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The woman who puts too much salt in food just so they won't forget to give her a tip - Walla! The digital gemara


A large rabbi who used to dine at a particular restaurant discovered that the restaurant owner one day put more salt in the food just so he would leave her a tip. How did it end?

The woman who puts too much salt in food just so they won't forget to give her a tip

A large rabbi who used to dine at a particular restaurant discovered that the restaurant owner one day put more salt in the food just so he would leave her a tip.

How did it end?

The woman who puts too much salt in food just so they won't forget to give her a tip

Eruvin Tractate Daf Ng (Photography and Editing: Walla! NEWS)

The Talmud tells a story told by the holy Tanna Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah, who was a great sage and known for his wisdom even among the nations of the world.

He said: I once stayed in a hotel.

The owner of the place cooked legumes for me.

It was delicious and I finished the whole dish.

Also on the second day I finished the delicious food.

On the third day the food was salty, and I ate nothing.

The cook asked me, "Why don't you eat?".

Rabbi Yehoshua said that he did not want to offend her and said to her, "I have already eaten today, and I am full."

Then she said to me, he testified, "Rabbi, I thought you left the food because in the previous two days you finished the whole dish, and the sages said: you have to leave some food for the waiter, it was the tip of the day, and I thought because yesterday and Tuesday you did not leave food at all. Leave a lot of food as compensation "

Now Rabbi Yehoshua realized that she had put salt in the food to remind him that he had forgotten to leave a tip.

How Jewish wisdom was in this woman?

She did not cook legumes, she cooked the morals of the mind for all generations.

What gentleness, what wisdom, what cleverness.

Sitting with her in a large restaurant of the generation, she sees that he has forgotten to observe a Jewish custom.

On the one hand, the situation needs to be rectified.

A Jew does not let another Jew fall.

Just as you do not let someone drown, so you do not let them fall spiritually. 

Leave the food on a plate.


Illustration (Photo: ShutterStock)

Restaurant (Photo: ShutterStock)

But what do you do?

Will she wake him?

it's inappropriate.

So she did it indirectly, in a way that has no comment or criticism, on the contrary.

She said to him: Rabbi, I am sure you remember this halakhah so now you have left another dish.

Can we not use this patent? 

Rabbi Chaim David Kowalski, presenter of the

digital gemara,

explained that this can also be applied to life itself.

He said, "Why say to the child: I'm angry at you for beating David? You can say: I'm sure you're sad because you beat David, because you have a golden heart and it's hard for you to see someone else suffer, let's give you a hug and calm you down. Why say to the employee: Not again Did you fill out the daily report? 

"After all, we can tell him: I'm so sure that if only you could you would have filled out the daily report, and just because you have too many tasks you have not been able to meet that task either.

Let's go over your agenda together and see what can be taken away from you so that you can meet this task.

Do you know which employee you will get?

A new person, a person who is valued, a person who feels that they are not suspected of trying to overlap and trying to resign from tasks. "

The food was too salty.

Illustration (Photo: ShutterStock)

Pepper and salt shaker (Photo: ShutterStock)

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This is a project in which you will watch a daily video clip based on the daily page presented by Rabbi Kowalski, founder and head of the Daf Yomi daily organization.

As part of this, each person can be part of hundreds of thousands in Israel and around the world who make sure to regularly study one page of Gemara a day, by watching a short daily video clip.

The section on how to compliment instead of constructive criticism is based on the daily page in Tractate Eruvin, page Ng, and is also published in full on the Digital Gemara website.

In this section, you will meet daily at significant and fascinating points related to daily life, based on the daily study of the Gemara.

The project is free of charge for its participants.

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