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US election 2020: huge mistake shortly before the end - Biden falls for Trump's question of all things


One and a half weeks before the US presidential election, Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden faced each other again in the second TV duel on Thursday (local time). All information in the news ticker.

One and a half weeks before the US presidential election, Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden faced each other again in the second TV duel on Thursday (local time).

All information in the news ticker.

  • Donald Trump * and his challenger Joe Biden * faced each other again in a TV duel.

  • After the chaotic first debate, there were now new rules.

  • This ticker is continuously updated.

Update from October 23, 12:32 p.m.:

The second

TV duel

between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was more orderly than the first.


may have surprised

Mary Trump

, the US President's niece.

Before the

US presidential candidates met

, she suspected in an interview with the US broadcaster MSNBC on Wednesday that Donald Trump would interrupt the debate again.

“People should stop


Donald Trump like

he's normal.

As if he were following the rules and caring about behaving properly, ”she said.

Because what the US President's problem is from their point of view: “He knows when he's in a deep

political discussion

it will be a


for him

. ”He would then have to interrupt and“ be rude ”.

Mary Trump made headlines back in July when she published a


about her uncle in which she criticized him heavily.

Update from October 23, 8:20 a.m.:

Numerous US media have


the calmer tone of the second

TV duel


incumbent Donald Trump

and challenger Joe Biden.

"This was actually a real debate," was the headline of the CNN station following the duel in

Nashville, Tennessee


In contrast to the first debate,

this time

US voters

would have had

a chance to listen to the candidates and measure them against one another "without being




relentless interruptions," CNN continued.

The President seemed to be working not to lose control.

Nevertheless, the broadcaster concluded with a view to

Trump's performance: “He did not succeed in the decisive turn that he needed to dramatically change the course of the race.”

“The debate was by and large a more reserved affair than the first meeting between the two two candidates ", wrote the" New York Times ".

“But even if the tenor of the


on Thursday was calmer, the contradiction in terms of content and vision could not have been more dramatic.” The Wall Street Journal saw it similarly: “Both candidates delved deeper into political questions than at the first meeting. ”Some issues, such as racism in the USA, sparked a“ fiery exchange of views ”.

US election: Trump vs.

Biden - Who could win the TV duel?

Update from October 23, 7:50 a.m.:

More than 220,000 people in the USA have now died of or with the corona virus.

While Joe Biden expects even higher death rates, Donald Trump is certain: the crisis will soon be over.

Therefore, some corona measures should now be abolished.

Update from October 23, 7:10 a.m.:

The second and last TV duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden caused a surprise.

While the first TV encounter had ended in a mud fight, Trump and Biden met this time very matter-of-factly.

The first surveys show: One candidate clearly won the TV duel.

But someone else benefited from the new tone of voice.

Check out this post on Instagram

President Trump slammed former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama for doing a "poor job" during their two terms in the White House.

Biden responded by saying, "You know who I am. You know who he is. You know his character. You know my character. You know my reputation is for honor and telling the truth."

# Debates2020⁠ (📸: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

A post shared by CNN (@cnn) on Oct 22, 2020 at 7:56 am PDT

Last election debate in the ticker: Trump and Biden surprise everyone - until a Hitler comparison is made

Update from October 23, 4.35 a.m.:

After an abbreviated final question about the

inauguration speech of

both candidates, moderator Welker asks

TV viewers

to vote.


Melania Trump

, wife of Donald Trump, also delivers

a surprise

at the end of the



If you saw the

first lady

on stage

at the last

TV duel

without a mask, Melania Trump now stands next to her husband with a mouth and nose protection.

After the unworthy TV battle at the beginning of


, this second debate is likely to have surprised many viewers.


Trump and Biden

allowed themselves to be

talked out of

each other, and Trump himself even praised the

moderator of

the debate.

US election 2020: Climate change causes lively discussion in the second TV duel

Update from October 23, 4:30




climate change

in particular would cause Trump and Biden to have an intensive need for speech should come as

a surprise

to many

TV viewers


“We still have so many topics ahead of us,”

moderator Welker


to keep the debate from prolonging.

After almost 90 minutes it is already clear: the journalist has the second TV debate much better under control than the

presenter Chris Wallace

in the first TV duel.

Both Trump and Biden, however, steer the debate in a much more factual direction than in the first TV duel in early October.

Another mud fight will definitely not take place today.

Update from October 23, 4:20 am:

And also with the next thematic block,

climate change

, Trump praises his own policy: “We have done a great job.” Joe Biden does not see the current situation as rosy.

"In the past few years this man has


all the


we passed to make the climate cleaner," countered Biden.

In the future, he wants to focus even more on renewable energies and e-mobility.

“Our health is at stake here.” And by the way, this could also create countless new



However, Biden made a clear mistake when asked whether he

would shut down the oil industry

in the event of a victory in the

US election


Without presumably


about the


, the 77-year-old replied promptly: "Yes".

Particularly problematic: of all people,

Donald Trump

asked his challenger the question.

Even journalist and moderator Welker was surprised by Biden's answer.

“What he says is that he would destroy the oil industry,” Trump continues to add fuel to the fire.

After all, the oil industry is linked to millions of jobs.

And as if this triumph wasn't enough, Trump urged TV viewers from the affected states to think about this point in the US election.

"Do you remember Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Ohio?" Said Trump.

These are contested states that Trump wants to win on November 3rd.

The job issue could now become the major election campaign issue of the last few days.

A surprising Biden victory was looming in Texas in particular, and behind this there is now an even clearer question mark.

Check out this post on Instagram

During the final presidential debate, Joe Biden said he is going to represent all 50 states: Democrat and Republican.

Tap the link in our bio for live updates on the debate.⁠ (📸: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)

A post shared by CNN (@cnn) on Oct 22, 2020 at 7:16 am PDT

US election 2020: Donald Trump makes it clear that no one has done more against racism than himself

Update from October 23, 4.10 a.m.:

Next topic:


in the


Why do so many parents have to train their black children

to behave properly

when they meet the



"Everyone should be treated equally here according to the constitution, but that never really happened here," Biden describes the situation in the USA.

But if Trump is to blame, Biden is also to blame for the racism situation.

Biden had 47 years and did nothing about it.

However, there is no one who has done more than Trump himself against racism.

Except maybe Abraham Lincoln.

A statement that led Joe Biden to appeal directly to TV viewers.

He hoped that

it would be clear to



who of the two was honest and who had what character.

When the moderator Welker wants to return to the racism debate, Trump reassures her that he has done the most for black residents of the United States so far.

US election 2020: Donald Trump takes a counterstrike - Biden to blame for children's cages at the border?

Update from October 23, 4 a.m .:

Next topic:


in the USA.

While Donald Trump initially justifies the current high unemployment figures, Joe Biden loses his composure for the first time that evening.

“So many

Americans are

having a lot of trouble right now.

Everyone has to see how they manage the money, ”gesticulates Biden, who has so far been convincing with his calm manner.

According to him, it is the Republicans' fault that there is no helping

corona bailout package


However, he himself does not think in terms of red and black


and favor a higher minimum wage.

When asked about the separation of around 4,000 children from their parents at the


, Trump explains that families would of course have to enter legally.

The cages that could be seen in the pictures, however, were created in 2014, when Trump was not yet the

US president


“They built it,” Trump points to his challenger.

Biden makes it clear that of the approximately 4,000 children still 500 children could not be returned to their parents.

"You take good care of these children, they are very clean institutions," Trump justifies the offense.

“He had eight years as

Vice President

at the time, we got rid of that.

He didn't do anything except build cages to put children in, ”Trump says again.

Accordingly, Biden understands “absolutely nothing” about immigration and the laws.

US election 2020: Trump is asked about Kim Jong Un - and Biden makes Hitler's comment

Update from October 23, 2020, 3.50 a.m.:

While Trump seems to target Joe Biden's family again, this makes it clear that he is primarily concerned with the normal families of the middle class.

They often don't even know what money to send their children to school with.

“That's how politicians talk,” Trump smiles at his opponents.

With this


, the moderator leads the debate into the next thematic block: American families.


is just bad.

The system is just not good.

We want to abolish it, ”the US President explains his current health policy.

“We will always protect the people who have pre-existing conditions.

We'll put together a better health plan, ”Trump promptly promises.

Biden, on the other hand, would ensure health insurance for everyone and protect people with previous illnesses: "Just like Obamacare".

Update from October 23, 2020, 3.45 a.m.:

US presidential candidate Joe Biden

caused a sensation

in the TV debate against incumbent Donald Trump with a

Hitler settlement

because of his relationship with North Korea's ruler

Kim Jong Un


Trump was in the process of talking about his "good relationship" with the autocrats and heads of government of other countries when Biden replied: "And we had a good relationship with Hitler before he



." Biden wanted to make it clear that he was Trump Considers course to be too soft towards authoritarian rulers and thus a danger to international peace.

Trump met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un several times to persuade the country to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

So far, this has not been successful.

US election 2020: Donald Trump raises serious allegations against Joe Biden - he countered promptly

Update from October 23, 2020, 3:25 am:

Now the second topic block follows: “They will be held accountable for this.

This is a game of American sovereignty, ”is how Biden describes his position in the current Iran conflict.

Donald Trump opposes that Biden received $ 3.5 million from Russia.

“I never got any money from



You have to explain that, ”said the US President.

“What came out today is much worse.

The emails, the money.

I think you should explain that to the American people, ”Trump puts his challenger in trouble.

“I haven't accepted a cent from anyone abroad.

I have published all of my tax returns.

The president never did that.

What are you hiding?

Russia pays you a lot, and so does China.



you have only just opened a new golf course, "Biden tried to counter.

But Trump also holds against this: accordingly, his tax return is still being examined.

“You have been saying for four years that you


your tax return


Just show them.

Everyone knows that you don't



, ”Biden addressed the US President.

The challenger to the US president also firmly rejects the allegations against his son, Hunter Biden.

US election 2020: Trump defends his loose corona policy in a TV duel

Update from October 23, 2020, 3.20 a.m

.: Joe Biden's goal: Prepare the country for the future and, for example,


schools for the

corona pandemic


Install plexiglass panes in restaurants and expand contact tracking.

“You can't go on like this, we can't lock the country forever.

People are losing jobs, there is a great deal of suicide and abuse.

The cure cannot be worse than the virus itself, "says Trump.

“That costs a lot of money.

You sit between Plexiglas panes, that's not great.

You can't do that to people.

Take a look at

New York

, "Trump defends his loose

corona policy


Accordingly, no one knew at the beginning what exactly the virus could do.

According to Biden, however, this was exactly the problem, Trump played down the virus from the start.

US election 2020: Trump vs.

Biden - So far the debate has remained unexpectedly factual

Update from October 23, 2020, 3:10 a.m.:

Hard to believe but so far the TV debate has been unusually factual.



Joe Biden says the


is far from over, Trump praises his own past behavior.

However, Joe Biden's behavior was irresponsible when the

swine flu

broke out.

“That was terribly badly handled at the time.

And now he comes along and tells us what we should have done, ”explains Trump.

“We can't all lock ourselves up in the basement.

I would also like to lock myself in the basement or in a nice room in the

White House,

but I can't do that, ”Trump continued.

Accordingly, more money must be earned.

“99.9 percent have recovered from the virus, we have to open again.

Otherwise we will no longer have a country, ”Trump has so far remained very objective.

"It is really dangerous and then you should tell people how to deal with such a danger," continues Biden.

Accordingly, it is likely that another 200,000 people could fall victim to the virus in the United States.

US election 2020: Trump vs.

Biden - The second TV duel starts!

Update from October 23, 2020, 3.05 a.m.:

It starts!

Right at the beginning, the two opponents nod to each other.

Kristen Welker, the moderator of the duel, explains the rules again.

So everyone should let each other speak.

The first question also goes directly to Donald Trump and the US President declares right at the beginning that there will be a


against the




This is "almost finished".

If Joe Biden has his way, only the president is guilty of the current corona situation in the USA.

"Somebody like that shouldn't stay president either," Biden says of the first attack.

US election 2020: TV duel between Trump and Biden begins - without plexiglass panes

Update from October 23, 2020, 3 a.m.:

Trump and Biden are not on stage yet, but you can already see: although the US President was recently infected with the corona virus, no Plexiglas was installed between the two lecterns.

Update from October 23, 2020, 2.55 a.m.: Tonight's

presenter is the black

NBC journalist Kristen Welker.

The evening's topics will include racism and the corona pandemic, but Donald Trump is anything but enthusiastic about the choice of the presenter.

If the US president has his way, Welker is not impartial.

US election 2020 in the live ticker: TV duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden starts in a few minutes

Update from October 23, 2020, 2.50 a.m.:

Only a few more minutes, then the second

TV duel

between US President

Donald Trump

and his challenger

Joe Biden



The two contenders for the most powerful office in the world will then discuss for 90 minutes.

Update from October 23, 2020, 2.40 a.m.:

For many


, the winner of the

2020 US presidential election has

already been determined, according to which

Donald Trump has a

very difficult time being elected again as the most powerful man in the world.

A critic of the

US president

comes from within his own ranks.

Mitt Romney

, who had previously run as a Republican

presidential candidate

in the 2012 US election, now did not vote for his own party's candidate.

As the Republican told CNN on Thursday, he did not vote for Trump.


preferred to keep to himself

who his voice went to instead


US election 2020: Trump vs.

Biden - US President himself will vote in Florida

Update from October 23, 2020, 2.20 a.m.:

US President

Donald Trump


cast his vote for the

presidential election

in the

state of Florida




"President Trump plans to vote in advance on Saturday in West Palm Beach, Florida," said spokesman Judd Deere on Thursday.

West Palm Beach on Florida's Atlantic coast is

 Trump's official residence

next to the

White House



real estate mogul,

who was once registered in

New York

, owns a golf resort there.

The presidential election doesn't actually take place until November



In most states, however, citizens can vote in advance, in person at the polling station or by post. This year there is a real rush of so-called early voting: According to the US Elections Project by political scientist Michael McDonald, more than 46 Millions of citizens exercised their

right to vote


The background is, among other things, the corona pandemic.

US election 2020: Donald Trump against Joe Biden in the second TV duel - US President already makes headlines before that

Update from October 23, 2020, 1.55 a.m.:

An interview published by Donald Trump himself is also making headlines before the second TV duel is broadcast.

While the US President accuses the CBS journalist Stahl of being biased, she feels that he is too aggressive.

Now the president has published the interview ahead of time.

Update from October 23, 2020, 1.30 a.m.:

How are Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden doing in the second TV duel?

After the first


had ended in a real mud fight, new rules now apply to the second duel.

But US President Donald Trump made


shortly before the broadcast


A Dutch hacker claims to have hacked Trump's Twitter account.

When he warned the president about the security gap, he is said to have reacted with derision.

US election 2020: Trump against Biden in the second TV duel - Here LIVE from 2 a.m. with us in the ticker and in the stream

Update from October 22, 2020, 11:04 p.m.: Be there - we will tick the duel live here!

Update from October 22nd, 5:06 p.m.: Does

the last TV duel of the

US presidential candidates end

in chaos again?

Or will there be more substantive discussions between

Donald Trump


Joe Biden

this time


An answer will be given from 8 p.m. local time (3 a.m. CEST)

(see first report from October 22, 9:30 a.m.)


One topic that is likely to play a role: The nomination of devout Catholic

Amy Coney Barrett

as constitutional judge, which was approved by the Judicial Committee of the

US Senate

on Thursday


She had previously been selected by US President Donald Trump.



criticize the

fact that the new appointment could take place before the

election on November 3rd


This would increase the conservative majority in the

US Supreme Court


Some Democrats have already called for the court to be expanded in the future.

Joe Biden has not yet taken a clear position on the issue.

In an interview with

CBS News

slated to air

on Sunday, part of which the

New York Times reported

(text behind a pay gate), Biden said that, as president, he would

set up


non-partisan commission of scholars to

investigate possible innovations at the court should.


Donald Trump and presenter Chris Wallace at the first TV duel in 2020.

© Olivier Douliery / Pool AFP / AP / dpa

TV duel between Trump and Biden: a debate with new rules


New York Times


that he wanted to


his own views on the whole issue before the big

election day


Maybe the right moment will come up for him tonight.

First report from October 22nd, 9.30 a.m .:

Nashville / USA - The first

TV duel

before the

US presidential election *

ended in a real mud fight.

None of the candidates turned out to be the

clear winner of the first


duel; viewers criticized the behavior of both participants.

Now incumbent

Donald Trump *

and his

challenger Joe Biden

compete against each other again.

US election 2020: Donald Trump and Joe Biden face each other in a second TV duel

One and a half weeks before the

US presidential election



and his opponent

will face each other

on Thursday at 8 p.m. local time (Friday 3 a.m. CEST) in their second television duel in



southern Tennessee



are strict rules

for the second and last

TV duel


The microphone of one

candidate is

temporarily muted when the other



The trigger for this new regulation is the chaotic and interrupted first TV debate in early




Donald Trump



his challenger, and was even warned several times,

Joe Biden



US President

as a "clown" among other things.

The runner-up candidates Kamala Harris and Mike Pence * also faced each other in a TV duel in the meantime.

While Trump and Biden had not covered themselves with fame, Harris and Pence were at least a little more orderly - although Pence repeatedly cut off his opponent.

US election 2020: After a chaotic debate - rule change before the second TV duel

As a result, the commission responsible for organizing the


announced that the

rules would be tightened.

As usual, three television duels between the

presidential candidates were


this year


A debate scheduled for mid-October was canceled after Trump's

corona infection


An initially planned TV duel through a video broadcast was also canceled.

Instead, Trump and Biden stepped in front of the cameras separately and asked questions.



is less than two weeks before the election on November 3 in the polls behind his challenger from the opposition



* is part of the nationwide Ippen network.

List of rubric lists: © Morry Gash / AP Pool / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-10-26

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