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"A humanity never encountered before": in Paris, this school for all is threatened with expulsion


The Saints-Anges school, a pioneer in the inclusion of children with autism and developmental disabilities, risks being expelled before

The announcement did not only have the effect of a bomb, within the team and among the parents of students of the Saints-Anges school, in Paris (15 th).

She is a bomb, the explosion of which risks depriving 370 children of school, and among them about thirty "different" schoolchildren suffering from a handicap, trisomy, "dys" disorders or autism, to which this little one Private contract school in the Convention district gives their place among all children.

The establishment is on borrowed time, forced to release by the end of the year the 3000 square meters it has graciously occupied for more than 50 years, according to a "commodat" (a loan for use) signed with the work of the Holy Angels.

This work of secular public utility, founded nearly two centuries ago to take in orphan girls, and whose beneficent vocation aimed to "educate, instruct and facilitate access to professional life for underprivileged children and young people", intends to recover his property.

Already ten years of threats

The latent litigation had troubled for ten years the relations between the current president of the work, the baroness of Saint-Didier, descendant of the founders, and the school managed by the organization of management of Catholic education ( OGEC).

But the baroness, keen on galas and imperial balls, who dedicates a displayed recognition to Napoleon III, has the right for her: despite the successive stays obtained for ten years, the last court decision confirmed in the spring the restitution of the building, allowing a break during the school year.


Sophie Cluzel: "We are going to educate children with multiple disabilities in an ordinary school"

Parents refuse to imagine that this is the last.

Since the old orphanage gave way to a school in the 1950s, and especially since a director undertook to develop an “inclusive” educational project there.

Six years ago, the Saints-Anges succeeded in this little miracle of being “a school for all”, as one father of a student summed up.

For others, it is much more than that.

It is the place that has seen stabilize or even flourish more fragile children, sometimes in great suffering or great difficulties.

And through them whole families, who found in the Saints-Angels an educational project and a somewhat pioneering team.

"My son endured harassment, denial, became suicidal…"

"It is the most benevolent of schools", sighs Isabelle, mother of a 7 year old child with autism.

A devastated mother, like the thirty or so parents of children "different" from the Saints-Angels, by the consequences that the closure would have for her little boy.

“Before being welcomed here, my son went through hell.

He has endured harassment, denial, has become suicidal… and since he has been here he has changed.

There is a humanity that we have never met before ... My son says it with his words, this school is

the best

in France, ”Isabelle smiles with emotion.


The path strewn with pitfalls of a mother from Essonne to educate her autistic son

“It was done gradually,” explains Marie Blanchet, the director who “moved the lines.

"I came from an establishment which had two integration classes for children with specific needs, I had a project and the diocese followed me in this project", she greets.

The kindergarten “Sun class” was born, welcoming autistic children to the heart of the classical school.

It was the first concretization of a desire never denied "to welcome all children unconditionally".

A petition with more than 7050 signatures

After this Sun class, innovative concepts, flexible classes, differentiated pedagogy, personalized help, partnerships with associations such as “On the School benches”, support for families of children with autistic disorders ... "It's a school that lives well, that is moving forward, and this decision has shaken us all a lot", recognizes the director, worried but combative, and carried by the very strong mobilization of families, including the petition, launched there a few days on the site, has already gathered more than 7050 signatories.

Families are also combative to preserve a place and methods that go far beyond just school learning.

“How can such a work deviate from its primary goal, which is to educate children in accordance with its values?

They wonder with bitterness.

For Isabelle, Martine and Davina (from left to right), the welcome and the educational project of the Saints-Anges was a chance for their children.

LP / Elodie Soulié  

On the sidelines of this mobilization, the OGEC tries to negotiate with the president of the work.

A difficult mission and carried out ... by intervening lawyers, failing to reach the president.

"No one has ever been able to meet her or have direct contact," regrets a parent.

Our own attempts have confirmed this: apart from an unassigned phone number and an Internet contact form without a recipient, our email requests have not received any feedback.

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“Negotiations are underway, tries to reassure Benoît Hérard, the president of the OGEC.

We make proposals, the objective is to be able to remain in the premises, whatever the solution found, a new commodat or a lease, even a transfer ... everything is considered on our side to find an agreement that satisfies both parties.

We have made proposals; we should be able to bring everyone together and at least our proposals be heard.


"This school will not close!", Fumed the mayor (LR) of the 15th

At the town hall of the 15th, where a crisis meeting was held this Thursday to try to find a way out, the mayor is standing up.

“There is no alternative, no plan B, this school will not close!

», Fulminates Philippe Goujon (LR), who appeals to the elected Parisians and to the concerned ministers of Education, in charge of the Handicaps and even of the Interior, ministry in charge of the Work.

"I am going to summon its president," he also announces.

This decision creates disorder to the detriment of hundreds of families, even though this school corresponds to the vocation of the Work!


Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-10-15

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