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Corona in Austria: Numbers are increasing again - German travel warning hits popular destinations hard


The number of corona infections in Austria is again in the four-digit range. Despite the worrying incidence, there is also a “good part of negative news.

The number of corona infections in Austria is again in the four-digit range.

Despite the worrying incidence, there is also a “good part of negative news.

  • Coronavirus pandemic

    : The

    RKI has been

    warning of parts of



    Covid-19 hotspots

    since September


  • Many vacationers are


    canceling their trips because of the


    * travel warning.

  • The

    Salzburg Easter Festival is

    already adapting its program.


    news ticker

    is updated regularly.

Update from October 7, 5:02 p.m

.: The number of corona infections in


has risen again (

see previous update


Accordingly, the threshold of 50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded within seven days across Austria and in most federal states - which has far-reaching consequences.

Because in Germany this value is considered decisive for travel warnings.


website of the Foreign Office

currently states: "

 Due to the high number of infections, we are currently warning against

unnecessary tourist trips to the federal states of




 (with the exception of the Jungholz community) and


(with the exception of the Kleinwalsertal / Mittelberg community)."


travel warnings that

have been


are not to be equated with a travel ban, but they are a major problem for local tourism.

The economy is suffering and worries about missing vacationers.

The situation is viewed critically, particularly in regions that are heavily dependent on foreign winter tourists.

In the federal states of




for example, Germans recently made up more than half of the winter guests.

Politicians are therefore looking for solutions on how restaurateurs, hoteliers and co. Can be saved from financial ruin.

The Austrian government is also negotiating with the German authorities about the applicable travel warnings.

Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger

(ÖVP) said on Wednesday that the goal would be comparable requirements across Europe.

Corona in Austria: Incidence critical - politicians see "good part of negative news"

Update from October 7th, 3:54 pm

: Austria's Minister of Health

Rudolf Anschober

is currently waiting with pessimistic tones: "It is to be feared that the number of infections will rise sharply in large parts of Europe," the

Green politician




When looking at the current number of cases, the 59-year-old is now right - also and especially with





On Wednesday, the Alpine republic reported

1,029 new Covid-19 cases


More than 40 percent of them (427) come from



The capital remains the country's corona focal point.


Lower Austria


Upper Austria

(141) and


(123), equally high increases were recorded.


Austria's Minister of Health Rudolf Anschober (r.) Illustrates the expected increase in corona with graphics - the Green politician was right.

© Robert Jaeger / APA / dpa

All in all, the number of active cases has increased by 13 percent, the number of intensive care patients by 11 percent and the number of hospitalizations by 6 percent, as an analysis by shows.



, the corona situation has recently deteriorated significantly.

Since September the 14-day incidence of the WHO in the 9-million-inhabitant country has been over 100. It is currently a worrying 113 (for comparison: Germany has 36).

Nonetheless, there is now positive news.

Most of the current new infections include people in the "Contact Person 1" category, i.e. people from the immediate vicinity of a

Covid 19 patient


This means that chains of infection can be traced more easily and thus stopped earlier.

At the same time, superspreader events such as weddings or soccer games seem to play a subordinate role at the moment.

In view of the significantly increased corona numbers, this is only "the good part of the negative news," as



Coronavirus in Austria: Salzburg Easter Festival adjust program - security concept presented

Update from October 7th, 1:45 p.m.:


Salzburg Easter Festival is

already adapting its program for the coming spring to the corona situation.

The opera



Anna Netrebko

and the

Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden

will be given in the form of a concert, announced the festival.

“We decided not to want to do without this great work entirely, but to take account of the current uncertain situation,” explained the artistic director Christian Thielemann, who will also conduct the Puccini work.

The allocation of seats for the Easter Festival, which

takes place


March 27th to April 5th,

should be based on the

security concept of

the Salzburg Festival in August.


1,400 tickets are to be


per performance

, which can guarantee the safety of the guests.

A planned chamber concert in the Museum der Moderne and a children's concert will be postponed to 2022.

The rest of the program, including concerts by the violinist Hilary Hahn, the pianists Denis Matsuev and Sir András Schiff and the conductor Philippe Herreweghe with his Collegium Vocale Gent, remains unchanged.

Corona pandemic in Austria: The Covid 19 measures are tightened at Lake Neusiedl

Update from October 6th, 10:45 p.m

.: It is one of the most popular recreation areas in



Lake Neusiedl

, around 60 kilometers southeast of



Mainly the city dwellers are drawn here.


According to the news portal, the

district of

Neusiedl am See


now been set to the orange warning level (high risk)

by the

Corona traffic light commission


Means: Tightened measures to contain the insidious

corona virus are

taking effect.

Specifically: Events with more than 250 people in closed rooms and with more than 500 people outdoors will be prohibited from Wednesday.

Only employees of the company concerned are allowed to eat in company canteens, and at sporting events the bar must close after the game.


Popular recreation area in Austria: Lake Neusiedl.

© Popp & Hackner / dpa

Coronavirus pandemic in Austria: Rudolf Anschober warns again

Update from October 6th, 9 pm:

Austria's Minister of Health Rudolf "Rudi" Anschober (The Greens)


once again given the warning

in the

coronavirus pandemic


Specifically: He described the latest

Corona numbers

in the Alpine republic as "far too high".

“923 ​​new infections in 18,237 tests are far too high for the current time and urgently need to be lowered.

There are 732 newcomers, ”said the head of department, according to the

Kronen Zeitung,

from the Ministry of Health in Vienna on Tuesday afternoon.

The capital is therefore still the

Covid-19 hotspot of Austria

, contact person management in the metropolis "sometimes still takes too long".

“We have to significantly reduce these far too high numbers.

We can achieve this through strong regional measures in districts with an increased risk and through a mood like in spring among the population, ”said the 59-year-old Green politician.

According to


, the

high numbers

are mainly due to the fact that direct contact

persons have been

tested by people





Corona pandemic in Austria: Students from the University of Vienna go to church to study

Update October 6, 2020 17:10:


University of Vienna

has given the corona crisis a special

temporary quarters

set up for their students.

In the

Votive Church

in the city center, the young women and men can escape the crowds in the lecture halls at least until the end of October and open their laptops.

"The WiFi is good, only the power sockets are missing," said a political science and psychology student.


university pays a small amount

for the shared use of the neo-Gothic sacred building completed in 1879, the construction of which is reminiscent of a failed assassination attempt on

Emperor Franz Joseph I.

A toilet trailer was set up in front of the church.

In addition, security personnel check whether

hygiene and distance

rules are being observed.

With nearly 90,000 students, including many from Germany, the University of Vienna is one of the largest universities in Europe.

Update from October 6, 2020, 7.26 a.m

.: A close employee of

Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

has Corona - the head of government then received his test result on Tuesday night.

Kurz and his

Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) had canceled all appointments on Monday as a precaution.

His cabinet colleagues have also tested negative for the corona virus.

The employee was also present at a cabinet meeting last Wednesday.

He was also in contact with journalists.

As reported by, the employee should only have been contagious from Friday.

It is therefore initially unclear where the man was infected.

Corona in Austria: Virus alarm in the Chancellery

Update from October 5, 2020, 8.45 p.m.:

While the Austrian Chancellor

Sebastian Kurz is

still waiting for his test result, the test result from Finance Minister

Gernot Blümel is


As reported by, Blümel was tested negative for the corona virus.

Meanwhile, Health Minister

Rudolf Anschober

canceled all upcoming appointments.

As a spokeswoman confirmed to the Austrian newspaper, this is a "pure precautionary measure".

In the event that Sebastian Kurz should test positive for the corona virus, there is apparently already a plan on how to proceed.

Accordingly, the Chancellor should go into quarantine together with his closest employees in the Chancellery and continue to perform his office from there.


Corona in Austria: Chancellor Sebastian Kurz had to be tested for Sars-CoV-2 - the result is now available.

© Roland Schlager / dpa

Update October 5, 2020 18:45:

After an employee of Austrian Chancellor

Sebastian Kurz

(ÖVP) positive for the


had been tested, is now short "voluntary home quarantine" as reported

The Chancellor also told the editor-in-chief of the Austrian newspaper: “I am currently symptom-free, I am fine.” The test result should be available around midnight.

Corona in Austria: Record number of new infections - Federal Chancellor Kurz employees tested positive

Update October 5, 2020 16:55

: An


of Austria's

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

(ÖVP) is positive for the


been tested.

The head of government and

Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler

(Greens) were



with the employee for the last time



, the Chancellery announced on Monday.

The affected employee was



last Tuesday evening


Until their own test results were available,









The result is expected late Monday evening.

As a precautionary measure, all colleagues from the employee's environment would now be tested immediately.


20 people

are affected


Corona in Austria: the number of deaths is also increasing

Update from October 5, 2020, 10:12 a.m.:

The trend towards increasing numbers of

corona cases in Austria

continues unabated.

After the second highest daily value since the outbreak of the pandemic was measured on Saturday with more than 1,000 new cases, the new infections also reached an alarming record on Sunday.

In the last 24 hours, 750 new infections with the coronavirus were registered nationwide, which is the highest Sunday value of the year.


is also a worrying development

in the

number of deaths


five people


from the virus in just one day


Coronavirus: Vienna with an unprecedented high level of new infections

Update from October 3, 2020, 3:04 p.m.:

Just one day after

Health Minister Rudolf Anschober

(Greens) believed that

new corona infections were


, the numbers rose from Friday to Saturday to the

second-highest daily value

since the outbreak of the pandemic.

1,058 new cases

were recorded within 24 hours, the highest since the end of March.

Anchober spoke of a

"worrying" high number

of current new infections in Austria.

The situation in


is particularly explosive


There, with

474 new infections,

the highest 

daily increase in

 new cases since the beginning of the pandemic was registered

in the past 24 hours


Corona in Austria: according to numbers at record level - increase slowed down again

Update from October 2, 5:28 p.m

.: The increase in corona cases in


is alarming

(see original



- but has recently slowed down.

After the number of infections * had suddenly


about a month ago

, they have remained largely


since mid-September


Health Minister

Rudolf Anschober (Greens)

spoke on Friday in Vienna of a "stabilization with numbers that are clearly too high".

He is aiming for a


in the next one to two months.

Around 8,400 people in Austria are currently considered to be actively infected with the Sars-CoV-2 * coronavirus.

According to the latest data from the Corona Commission (as of Wednesday evening),

Austria recently counted

54.4 new cases

per 100,000 inhabitants

nationwide in one week


The numbers fluctuate extremely regionally, the capital

Vienna still


more than half of

all active cases and new cases in the country.

Austria at record threshold: "Heavy blow" for tourism - the first consequences are already evident



from October 2nd

: Munich / Vienna - With over 800 new infections from Wednesday (September 30th) to Thursday (October 1st),

Austria is


its record high from the beginning of the

corona pandemic

in March 2020.

Warned about

the high number of infections now also the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in front of parts of the Alpine republic.

Blow for tourism: Parts of Austria are corona risk areas

In September the RKI decided that parts of Austria are officially classified as risk areas.

First it hit the federal state of


on September 16,

followed by the state of


on September


and the state of


on September 25


In Austria there is also a Corona traffic light. * It shows which areas of the country are affected by Corona and to what extent.


Preparations for the winter season in Austria are underway - but how many holidaymakers will accept the offer this year is still open after the RKI's corona travel warning (symbol image).

© Felix Hörhager / dpa / archive

On the one hand, the high number of new infections is a problem with regard to the second wave of the corona pandemic *.

On the other hand, this classification by the RKI has massive effects on tourism businesses in particular.

“Entire villages live on Ischgl.

That is an

uncanny economic power

in this region of the Tyrolean Oberland “, says the Tyrolean photographer Lois Hechenblaikner in an interview with Tagesschau.

Effects of Corona: high losses for tourism in Austria feared

Günther Platter, Governor of Tyrol, also speaks there: “A third of all overnight stays in Austria take place in Tyrol.

We earn every third euro through tourism. ”The drastic consequences of classifying Tyrol as a

corona risk area


already evident




Harald Mahrer: "Due to Corona, the situation for many city hotels in Austria is more serious than many believe."

⚡ Regarding the required measures:

- Austrian Chamber of Commerce (@WKOe) October 2, 2020

Mario Gerber is a tourism representative in the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) and spoke to the German Press Agency (dpa).

He reported that hotels in parts of Tyrol have already been hit by a wave of cancellations due to Corona: “This is a very heavy blow for us.” Even houses in which no cases of infection have been reported so far suffer from 50 percent cancellations.

These are the corona infection numbers for Austria

The number of confirmed corona infections in


has risen again, but does not reach the high value (+825 new infections) of September 30th.

This is communicated by the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.

Proven corona infections (as of October 2, 12 noon)

46.812 (+678)

Active cases


Dear Genese People


Deceased persons (with Sars-Cov-2)


Hospitalized people

372 (including 100 in intensive care)

Overall, an increase in the number of cases to 46,812


infections was reported

on Friday, October 2


That is 678 more people than the day before.

37,186 people are currently considered recovered in Austria.

There were also a total of 803 deaths.

(Jennifer Greve) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Robert Jaeger / APA / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-10-08

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