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US elections 2020, Biden already speaks as president, Trump denounces fraud - LIVE


The dem candidate just needs to win in Nevada or Georgia or North Carolina or Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, a Georgia judge rejects Trump's lawsuit that shakes the specter of fraud. Altolà also from Pennsylvania: 'The votes will be counted'. Electoral stages (Profile) [] arrests at protests [ _a86be065-5150-4666-a3a1-d6c547e30175.html] PHOTO [ york-dozens-of-arrests-_a86be065-5150-4666-a3a1-d6c547e30175.html] (ANSA)

"There will be no red states or blue states when we win. There will be only the United States of America."

Joe Biden is already speaking as president, even if the long electoral marathon made of spasmodic waiting and sleepless nights has not yet ended.

Votes are still counted in a handful of key states, but the former vice president already feels the keys to the White House in his pocket.

Even if Donald Trump really loses, he won't hand them over to him that easily.

Hundreds of arrests at protests PHOTO

The president is on a war footing.

He talks about fraud and rigged elections, and with a flurry of legal actions he tries in every way to block and invalidate the votes counted after the Election Night on November 3.

All those ballot papers that at least 65 million Americans have preferred to send this year in order not to go to polling stations in times of pandemic.

"All states recently assigned to Biden will be legally challenged for electoral fraud. There is a sea of ​​evidence!", Is the president's warning on Twitter.

He, taking into account only the votes scrutinized on the night of Election Day, considers himself the winner of these elections.

Thus the team of his lawyers and his administration have challenged the extension of the ballot in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, the five key states in which the final game is being played.

While complaints have also left for Wisconsin and Michigan, already assigned to his rival.

Some of these lawsuits or complaints have already been rejected to the sender, but in the background there is always the last card in Trump's hand: the appeal to the Supreme Court.

However, with results that are not at all obvious, considering that it was the highest US judicial body itself that rejected the attempt to stop the extension of the vote count in Pennsylvania and North Carolina before Election Day.


 In all this Biden appears calm.

And, putting aside his proverbial prudence, speaking to an America with bated breath, he ensured that in the end the majority of the great voters needed to win the presidency will be his.

At least 270 are needed and he is at 264, considering the call from Fox News and Associated Press who have already assigned him to Arizona.

Therefore, the Democratic candidate only needs to take one of the key states still at stake to triumph.

Even Nevada, which has the meager tally of big voters, just 6. At that point the appointment would be on December 14, with the formal election of the president by the Us Electoral College, which brings together the 538 big voters.

But the uncertainty of these elections, which two days after the vote still do not have a winner, and the heated climate around the outcome of the polls do not help to calm the spirits and tensions that have been running through the country for some time.

Thus demonstrations and protests are staged again in these hours from New York, with dozens of arrests, in Detroit and Phoenix, where instead the president's supporters, in some cases even armed, take to the streets and in some cases in front of the polling stations. of rifles and pistols.

A picture that worries and keeps the men of the National Guard on alert, ready to take the field alongside the police if the situation were to degenerate.

Even in Washington, where the White House continues to be armored, an inaccessible fort from which Trump plays his last cards.


Hear "After Trump? Still Trump Anyway" on Spreaker.

Usa 2020: short guide to the election day.

But the final result could slip

Source: ansa

All news articles on 2020-11-05

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