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Controversy over a message from the Defense University in tribute to Che Guevara


The institution remembered the death of the Argentine revolutionary, but in the face of criticism it erased the message. Now they will initiate a summary against the person in charge of the area.

10/11/2020 5:46 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 10/11/2020 5:46 PM

After the Twitter account of the National Defense University (UNDEF) published a message in tribute to Che Guevara - on the 53rd anniversary of his death - and before the rejection in the military sphere,

the authorities decided to initiate a summary of the person responsible of the management

of the institution's

social networks


"Ernesto Che Guevara was assassinated in La Higuera, Bolivia. A doctor, politician and revolutionary guerrilla, he was commander of the revolutionary army that overthrew Fulgencio Batista on December 31, 1958. #UNDEF #UniversidadPublica," the message said.

But it didn't last long online.

Is that before the negative reaction of a group of relatives of victims of terrorism

, the institution shortly afterwards deleted the text on its official Twitter account.

According to the newspaper La Nación, the issue did not stop there.

The rector of the UNDEF himself,

Jorge Battaglino

, was the one who sent different reassuring messages in order

to neutralize the discomfort

that the institutional anniversary generated.

It also emerged that the university initiated a summary of the person responsible for managing the institution's Twitter account and

has decided to remove him from his duties.

Even, according to the same newspaper, the version ran that the person responsible for the tweet is a person "who comes from the previous administration", as if to delimit the responsibilities of those currently responsible and also sow the suspicion of a possible political intention.

At the time the controversial message was known, there were several personalities who came out to repudiate it.

One of them was the retired military officer and former presidential candidate, Juan José Gómez Centurión: "It is embarrassing that the UNDEF commemorates the death of a militant murderer of the Cuban strategy

who bathed all Latin America

and, especially, Argentina

in blood

. Thousands of fanatics inspired by this maniac disguised as an idealist attacked Argentine society ".

Jovina Luna, sister of conscript Hermindo Luna, who was shot to death in an attack by the Montoneros on the Monte 29 Infantry Regiment of Formosa, also expressed her discomfort and asked Minister Agustín Rossi to "order UNDEF to

delete that tweet that offends Argentines in general

and, in particular, the victims of the followers of this serial killer and hater. "

Look also

Bolivia paid tribute to the soldiers who killed Che Guevara and issued a warning to "Cubans, Venezuelans and Argentines"

The harsh message of Jair Bolsonaro 53 years after the death of Che Guevara: "It inspired marginals, drug addicts and the scum of the left"

Source: clarin

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