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They claim that Donald Trump probed the possibility of attacking nuclear facilities in Iran


According to The New York Times, it was Thursday, at a meeting in the Oval Office. Senior officials convinced him to backtrack on those plans.

11/17/2020 8:54 AM

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/17/2020 8:54 AM

Two months before leaving office, US President Donald Trump asked his top advisers about the possibility of



nuclear facilities

, The New York Times reported Monday.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last Thursday, the outgoing president asked several of his top aides, including Vice President Mike Pence;

the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo;

and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, "had a chance to take action against Iran's main nuclear site in the coming weeks," the newspaper said.

Senior officials "dissuaded the president from going ahead with a military attack" and warned him that an attack of that magnitude could escalate into a larger conflict in the final weeks of his presidency, the Times wrote.

During a meeting in the Oval Office, the outgoing president consulted with several of his top aides.

Photo: Reuters

According to this information, Trump asked the question after a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) revealed that Iran was

still storing uranium.

According to the Times, the most likely target of this attack was


, where, according to the IAEA, "Tehran's uranium reserves were 12 times larger than allowed by the nuclear deal that Trump abandoned in 2018", three years later. of its signature with the intention of curbing Iran's nuclear capacity.

Iran has long been

Trump's black beast


The president reimposed sanctions on Tehran and then tightened them once the nuclear program was abandoned.

The agreement's European partners have struggled to keep the deal afloat despite Trump's efforts to sink it, and they hope that the arrival of Democrat Joe Biden in the White House will




on Iran.

The Trump administration has vowed to step up punitive measures, which some critics see as an attempt to build a "wall of sanctions" that is

difficult for Biden to tear down

once he takes office.



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As if we had nothing to worry about, Donald Trump now intervenes at the Pentagon

Donald Trump, faced with the temptation of a war to show who's boss in the world

Source: clarin

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