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Results of the 2020 US election: Bitter bankruptcy for Trump - Biden surprisingly turns around and takes Wisconsin


All results of the 2020 US election in the news ticker: On November 3rd, the race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump goes into the final round. Here you will find all the results of the election night.

All results of the 2020 US election in the news ticker: On November 3rd, the race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump goes into the final round.

Here you will find all the results of the election night.

  • The

    2020 presidential election

    * will take

    place in the


    from November 3rd to 4th


  • During the night, the results of the 2020 US election will be counted separately by state.

  • The

    US election results

    for 2020 can be found continuously updated in this

    news ticker


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

Open states

Alabama (9)

Colorado (9)

Alaska (3)

Missouri (10)

New York (29)

Nevada (6)

Mississippi (6)

Rhode Island (4)

Arizona (11)

Arkansas (6)

Connecticut (7)

Georgia (16)

Louisiana (8)

Vermont (3)

Michigan (16)

Wyoming (3)

Virginia (13)

Pennsylvania (20)

North Dakota (3)

Delaware (3)

North Carolina (15)

South Dakota (3)

Maryland (10)

Oklahoma (7)

Massachusetts (11)

Tennessee (11)

District of Columbia (3)

Utah (6)

Illinois (20)

Indiana (11)

New Jersey (14)

Kentucky (8)

New Hampshire (4)

Nebraska (4 of 5)

New Mexico (5)

Kansas (6)

California (55)

South Carolina (9)

Oregon (7)

Ohio (18)

Washington (12)

Idaho (4)

Arizona (11)

Texas (38)

Maine (4)

Iowa (6)

Hawaii (4)

Montana (3)

Minnesota (10)

Florida (29)

Wisconsin (10)

Important open swing states


Georgia (16)

currently: 50.2% for Trump, 48.5% for Biden, 93% counted

Pennsylvania (20)

currently: 53.1% for Trump, 45.6% for Biden, 81% counted

Nevada (6)

currently: 49.3% for Biden, 48.7% for Trump, 86% counted

Michigan (16)

currently: 49.5% for Biden, 48.8% for Trump, 94% counted

* Electors in brackets * As of 9:07 p.m. * Sources: CNN

Update from November 4, 8:12 p.m.:



will give

Joe Biden

the ten voters from



But Donald Trump has already announced that he will contest the election result because of the narrow result.

His campaign manager Bill Stepien said on Wednesday that he would immediately demand a recount of the votes.

There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties.

Therefore, there are "serious doubts about the validity of the results".

Update from November 4, 6:57 p.m.:


is almost done with the count.

99 percent of the votes have already been counted and Joe Biden is back in front.

Currently 49.4 percent voted for him, but also 48.8 percent for Donald Trump - a difference of a little more than 20,000 votes.

Can the current president turn the tide in the "Battleground State"?

You can find more important information about the US election in the live ticker on

Update from November 4, 6.15 p.m.:

Another state has a winner:

According to


Democrat Joe Biden





There are four electors to be picked, but unlike in most US states, they are not awarded according to the "winner gets it all" principle.

In Maine, three out of four districts currently go to Biden.

Update from November 4, 5:40 p.m.:

There are currently

nine US states

that have not officially announced a winner.

These states haven't turned blue or red yet: Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

In five of these states, Joe Biden is ahead on the current count.



for example, the Democrat overtook Donald Trump, but the gap is still very close.

He also currently performs in

Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Maine


If Biden wins exactly these five states, mathematically it would be enough for him to be elected with the necessary 270 voters.

A result could not be any closer.

2020 US election: Michigan turns in Biden's favor

Update from November 4, 4:11 p.m.:

In the race for


, there is a slight tendency in favor of

Joe Biden

in the US elections


Biden currently only see interim results with 90 percent of the votes counted with 0.2 percentage points or a little more than ten thousand votes before President Donald Trump.

However, the majority of them are expected to be democratic.

The responsible local

state secretary Jocelyn Benson

wrote on Twitter on Wednesday that votes would still be counted, especially in the regions around the cities of Detroit, Flint and Grand Rapids.

Detroit is considered the bastion of the Democrats.

Update from November 4, 3:54 p.m.:

The Democrats are feeling more and more


about the

overall result


More and more observers are referring to the many outstanding

postal votes

that bring Biden forward.

"The Democrats went to bed very depressed," said

David Gergen

, advisor to four different presidents and


staff, "but this morning, at this dramatic turnaround, they see much brighter rays."

Update from November 4, 3:40 p.m.:

According to preliminary results, Joe Biden received a good 2.6 million more votes nationwide than incumbent Donald Trump - but this

absolute number of votes is not decisive


According to surveys by the AP news agency and other media outlets, at least 68.9 million votes were cast for Biden and 66.3 million for Trump.

The head of the statistics portal "FiveThirtyEight", Nate Silver, speculated on Twitter that Biden

will surpass

the previous

maximum number


absolute votes

in a US presidential election.

Barack Obama achieved this highest figure to date in 2008 with around 69.5 million votes.

Update from November 4, 2:58 p.m.:

The person responsible for carrying out the election in Michigan has asked for patience in view of the ongoing count.

"Caution" and "patience"

are now

required in order to "respect the will of the voters," said Democratic State Secretary Jocelyn Benson in an interview with CNN.

"Hundreds of thousands" of votes are still outstanding, especially from the larger cities.

Trump won the 16 electorate of the state in 2016 with a wafer-thin majority.

2020 US election: Wisconsin signs of victory for Biden

Update from November 4th, 2:10 pm:

In the important "Swing State"


, challenger Joe Biden pushed himself in front of President Donald Trump.

According to "Edison Research", the 77-year-old comes after counting 97 percent of the votes to 49.5 percent, Trump on the other hand only to 48.8 percent.

Update from November 4, 1:28 p.m.:

The electoral authority in


has announced that it will not inform about the latest status of the count until November 5, starting at 9 a.m. (6 p.m. CET).

Both candidates are currently almost on par there.

There are a total of 6 voters in Nevada.

That's it for election results updates until 9:00 am on Nov. 5. Here's what has been counted so far:

All in person early votes

All in person Election Day votes

All mail ballots through Nov. 2


- Nevada Elections (@NVElect) November 4, 2020

Update from November 4th, 12:48 p.m.:

Trump loses a

few percent lead over his challenger Joe Biden




Only about 64,000 votes separate the two competitors in the important

swing state,


reported by



The loss of Trump's percentage points is due to the counting of the postal votes.

There has been a tendency for

more Democrats

to vote by postal vote

in Michigan

and this is only counted there after the votes from the polling stations, according to



Trump currently leads but still with

49, 8 percent

before Biden with

48.5 percent


Nevertheless, the Democrat is getting on the President's skin.

If this trend continues, Michigan, like Wisconsin, could “tip” in the direction of the Democrats before (see update 10:59).

Election results in the US: Sudden turnaround in Wisconsin

Update from November 4, 10:59 a.m.:

And suddenly it's different: With


votes, Joe Biden suddenly


his adversary Donald Trump in

Swing State Wisconsin


That's what




The results from the city of


and the surrounding counties

are responsible for the turnaround


Most of the

postal votes

there have now been


Biden could win the state over if this trend continues.

However, with 49.4 percent, he is only three tenths ahead of Trump with 49.1%.

It remains very tight.

Trump also won the district by just 22,000 votes in 2016.

2020 US election results: Biden takes third state in a row on his side

Update from November 4, 10:40 a.m.:

After Maine and Arizona, Joe Biden can also call himself a winner in Hawaii.

According to the US media, he was able to win the island nation over.

It is the third state in a row to go to the democratic camp.

With this he secured four more electors.

2020 US election - further results: Biden wins Maine and has Arizona safe

Update from November 4, 9:40 a.m.:


majority of

voters in


have also opted for

Joe Biden

as president, as the news agencies report.

In the relatively small state, the presidential candidate brings 4 more electors into his team.

Together with the victory in Arizona, this is a small breakthrough after Trump recently won several states.

After 42 of 50 counted states, the intermediate result is: Biden has 235 voters on his side, Trump 213. 270 are necessary for a victory.

Liberation blow in Arizona - Joe Biden wins the important swing state in the US election

Update from November 4, 9:13 a.m.:

Several US media and also the news agencies are now declaring Joe Biden to be the winner in Arizona.

That had already become apparent

(see update 8.09 a.m.), but

it now seems to be certain with great certainty.

The state brings in eleven electors.

270 are needed to become president.

Update from November 4, 8:59 a.m.:



the number of votes not yet counted has been revised upwards again.

Earlier this morning,



more than

600,000 votes

, now the station estimates the number of

postal votes

that have not yet been evaluated


1.4 million


That could work in favor of

Joe Biden

, who is currently behind.

New interim results: Joe Biden will most likely win Swing State Arizona

Update from November 4th, 8:09 a.m.:

Presumably Joe Biden will decide the state of Arizona for himself.


Fox News is

already certain of the outcome,


and the

New York Times are




However, the lead is pretty much in favor of the Democrats.

Polling stations are now closed in all states.

2020 US election: Pennsylvania could significantly delay the election result

Update from November 4, 7.44 a.m.:

The decision on the election winner could still be drawn.

Because as the broadcaster


reports, there are

significantly more votes to be counted


Swing State Pennsylvania

than expected.


600,000 ballot papers submitted

have not yet been evaluated.

The state has 20 electors and in the current situation is very important for the election victory.


is currently

a few percentage points ahead of

Biden there

, but the 33 percent of the votes that are still missing could turn the tide in favor of the Democrats.

Update from November 4, 7:33 a.m.:

The news agencies have also declared Trump the election winner in the state of Montana.

With that he wins three more electors.

US election 2020 - current result: Donald Trump wins Iowa and Texas

Update from November 4, 6.45 a.m.:

Trump has also won the Swing State


and thus achieved another important victory.

The broadcaster

Fox News



Nevertheless, the outcome of the election is still completely open.

Important states like Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan are still missing.

The victory in Florida has now been officially confirmed by the news agencies.

For this, Joe Biden secured

the state of Minnesota with ten electors,

according to the




Update from November 4, 6:00 a.m.:

Although it was not as clear as in other elections, the Republicans, with Donald Trump, were also able to win the state of



This is reported by the broadcaster

Fox News

, which reports that Trump also grabbed the state of Ohio.

After Florida, this is now the third scarce state that Trump snatches Biden from under his nose.

Update from November 4, 5:40 a.m.:

A dramatic election night is approaching an exciting finale - here are the 3 most important news from election night in a nutshell.

US election 2020: The election results offer some surprises - like Arizona

Update from November 4, 5:24 a.m.:

Trump secures

Idaho (4 voters)

, Biden can win with

California (55 voters)


Oregon (7), Washington (12)

in three states on the west coast.

However, that was to be assumed.

When it comes to TV station Fox, it is now



Florida will go



- that has become apparent in the last two hours.

But according to Fox, there is also a surprise, because

Arizona (11 voters)

should actually go to Biden.

This is very important news for the Democrats.

The overall distribution of the electorate reads as follows: Biden leads with

192 voters to 114

on Trump's side.

Update from November 4, 4:56 a.m.:

More results come in: Biden grabs

New Hampshire (4 electors), Trump claws Utah (6 electors).

2020 US election: Trump in front in major swing states - crime in North Carolina

Update from November 4, 4:47 a.m.:

Trump can

look forward

to the state of

Missouri (10 electorates)


However, Trump was able to clearly win this state in the election four years ago.

Total electoral distribution:

118 for Biden - 105 for Trump.

Update from November 4, 4:35 a.m.:

In Ohio

, the tide

has changed in favor of Trump.

The Republican is now 52% ahead of Biden with 47% - that's not good news for the Democrats.

It is also very close and exciting in

North Carolina (15 voters)

, where Trump is currently leading with 49.8% ahead of Biden (49%).

So far 89% of the votes have been counted here.

Overall, Trump has now also been able to catch up in terms of electors: Biden only leads with

98 to 89 voters.

Update from November 4, 4:25 a.m.:

In the former democratic stronghold of Georgia, just over half of the votes are counted and Trump's Republicans are currently comfortably ahead with 55.9 percent - Biden comes to 42.9 percent.

In an overall comparison, Biden with

94 voters is

ahead of


72 voters


Update from November 4, 4:14 a.m.:



news agency

reports that

Kansas and thus 6 electorates

are going to Trump.

But there is good news for Joe Biden from

Arizona (11 voters)

- in this swing state, the Democrat leads with 54 percent ahead of Trump (45) and that would be an honorable success.

US election: Trump and Biden are fighting for "swing states" - Ohio and North Carolina are particularly close

Update from November 4th, 3:56 am:

In the "Swing State"

North Carolina (15 voters) there is

currently not even a percentage point between the two candidates.

The numbers are currently as follows: Biden leads with 49.7 percent compared to Trump with 49.1 percent.

Over 80 percent of the votes have already been counted here.

Update from November 4th, 3:52 am: Ohio (18 voters)

is one of the most important "swing states" in the 2020 US election and here it is an incredibly close race between Biden and Trump.

Biden currently leads with

49.5 percent

ahead of Trump

49.2 percent


Who will get this important state in the end?

In Florida, Trump continues to lead with 51.2 percent ahead of Biden (47.8).

Update from November 4, 3:33 a.m.:


goes to


according to current forecasts


That is also in line with expectations.

Biden could secure another

9 voters


In 2016, the state went to the Democrats.

Update from November 4, 3:24 a.m.:

That was to be expected - Biden gets the state of New York with 29 voters.

Trump, on the other hand, secured

Louisiana (8 voters), Wyoming (3), North Dakota (3) and South Dakota (3).

In addition, he was able to win

Nebraska (3 voters so far, 2 more are still to be determined)


On the so-called "Electoral Map", Biden leads with

89 voters

compared to

54 voters

on Trump's side.

Results of the US election 2020: Trump declares himself the winner ahead of time in Florida - Biden leads in "swing states"

Update from November 4th, 3:00 am:

It strikes

3 am

and that means that numerous polling stations in different states are closing their doors again - more precisely, the deadline falls in 14 states, including the important "swing states"

Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Texas and Minnesota


And according to current projections, Biden has a good chance of winning in these "swing states" - that comes as a bit of a surprise, especially the lead in Texas

(see update from 02:36).





the winner in


ahead of


If that doesn't take its revenge, because even if over 90 percent of the votes have already been counted and Trump has a narrow lead, nothing has been decided here (51%: 48%).

President @realDonaldTrump wins #Florida!

Source: @DecisionDeskHQ

- Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) November 4, 2020

Update November 4, 02:36:


38 electors

to the winner of


- in the past a stronghold of the Republicans.

But Biden is currently doing surprisingly well here and could cause a big surprise.

It is still a snapshot, but from Biden's point of view a very positive one.

Nothing has been decided


Florida (29 voters)

- Trump and Biden are fighting head-to-head here.

US election: Biden and Trump secure momentum from states

Update from November 4, 2:14 p.m.:

Now there was a whole

bunch of

new results.

According to the




(7 voters) go

Delaware (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), Illinois (20), Rhode Island (4),

and the state capital

Washington DC (3)

all go to


- that was to be expected.

Trump, on the other hand, secured the states of

Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi

and got

33 votes

for the election assembly.

These results are no surprise either.

Update from November 4, 2:07 a.m.:

According to the


, Trump was able to


the state of

South Carolina (9 electors) as



Now it is worth taking a first look at the interim result: According to the latest results,

Biden is


44 voters

ahead of



26 voters


Update from November 4, 1:59 a.m.:

The polling stations in numerous other countries will soon close.

Until new figures are available, here is an overview of which states


must win in order to remain president. *

2020 US election results: Florida crime thriller - Biden wins Vermont

Update from November 4, 1:45 a.m.:



news agency

reports that Biden

Virginia (13 voters) has




we continue to closely - there are the votes so far about 80 percent counted and Biden and Trump are according to recent numbers on each 49 percent the same.

It will be exciting.

Update from November 4, 1:37 a.m.:

There are more results!

According to media reports, Trump has secured the states of


(8 voters)


West Virginia (5 voters)


Both results are not a surprise.

Update November 4, 1:24:



(3 votes) is, according to the news agency





Even before the polling stations closed, Biden was the clear favorite in the small state, so no surprise.

Update from November 4th, 01:05 am:

Other polling stations, including


in the "Swing State" Georgia, closed at 01:00 am German time.


there are also the first numbers





Trump (53 percent) is

currently ahead of

Biden (46.1 percent)

, but only a small part of the votes have been counted.

2020 US election: polling stations in Indiana and Kentucky closed - Trump wins first state

Update from November 4th, 12:20 am:

The time has come!

The first polling stations in

Kentucky (8 electors) and Indiana (11 electors)

have closed and the first interim results are available.

The first numbers from


are as follows: Donald Trump is 66.7 percent - Joe Biden comes to 31.4 percent.

According to


, Trump won

the first state





the first figures are

also available from


: If Trump was still ahead according to the first figures, the situation has now changed.

Biden is currently with 55.3 percent ahead of Trump with 45.3 percent.

Should Biden Kentucky win it would be a first surprise.

However, the interim results can change again quickly.

Update from November 3rd, 11:17 pm:

As reported by “CNN”, the counts in several important “swing states” could even be delayed until Friday.

According to the broadcaster's forecast, states like

Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are involved.

In the three states, according to recent polls, Biden is the favorite to win.

US election 2020: Delays in "Swing State" North Carolina - result will probably come later

Update from November 3, 9:28 p.m.: Delays are emerging in the

state of

North Carolina


The electoral commission has extended the voting time for electoral offices in four municipalities.

Employees appeared too late, so the polling stations were opened with a delay.

The extended opening hours are also delaying the state's release of the result.


talk is


45 minutes


That's what




Update from November 3, 6:51 p.m.:

When will the

results of the 2020 US election be available



first polling stations on


east coast will

close on Wednesday at

1.00 a.m. German time



Vermont, Virginia, South Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, and Georgia

If this is the case.

While South Carolina, Kentucky and Indiana are likely to



Donald Trump


Joe Biden is

sure to win Virginia and Vermont.

The race for Swing State


is open


The announcement of the


from the states will extend over the entire night, sometimes even beyond.

The TV stations will quickly present


after the polling stations are closed


Update from November 3, 3:48 p.m

.: The first polling stations in some east coast


have been open for almost four hours.

However, the first results for the

US election

have not yet been reported.

2020 US election: First result from Dixville Notch - lightning count with only five eligible voters

Update from November 3, 9:19 a.m

.: The first result came - as expected - from this small place: The village of

Dixville Notch

in the US state of

New Hampshire

* has traditionally

ushered in


US election


Shortly after midnight local time

(Tuesday 6:00 a.m. CET)

, the only


residents eligible to vote cast their votes at the polling station within a few minutes - all of them were for the presidential candidate

Joe Biden

* from the opposition Democrats *, so incumbent

Donald Trump received


In the neighboring town of


however, Trump received 16 votes and Biden only five.


How to vote in Dixville Notch: The polling station is in a barn.

© Joseph Prezioso / AFP

2020 US Election: Trump-Biden Battle Results - Current Counting Overview

First report:

Munich / Washington, DC - The next election for the

President of the United States will

take place

on the night of November 3rd to 4th (German time)


Millions of people cast their votes in the weeks leading up to the US election.

From a European point of view, it will take until the next morning

until the

results of


2020 US election

are known - we will keep you up to date on election day here in the

news ticker


For further events relating to the US election, we offer the live ticker for the latest developments.

We also report separately on the results of the US congressional election.

The results of the 2020 US election are immensely important for national and international politics

The popular candidates for the presidency in the

2020 US election


Joe Biden

for the Democrats and

Donald Trump

for the Republicans.

In addition to their president, Americans also elect the House of Representatives and the Senate.

However, the election does not go as it is known from Germany.


results of

the 2020 US election are undeniably of great relevance for the political balance of power in the


- and for all

international politics


It is important to note that the Americans do not elect their leader directly, but rather through an indirect voting system.

2020 US election: results are only indirectly influenced by voters

So how does it work - the

2020 US election


And what role do the

electorate play

in the results?

First of all, a fundamental declaration: in the


, the head of state, the president, is elected every four years.

The names of the various candidates are on the ballot, but the


do not

vote them






, they will vote for so-called electoral voters in their state.

The majority of the electorate ultimately decide who is allowed to rule as head of state in the United States.

The election is indirect because the outcome of the US election initially only determines the electorate.

Electors decide the US election: will the results be announced before the Electoral College in 2020?

These electors then in turn

cast their votes

in the

Electoral College


Electoral College

) and elect the President and Vice-President.

  • Who will run for president in the 2020 US election?

  • Joe Biden * (Democrat)

  • Donald Trump * (Republican)

#uswahlen: Slightly melting the lead of Joe #Biden vs.

Donald #Trump.

The last television debate between the two candidates will take place on Thursday.

Maybe then the picture will change again.

- Cyrus de la Rubia (@CyrusdelaRubia) October 20, 2020

  • Who will run for the office of Vice President in the 2020 US election?

  • Kamala Harris * (Democrat)

  • Mike Pence * (Republican)

The focus of the US election is on


the most


- must be 270 to become president.

This means that the

results of the

2020 US election will

probably be announced before all votes are counted.

We keep a close eye on what Donald Trump is doing on election night and how Joe Biden will behave after the US election.

You can also follow the 2020 US election * live on TV and in the live stream, as


US election: results usually already visible the following day - will 2020 be the exception?

Now to the question of what results can be expected on election night.

First of all,



interim results of


US election 2020

* will be announced, which will also lead to

final results

at the end of November 3rd (in Germany in the early morning of the following day)


Then the statements from Germany and generally the reactions from all over the world will be watched with excitement.

For example, although the

results of


postal vote


While it may well take several weeks to arrive, the results of the US election in recent years have mostly been announced on the following day.

Corona pandemic and US election 2020: More postal votes expected - Trump railed against it

In the first election of

Barack Obama

as president, the result came around five o'clock in the morning, in the fight between

Donald Trump


Hillary Clinton,

however, only around eight o'clock (German time).

This year, this development is not yet in sight, as the

corona crisis

in the



The increased use of postal votes must be expected - this is already being questioned by Donald Trump.

The official

result of


2020 US presidential election

is not expected until 41 days after this election day, as this is when the electorate will come together and cast their votes.

This will be followed by the

official swearing in of

the President

on January 20, 2021


However, only if it is not a matter of re-election.

(jey) * and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Paul Sancya / AP / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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