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The bar's friends mourn: "Even when he worked in Rabin's office, he thought like a journalist" - Walla! news


Shimon Shebes and Micha Goldman, who accompanied the bar from his days as a journalist to his days as the prime minister's secret man, told about the talented journalist and speechwriter they knew. "He was sharp and curious, and wanted to know everything," Shebes said. "A professional who acted in a very considered manner and a gifted writer," Goldman added

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The bar's friends mourn: "Even when he worked in Rabin's office, he thought like a journalist."

Shimon Shebes and Micha Goldman, who accompanied the bar from his days as a journalist to his days as the prime minister's secret man, told about the talented journalist and speechwriter they knew.

"He was sharp and curious, and wanted to know everything," Shebes said.

"A professional who acted in a very considered manner and a gifted writer," Goldman added


  • Ethan the bar

  • Shimon Shebes

  • Micha Goldman

Eli Ashkenazi

Wednesday, 07 October 2020, 22:00

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In the video: Eitan Haber announces Rabin's death (courtesy here 11, Israel Broadcasting Corporation)

The news of the death of journalist Eitan Haber was sadly received by his friends and acquaintances, as some of his closest friends from his days in the political system and the press systems mourned him.

Shimon Shebes, former director general of the Prime Minister's Office who is with the bar on the team closest to Yitzhak Rabin, said that "Eitan was a real professional.

He was a real journalist.

Even when he worked in Rabin's bureau, he was considered a journalist. The

acquaintance between them began in the late 1970s, when Shebs was chairman of the Golan Heights Local Committee and Bar was a military correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth. "He was curious, inquisitive and wanted to know everything," continued Shebes. "A sharp, serious and intelligent man and a man who always knew how to write the exact word, at the right time and in the right place."

According to Shebes, the qualities of The bar was expressed in three main areas: “He would write speeches by grace.

His speeches were written out of a historical-national sense, and he would express Israeliness and Judaism in them, and he would take care of every word. "He said," The written word was of special value to him. "

"Writes with grace," the friends say of him.

Eitan Haber (Photo: Shai Oknin)

He cited the speech of the late Prime Minister in the US Congress ("I am a personal number A30743 - Yitzhak Rabin ...") as the most prominent speech in his opinion that Bar wrote for Rabin.

Shebes further noted the bar’s special talent as being behind organizing significant events.

He said, "He had a very developed historical sense, and that's what really stood out in him."

Another talent that Shebes credited to the bar was his ability to organize important classes.

"I especially remember the organization of Rabin's visit to Auschwitz on Holocaust Day in 1993 - a ceremony with which the brain was behind it, and it was he who gave the ceremony its historical significance," Shebes recalled.

"Another significant event was the ceremony in the Arava, where the peace agreement with Jordan was signed."

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Shimon Shebes and Eitan Haber with Yitzhak Rabin on a flight to the north, November 1992 (Photo: Saar Yaakov, GPO)

Shebes also spoke about the bar’s exceptional wording capabilities, which were reflected in the reply letters sent from the Prime Minister’s Office to citizens who approached him.

According to him, the members of the Rabin bureau knew how to work as an orderly team.

"There were debates in which different opinions arose, but these were factual debates in which we could speak openly, even if we did not think the same thing," Shebes explained.

The assassination of Rabin on November 4, 1995, was described by Shebes as the fault line of all the bureau's employees.

"We were all broken after the murder," he said.

"Our whole life has changed from that evening onwards, and this shadow of murder has accompanied him to the end of his life and will continue to accompany me to the end of my life as well."

Micha Goldman, who was part of what was defined as the Rabin camp in the Labor Party and who was the deputy minister of education in the Rabin government, remembers the great appreciation he had for the bar as a Yedioth Ahronoth military correspondent.

He said, "He knew how to create a lot of trust among defense ministers and senior military personnel, and he had an open door to their offices. Therefore, Rabin also took him to the defense minister's office as a communications adviser, because he knew he had someone to trust."

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Journalist Eitan Haber, who served as head of the Rabin bureau, passed away at the age of 80

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"Ethan was a very humble man."

Micha Goldman (Photo: Moshe Shai, Flash 90)

He added that "the bar was a professional who acted in a very considered manner and was a gifted writer in both Hebrew and English."

"He was very reliable and did not round corners. He used to say sharp and clear things, even if at first they were not easy. In the long run, it strengthened Rabin's credibility."

Goldman also noted that "Eitan knew how to read Rabin in an excellent way, which is one of the reasons why the famous speech in Congress is considered such a good speech."

He said, "Eitan was a very modest man, who did not put himself in the center, and as head of the bureau he always tried to ensure that only those who needed him were near Rabin. He kept him."

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Source: walla

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