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The 'youtuber' that tames capital


At 22 years old and with an avalanche of followers, Nath Finanças disseminates basic financial education in Brazil, where millions of poor people survive every day, ripping off their credit cards and accumulating debt.

Nath Finanças exudes enthusiasm with a healthy dose of disbelief.

Until six months ago, this Brazilian recorded her videos for YouTube in the family home.

Difficult to prevent the sounds of the fruit truck, barking or the neighbor's funk from sneaking in.

Now silence and air conditioning are guaranteed because he left his lifelong neighborhood - the scene of frequent assaults and murders - to move to a charming eighth floor with a view.

One of the rooms is a set.

With the 700,000 followers that he amasses in networks, he has earned enough to emancipate himself and settle in a good area of ​​Nova Iguaçu, a poor, populous and violent city on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

The accounts come out.

Nathália Rodrigues, 22, has come this far thanks to the fact that one day she became passionate about financial education.

As soon as he began to understand the mysteries of money, he discovered that it was fascinating.

And she realized that no one was passing this valuable information to the millions who were poor like her.

Now he teaches them to manage their personal finances.

His explanations are tailored to the poorly educated majority who earn less than the minimum wage (1,045 reais a month, 150 euros, 175 dollars).

Legions living from day to day, often enslaved by credit.

In Brazil it is common to use a credit card to pay for a menu of the day or a beer, or to pay for the purchase of the week or a Nike in installments.

First lesson, write down income and expenses.

All, the ordinary and the extraordinary;

either on a folio or in a free app.

His audience are domestic workers who work for days, housewives, young freelancers ...

His landing on YouTube less than two years ago was a small revolution because Brazilians who talk about money are usually white men and women, with straight hair, who advise upper-middle-class savers on how to invest.

Until she arrived, black, insultingly young and with those spectacular Angela Davis curls explaining with everyday examples what inflation is, how to save little by little and how to navigate the stormy twists and turns of the thousand fees and financial products.

“They talk about saving 30%, of entrepreneurship…, it's all very distant.

They use very technical terms.

What they want is for these people to remain at the base of the pyramid to hire them for a minimum wage, ”he says.

The crisis that the pandemic has brought to millions of homes has skyrocketed its audience.

A shelf where Nath has put Thomas Piketty to coexist with Karl Marx.


The daughter of a housewife and a retired military man, Nath Finanças learned what she knows thanks to a didactic finance teacher since she had to start working at the age of 16.

She, too, was part of the gear that traps millions of Brazilians in chronic debt.

When he began to understand money, he was aware that those loyalty cards that he sold in a


shoe store

were a trap.

They offered credit, but only in that store, and besides, there was a fee to pay!

The bank also gave her, as soon as she had a job, a card with a credit that tripled her salary.

A candy that hooked her and would make her suffer to pay her bills.

He explains to his viewers that the credit is in case the refrigerator breaks down or other emergencies arise.

He serves his advice on every channel imaginable: Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, a podcast, and just debuted on WhatsApp, where he circulates an audio summary of the week's economic news.

Ideas are not lacking.

His first videos were rudimentary, before a yellow wall.

The background is now a bookstore where


Capital in the 21st Century appears

, along with




Until recently, he was studying Administration - he has just graduated -, worked and dedicated his nights to videos.

“I did it all alone.

Record, edit, post, broadcast.

An ant job ”.

It didn't take long for her to be discovered by an agency that saw her potential and boosted her career.

To those who believe that YouTube is a machine to make easy money, he dedicated a video to tell that he made 1,718 dollars in the first 18 months.

With what he really achieves income is collaborating with brands that place products in their videos.

His success has allowed him to hire 15 people in the middle of the pandemic, including his mother, who takes the agenda and finally, thanks to his daughter Nath, has financial independence.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2020-11-17

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