 a.m.:

Twitter will delete all tweets in which US President Donald Trump is wished to die after his corona infection.

Twitter referred to its current house rules on Saturday night after a media report.

Accordingly, death, serious physical harm or a fatal illness should not be wished for anyone.

At the same time, Twitter restricted that this did not automatically mean blocking the accounts of the users concerned.

After Trump's corona infection became known, there were many reactions on Twitter.

Who tested positive in Trump's environment?

10:20 a.m.:

After US President Donald Trump's corona infection, his

campaign manager Bill Stepien also

tested positive for the new virus.

The 42-year-old has mild, flu-like symptoms and is in quarantine, said the campaign team.

The leader of the Republican Party,

Ronna McDaniel

, and Trump's ex-advisor

Kellyanne Conway

, also made public that they had tested positive for Corona.

The introduction of Trump's candidate for the US Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, in the garden of the White House last Saturday, is receiving increased attention.

More than 100 people had gathered there in a confined space.

The photos and video recordings show that many did not wear masks and did not keep their distance.

Corona tests have been positive for at least six of those present: In addition to Trump, his wife Melania and ex-advisor Conway, these are Senators 

Mike Lee


Thom Tillis

and the President of the Catholic University of Notre Dame,

John Jenkins


Three journalists reporting from the White House are also said to have tested positive.

Because of Trump's corona infection, numerous tests were carried out around the president.

According to media reports, Trump traveled to an event to raise campaign funds this week after his close confidante Hope Hicks was diagnosed with a corona infection.

The White House said the president's contacts are now being followed up.

Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Health Secretary Alex Azar and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said their corona tests were negative.

No infection was found in Trump's daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner either.

The couple also work as counselors in the White House.

According to the White House, judge Amy Coney Barrett, who was nominated by Trump for the vacant post at the Supreme Court, also tested negative. 

Corona with Donald Trump: a sick president, three scenarios

10.15 a.m.:

Donald Trump's corona infection messes up the American election campaign.

Both the US President and his opponent Joe Biden could benefit.

But a state crisis is also conceivable.

Read here how things could go on in the USA after Trump's corona infection.

Trump is confident

10:10 a.m.:

US President Donald Trump will spend the coming nights at the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, north of Washington.

According to official information, this is a precautionary measure.

As he left the White House, Trump showed the journalists present a thumb and waved and then walked across the lawn to the helicopter waiting a few meters away.

Trump wore a suit and tie and mouth and nose protection and was accompanied by employees who also wore masks. 

Trump himself expressed confidence in a short video on Twitter.

"Thanks for the great support. I think I'm fine. But we want to make sure everything goes well."

His wife Melania is also doing well, he said in the 18-second clip.

Trump is being treated with remdisivir

10.00 a.m.:

US President Donald Trump is being treated with the drug Remdesivir for his coronavirus infection.

That came out on Friday evening from a letter from his personal physician Sean Conley, a few hours after Trump was taken to the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda north of Washington.

Trump is doing "very well", he does not need any oxygen supply, wrote his doctor.

He started therapy with remdesivir, took a first dose and was resting.

Doctors see Remdesivir, which was originally developed to treat Ebola, not as a panacea for Covid-19 disease, but often as helpful.

According to the manufacturer, the drug can significantly reduce the risk of death in the event of a severe course of the corona disease Covid-19.

Trump announced shortly after midnight on Friday that he had contracted the corona virus.

The White House called the hospital transfer a precautionary measure.

Personal physician Conley wrote that he had recommended this in consultation with specialists from Walter Reed Hospital and from Johns Hopkins University.

At 74, Trump belongs to the risk group.

Icon: The mirror

ptz / dpa / AFP / Reuters

Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2020-10-03

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