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The Indian Village Celebrating Kamala Harris's Victory | Israel today


| Around the worldThe small town where the grandfather of the US vice president was born burst into celebrations that included fireworks and excited prayers at the temple • Residents are excited: "She is a great woman" Children in the village of Thulsanderform with a portrait of Harris // Photo: AFP What is causing a small village in India to erupt in celebration with Joe Biden winning the US presidential electi

The small town where the grandfather of the US vice president was born burst into celebrations that included fireworks and excited prayers at the temple • Residents are excited: "She is a great woman"

  • Children in the village of Thulsanderform with a portrait of Harris // Photo: AFP

What is causing a small village in India to erupt in celebration with Joe Biden winning the US presidential election?

Precisely his deputy.

In the village of Thulsanderform this morning (Sunday) residents celebrated the results of the American election with excitement that does not fall short of that of the largest liberal strongholds in the United States. 

The village, located in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India, is home to at least two hundred people and also the birthplace of the grandfather of the new vice president, Kamla Harris. 

The good news was received in the village in a full Indian celebration that included a prayer in the temple, the throwing of colored powder, flower chains and a large portrait of the conductor, the new source of pride for the villagers. 

"Kamala made this village very, very proud. She is a great woman and a source of inspiration. She belongs to us, too, to this land here," Rangantan, a resident of the village and a farmer, told the local media. 

Harris' mother, Shimla Goplan, immigrated to the United States alone when she was just 19, in 1950. The talented young woman completed a doctorate in medical research and became a leading researcher in the field of breast cancer research.

Camela Harris described her in her victory speech: "When she came to this country when she was 19, she could not have imagined this moment, but she believed deeply in America, the place where such moments are possible." 

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-11-08

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