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Corona: All of a sudden, Söder dealt a swipe at Austria - "When the ski areas open ..."


The corona situation in Austria is extreme: some districts exceed a 7-day incidence of 1000, the Covid 19 death rate is increasing. The news ticker.

The corona situation in Austria is extreme: some districts exceed a 7-day incidence of 1000, the Covid 19 death rate is increasing.

The news ticker.

  • Austria has a coronavirus pandemic:

    The second wave * hit the Alpine republic with full force.

  • Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has



    second lockdown

    from Tuesday, November 17

    , due to the high number of

    corona infections


  • Some districts in


    now have a

    7-day incidence

    over 1000 -

    Covid-19 deaths

    are increasing.

  • This

    news ticker

    is updated regularly.

Update from November 16, 10 p.m.: Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU)

has given

a clear swipe towards


after discussions between the German state leaders and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) about the expansion of the

second corona lockdown in Germany



Söder was

asked about the possibility of celebrating Christmas with his family despite the

Corona crisis

, the Franconian replied: “I'm more of a

New Year's Eve


Because of the high number of cases,


now has much stricter measures.

We have to think carefully about what happens when the ski areas in



around Christmas

for tourism reasons. "

A painful tip from


in the direction of


and the ski areas, for example in Tyrol and the Salzburg region.

As a reminder: The winter sports and après-ski resort of


had come into

negative focus across Europe as a super spreader

at the beginning of the

coronavirus pandemic


Several Bavarian and Austrian corona hotspots border each other, for example around the


Land, in the greater


/ Traunstein area or on

Lake Constance



Crisis manager in Corona times: Bavaria's Markus Söder (left) and Austria's Sebastian Kurz.

© Sven Hoppe / dpa

Corona pandemic in Austria: Federal President Alexander van der Bellen with an emotional appeal

Update from November 16, 9:30 p.m.:

Before the

second Corona lockdown


in the Alpine republic, the


Federal President Alexander van der Bellen

addressed the citizens of his country in an emotional message on social media.

The 76-year-old Viennese told of phone calls that he made throughout the day with



intensive care nurses

from hospitals across the country.

“These conversations made me feel the dramatic situation we are in.

Everyone has confirmed to me that the

situation in the


is extremely tense, but it is still manageable.

Still, "said Van der Bellen and, with a view to the doctors, demanded:" We are restricting our personal contacts so that nobody has to decide who



intensive care

bed and who doesn't.

So who has a chance of survival and who doesn't.

No doctor, nobody should have to make such a decision. "

Van der Bellen addressed the appeal with concrete examples.

"We are going into this


for all of our older people, for all people with previous illnesses," he said and said: "We are doing it for everyone who has an accident, a stroke or a major operation and an

intensive care bed

in the next few weeks


So now lockdown again.

Nobody in our country wanted this situation.

Because we all pay a high price.

But remember, we're going into this lockdown together.

And we'll come out again together.


- A. Van der Bellen (@vanderbellen) November 16, 2020

The Austrians would “support everyone in the caring professions.

The doctors in the intensive care units, the nurses.

All the people in the hospitals who are now doing great things, ”said the Federal President from the

Vienna Hofburg

to the whole country.

He promised: "We'll go into this

lockdown together

and we'll get out of it together."


Corona crisis in Austria: Chancellor Kurz and Health Minister Anschober.

© Helmut Fohringer / APA / dpa

Corona pandemic in Austria: "20 days without family reunions and celebrations"

Update from November 16, 2020, 12.24 p.m.:

The Austrian

Minister of Health Rudolf Anschober also

appeals to the population regarding the upcoming lockdown.


20 days of drastic reduction in contacts

through telephone and Skype instead of visits, 20 days home office wherever possible, 20 days without family reunions and celebrations - and we can thus protect the lives of many people!", It said in a statement.

For Anschober there is the last chance to protect doctors from triage decisions by consistently implementing the measures.

"Therefore, the hard lockdown beginning on Tuesday is the only chance to reduce severe overload in the intensive care units, the

last chance to prevent triages in Austrian hospitals,

" added Anschober.

The lockdown is our only chance to prevent a collapse in the hospitals.

We now know how serious it is that we need each of us.

We will decide the lives of many over the next two and a half weeks.

Information on the Emergency Measures Regulation:

- Rudi Anschober (@rudi_anschober) November 14, 2020

Corona in Austria: Incidence over 1000 - The numbers are exploding in these districts

The reason for the

tightening of the corona measures

is the continued

high number of infections

in Austria and signs of an impending overload of the health system.

The second wave also hit the German neighboring country with full force.

The 7-day incidence * in Austria is currently 543.4 - one of the highest values ​​in a European comparison.

On Sunday,

5,665 new corona infections

were reported



The situation


Upper Austria

is still particularly dramatic.

The corona numbers are





According to the Austrian reporting system AGES, the

7-day incidence

in the Rohrbach district is now




districts of Urfahr-Umgebung (1,081.3) and Ried im Innkreis (1,029.3) have also passed the

1000 mark

in Upper Austria.

But there are also corona hotspots in Tyrol, Carinthia and Salzburg, where the 1000 limit has (almost) been exceeded. 

Corona hotspots in Austria: The numbers are extremely high in these districts

7-day incidence (new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days)

Rohrbach: 1,372 Schwaz: 1,291Urfahr-area: 1,081Ried im Innkreis: 1,029Völkermarkt: 1,006Tamsweg: 927Dornbirn: 948Eferding: 946Perg: 896Steyr-Land: 861Sankt Johann im Pongau: 844Kufstein: 8445ScheennkirchenBregenz: 821Rust: 7398ScheennkirchenBregenz: 821Rust: 7398Scheennkirchen 784Güssing: 778Freistadt: 778

Corona in Austria: Alarming increase in deaths

Alarming is mainly the number of

deaths: 83 people

are within 24 hours in connection with SARS-CoV-2



According to there are currently 4,178 people in hospital treatment, 599 of them are in intensive care.

According to the information, the number of intensive care patients increased by 30 percent.

Shortly before Corona lockdown in Austria: Last day of shopping - heavy rush to shops expected

Vienna - "For the next two and a half weeks, from next Tuesday up to and including Sunday, December 6th, there will be a second


like in spring": With these words, the

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz


the renewed

closure of trade

last week

, including shops and services such as hairdressing salons.

Schools are switching to distance learning, leaving the house or apartment is only allowed for specific reasons, as was the case at the beginning of the corona pandemic * in spring.

These include basic needs, work and, specifically, outdoor recreation - but at most with individual “closest” friends or relatives.

Our goal: On December 7th, compulsory schools and retail should be the first to reopen after the lockdown.

One thing is clear: Nobody wants schools, restaurants, shops, etc. to be closed.

But we have to take this step together.

Let's help together!

- Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) November 14, 2020

Corona in Austria: Shops have to close for three weeks

From tomorrow,

Tuesday (November 17th)


Austrian retail will be closed for almost three weeks


In view of the impending loss of sales, which will be serious in the run-up to Christmas, many shops are reacting with short-term, sometimes extreme discounts and lightning promotions.

Lockdown in Austria: Extreme rush for shops expected

As reported by, due to the imminent lockdown on Monday, one expects another run

on the shops

in Austria


According to the report, there was already high activity on the weekend in shopping streets, hardware stores and shopping centers, where

long queues


The Austrian daily reports online on similar scenes.

“People are very aggressive.

The mood is really strange, "a sports shop salesman is quoted by the paper.

“It will be even worse on Monday,” another seller expects according to the report.

In Germany, too, further tightening of the corona restrictions could be imminent.

Details are to be announced in a press conference with Angela Merkel and Markus Söder.

(va) * is part of the Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Sven Hoppe / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-17

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