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Catalonia plans to open bars and restaurants at 30% until five in the afternoon from Monday


The Government wants to de-escalate in four phases that will last for at least 15 days eachA closed cafeteria in Barcelona David Zorrakino / Europa Press Catalonia plans to reopen bars and restaurants starting next Monday. The community, installed in a descending epidemic curve, has announced that it will begin its de-escalation on November 23, and, predictably, will begin by easing the restrictions in one of the sectors most affected by the limitations in this second wave: restoration

A closed cafeteria in Barcelona David Zorrakino / Europa Press

Catalonia plans to reopen bars and restaurants starting next Monday.

The community, installed in a descending epidemic curve, has announced that it will begin its de-escalation on November 23, and, predictably, will begin by easing the restrictions in one of the sectors most affected by the limitations in this second wave: restoration.

After more than a month closed tight, the draft de-escalation plan of the Government contemplates that bars and restaurants reopen on Monday with 30% of the capacity, both on terraces and indoors, and until five in the afternoon.

This measure, however, is susceptible to some change after the meetings of the Catalan Executive with the sector, they clarify from the Government.

The Minister of Health, Alba Vergés, announced this Monday that Catalonia was entering a "progressive" de-escalation, with several phases that would last at least 15 days.

Vergés asked for "prudence" and not to rush in the de-escalation.

According to Government sources, the draft de-escalation includes four phases to make restrictions more flexible.

In the first, which would begin on Monday, in addition to reopening the restoration, the document also proposes that cinemas, auditoriums, and concert halls with a capacity of less than 600 people can return to work at 50%.

It will also allow the reopening of sports facilities at 50% of their capacity.

“We are working on a reopening plan that will be in different phases and depending on how epidemiological data evolve, we will open.

The management goes beyond the health field, it is necessary to take into account the pairing of health and the economy, "said the Government spokesperson, Meritxell Budó, on Tuesday after the Executive Council meeting. The speed of spread of the virus (Rt) In Catalonia it continues to decline, but the healthcare pressure persists. The Generalitat has reported 2,051 new infections this Tuesday, although the Rt continues to fall and stands at 0.76, below what the health authorities recommend to keep the pandemic under control (less than 1) There are, however, 2485 hospitalized patients, 596 of them in intensive care (ICU).

According to the draft, advanced by



, in the third section the catering capacity would be increased to 50% and, in a third phase, which, predictably, would come into force shortly before Christmas, the limitation of social gatherings to a maximum of six people it would be expanded to 10 people.

In the fourth and last part of the de-escalation, explain sources from the Government, it would also allow university students to return to face-to-face activity (now all theoretical teaching is virtual) and capacity would be further expanded, although restoration will never exceed 50% of the occupation.

What will remain immovable, they insist from the Government, is the perimeter closure of the community, which they do not plan to lift.

However, the continuity of the confinement by municipalities during the weekend is under study, but these voices assure that it will not be lifted before reaching the third phase.

This means that you could not travel to second homes during the Constitution Bridge.

Nightlife will also remain closed.

The Government will meet this week with the different economic sectors affected to finish outlining the de-escalation plan.

“This afternoon we have meetings to see how this easing of the measures will be carried out.

If all goes according to plan, the Procicat [the government body that coordinates the response to the pandemic] would approve this new flexibility framework, ”said Budó.

For now, the restorers have already charged against the plan designed by the Government.

Restoration complaints

The Health proposal collides with the demands that the restaurant sector had agreed upon and that had been delivered to the Minister of Business, Ramon Tremosa, who planned to defend that proposal at the Executive Council on Tuesday.

The sector was betting on a de-escalation also in phases, but much less restricted than that proposed by Health.

Thus, for the first phase of reopening, it was committed to gauges that ranged between 30% and 50% inside the establishments, depending on whether safety distances of two meters between tables could be achieved.

In the terraces, according to the same demand, 100% of the capacity would be allowed if the distance between tables was ensured and the opening hours would be extended until 23.00.

As of December 9, a phase with more freedom would be entered (between 50% and 75% of the capacity in the interior) and as of January 7 there would be no capacity restrictions in the interior.

"They neither speak to us nor to the sector council," complained Joan Canadell, president of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, upon hearing the proposal from the Department of Health, after which he claimed to feel "surprise and indignation." The restaurant sector has today shown its unity and its desperation in a joint act at Casa Llotja, in which it has ended up denouncing that the Generalitat "has not shown the necessary sensitivity" and has opted for a scenario of "earth burned ”for the sector.

Source: elparis

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