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Merkel's Corona Infection Protection Act: Spahn speech NOW live in the Bundestag - police threaten demonstrators


Between the peaks the Corona law: The GroKo wants to follow up in an urgent procedure - and reacts to criticism. The plan still attracts massive anger. Partly wrongly.

Between the peaks the Corona law: The GroKo wants to follow up in an urgent procedure - and reacts to criticism.

The plan still attracts massive anger.

Partly wrongly.

  • At two corona summits, the

    federal and state governments

    want to set

    concrete measures to combat pandemics these days.

  • A

    new Infection Protection Act

    *, which the Bundestag and Bundesrat must vote on, will provide

    the legal framework from Wednesday (November 18) in an urgent procedure


  • In the run-up, there was astonishment at the cancellation of a video link by the Union parliamentary group with

    Christian Drosten

    (see update from November 17, 6.10 p.m. and November 18, 7.15 a.m.)


  • This

    news ticker

    is updated regularly.

Update from November 18, 11:58 a.m.:

12 p.m. the



on the amendment of the Infection Protection Act



Health Minister

Jens Spahn

(CDU) will be the first speaker.

The government hopes that the amended law will provide more

legal security

and greater


among the population for the further corona measures.

Critics complain, among other things, of vague terminology, but also excessive restrictions on fundamental rights.

Corona demonstrations in Berlin: water cannons are ready as a precaution

Update from November 18, 11:36 a.m.:


Berlin police announced

on Twitter that their requests to wear mouth and nose protection had

no effect


"The emergency services are now instructed to

carry out

deprivation of liberty

." If that doesn't help either, the only thing left is the dissolution of the assembly.

Another tweet said that the head of operations had arranged for the provision of

water cannons

in the area of ​​Straße des 17. Juni as a



Unfortunately, our requests to wear a face-to-face mask have no effect.

The emergency services are now instructed to carry out deprivation of liberty.

If that doesn't help, the only thing left is to dissolve the meeting. # B1811

- Berlin Police Deployment (@PolizeiBerlin_E) November 18, 2020

Update from November 18, 11.25 a.m.:

In the meantime, thousands of people have


mainly in


, to express their displeasure with the Corona Infection Protection Act.



reporter describes that the

distance and mask

rules have not yet been observed.

The field of participants is very different.

Not only right-wing extremists or

corona deniers

take part in such protests, families with children are also among those gathered.

It remains questionable whether and when the

police will break up

individual demonstrations if the requirements are not met.


German Press Agency

writes that 2,000 police officers are on duty, including support from nine other federal states and from the federal police.

Corona / Infection Protection Act: Christian Lindner (FDP) considers the law to be a "blank check"

Update from November 18, 10:31 a.m.:



have already


in Berlin,


against the government's

corona policy

, among other things


This is shown by pictures from the capital, such as the Brandenburg Gate.

The police have set up a

ban mile


front of the Reichstag building itself


The Interior Ministry had banned several planned protests there.

In the run-up, there was great fear that people would again occupy the steps to the entrance of the building

(see first report)


Meanwhile, Bundestag



Claudia Roth of

the Greens criticized the growing aggressiveness of opponents of the current Corona policy.

"A lively, critical debate about the Corona measures is right and important and the right to demonstrate is a valuable asset," she told the newspapers of the

editorial network in Germany


However, "the


" with which it is called to "hinder the members of parliament in their free exercise of their mandate and even their employees" or intimidate them is "deeply worrying and unacceptable".

In the social media, the Infection Protection

Act was

sometimes referred to as the

"Enabling Act"

, which in 1933 granted the National Socialists extensive powers that ultimately led to dictatorship.

Christian Lindner

, head of the FDP, will also comment on the law in the Bundestag at noon.

In the


- "Morgenmagazin" he justified the

criticism of

his party.

The law does not create "the clear

predictability of

government action in a pandemic" that it needs.

Rather, Lindner wants clear content about the pandemic situation and what measures the governments may adopt - that is, what may happen in the event of a slight infection in the country and what measures the government

can take




“Basically it's a

blank check,

” says Lindner of the current proposal.

The government's room for maneuver is still going too far.

An amendment by the FDP will be put to the vote later.

In addition, Lindner demands that the government



crisis strategy

more strongly in parliament.

“It's not about having a say in every single measure,” but the strategy and goals must be clear.


Participants in a demonstration against the federal government's corona restrictions stand in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

© Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Corona / Infection Protection Act: FDP calls for more influence from the Bundestag and parliaments

Update from November 18, 7:39 a.m.:

The opposition continues to criticize the

infection protection reform


FDP interior expert 

Konstantin Kuhle

 calls for

parliaments to have

more influence


In an interview with

Münchner Merkur

, Kuhle calls the government's argument that these are too slow in case of doubt

"executive arrogance".

Update from November 18, 7.15 a.m.:

On Wednesday from 12 p.m., the

Bundestag will

discuss planned changes to the


Protection Act


There is criticism * of


Corona law

from different sides because of various points

(see first report)


SPD parliamentary group leader

Rolf Mützenich

has now defended the planned changes against accusations of arbitrary restrictions on fundamental rights.

The opposite is true: “In the future, every measure, every restriction of accustomed life must be well and clearly justified.

This has put a stop to



, ”said Mützenich of the

German Press Agency


In the pandemic, the

executive branch

would have to make

far-reaching decisions quickly, argued the SPD politician.

“This is



protect the population


But the decisions have to be legally secure.

In the past weeks and months, many courts have overturned the measures taken, precisely because they lacked a sufficient

legal basis


On the one hand, this shows that our legal system - including control by the courts - also works in the pandemic.

On the other hand, it weakens the effectiveness of the measures to contain the pandemic. "

In the evening, the virologist

Christian Drosten also

reported on Twitter and commented on a report by

Bild (see update from November 17, 6:10 p.m.)


Drosten writes: "I canceled myself because


misrepresented the topic of my long-planned appearance in front of the parliamentary group in advance and in this way provoked messages of hate against me.

That makes scientific information and discussion impossible. "

Corona / Infection Protection Act: Ministry of the Interior prohibits protests in the vicinity of the Bundestag building

Update from November 17, 6:10 p.m.:

Before the planned

adoption of the new Corona law by

the grand coalition on Wednesday, the Union's nerves are apparently tense.

According to a report by


, the CDU and CSU


a planned video connection of the parliamentary group with the

prominent virologist Christian Drosten

on Tuesday


The reasons are unclear - the paper speculates, however, that there has been criticism of the law against critically minded MPs.

Perhaps the impression should also be avoided that pressure could be exerted on the Union parliamentarians.

There are also concerns from the

Corona opponent camp


In the social media, the law - actually intended to democratically legitimize the measures - was sometimes referred to as the

“Enabling Act”


Politicians not only from the governing parties protested against this title (see first report).

SPD legal expert Johannes Fechner also

informed the


on Tuesday

that the new law should make very specific requirements for the

limitation of restrictions


He spoke of a general time limit of four weeks each.




- Lars Klingbeil 🇪🇺 (@larsklingbeil) November 17, 2020

In the meantime, several

protests against the Infection Protection Act

announced in the vicinity of the Bundestag building

have been




to its own statements, the

Ministry of the Interior

rejected twelve requests for rallies in agreement with the Bundestag and Bundesrat.

Previously, there had been warnings of rioting.

The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) Berlin also warned


attacks on the Bundestag

, according to a




The newspaper quoted on Tuesday from a letter from the Bundestag police to members of parliament in which this was pointed out.

The parliamentary police also expressly warned that

“politically radical and sometimes violent groups could take part in the rallies”


Despite the prohibition, the LKA assumes “numbers of participants in the upper four-digit range, at most in the lower five-digit range”.

Meanwhile, more and more MPs complained about the receipt of thousands of spam emails on the subject.

The left

and the


see the proposed law critically.

Nonetheless, the

FDP politician Konstantin Kuhle

spoke of “dangerous nonsense” with a view to the emails


Left leader

Katja Kipping

wrote on Twitter that, among other things, she had been insulted as a “handyman of the Merkel fascists”.

The means of mass mail is not used for the first time and not only in the context of corona protests.

Merkel's Corona law should come in an urgent procedure: concern about escalation at the Reichstag - and "malicious lies"


Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Bundestag.


First report: Berlin

- after the Corona summit is before the summit - and before the



In Berlin, Angela Merkel's federal government and the Bundestag are again working at high speed on setting the course for the Corona crisis.

However, every single step is controversial.

Even before

"legally binding" new corona measures are to be enacted


Wednesday (November 25), a

new infection protection

law is to be passed

by the




within a few hours

this Wednesday


This will also be an explosive moment:

protests have been announced in

front of the

Reichstag building

, MPs have been bombarded with spam.

And the opposition sees a need for improvement in the amendment - even if it tries to use verbal moderation.

Corona law of GroKo heavily criticized: SPD and Union improve - Greens and FDP continue to be concerned

So far, most of the

Corona measures have been

based on a vague clause that allows the “necessary protective measures” to be ordered.

GroKo hopes the new version of the existing law will provide more legal security.

Only in the past few days had the SPD and Union made further adjustments under high pressure to the amendment, which was also heavily debated in parliament - although some steps

failed due to

resistance from the





Previously, experts had criticized, as can be read on the pages of the Bundestag.

Nevertheless, the opposition is still dissatisfied.

Green leader Annalena Baerbock,

for example, demands that the


Protection Act must guarantee a minimum of interpersonal contact and freedom of movement.

It must be clear that "a minimum of social contacts and leaving your own apartment" is always possible, said Baerbock on Monday.

In addition, the restrictions must be justified and always limited in time.

New Corona law from Merkel's GroKo: What is in it - and what is not


The SPD was unable to assert itself with the demand for the right of the Bundestag or the state parliaments to receive regulations at least in retrospect.

It remains with information rights and the obligation to give reasons.

Measures must be limited in time in the future.




In a new

paragraph 28a,

the law lists steps to combat pandemics - including mask requirements, distance requirements or the closure of restaurants.

However, this list is not exhaustive.

Restriction for infection protection measures:

It should be stipulated that “social, societal and economic effects on the individual and the general public must be included and taken into account”.

Religious gatherings and demonstrations should only be restricted if an effective pandemic containment would otherwise be “seriously endangered”.

Travel and guest lists:

According to a report by the


guest lists in restaurants should

only be used to combat the disease.

A legal basis is to be created for entry registrations after trips from risk areas.

Incidence value as

a measure of


From a 7-day incidence * of 50, the federal states should be obliged to take comprehensive protective measures.

Once this value has been reached nationwide, “nationwide coordinated measures” should be sought.

Rules of the federal states:

The federal states should justify and limit their rules in the future.

The Union, however, refused to require the approval of the state parliaments.

Vaccination centers

should be established by December 15th.

New financial compensation for hospitals is also set.

Incidentally, compulsory vaccination is not part of the law.


hotel and catering association Dehoga is

threatening a



in Karlsruhe

because of the law

- despite a potential "considerable interference with basic rights" it is missing a legally provided compensation.


FDP politician Christian Jung

said that the law contains some good and right points, but it also enables sweeping and far-reaching encroachments on fundamental rights.

The draft was "badly made, creates no legal certainty and ignores parliament".

Nonetheless, he was

“not an enabling law”

and was



“a dictatorship”


The GroKo draft for the new § 28a #IfSG is badly made, creates no legal security and ignores #Parliament.

The @fdpbt and I will reject it and come up with a draft on how to do better.

Nevertheless: It is not a # empowering law and does not establish a #dictatorship!

- Christian Jung (@ c_jung77) November 17, 2020

Corona law reaps anger: flood of spam hits MPs - spurred on by "malicious lies"?

The background to this notice are loud and sometimes drastic protests against the law.

A flood of spam mails apparently hit many members of the Bundestag.


regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt

said on Tuesday that his office alone had received around 37,000 such emails by morning.

The vast majority are identical with identical passages in the text.

Who is behind it cannot be clarified.

The opposition politician Baerbock also said that her office was severely affected.


demonstrations in front of the Reichstag building

and in the area have been registered for


- by opponents of the Corona restrictions such as the so-called

lateral thinkers




For two larger meetings, 1,000 participants are registered.

One event has meanwhile been canceled, a rally by the “Network Impfentscheid Deutschland”.

One reason is not officially known, but according to information from the

Berliner Morgenpost

, the organizers feared riots by

violent extremists



neo-Nazis and so-called Reich citizens

had called the Internet to participate.

Dobrindt said that he did not assume that there would be an occupation of the Reichstag steps similar to an earlier demonstration by opponents of the mask.

Dobrindt also spoke of a

malicious lie

when the critics


of an "enabling law".

The point is not that the rights of parliament should be undermined, but rather strengthened.

However, it also seems possible that the

rallies will be banned

: In a letter from the Bundestag's security officer to the MPs, it is said that, based on a risk assessment by the Berlin State Criminal Police Office, there was cause for concern “that parliamentary operations will be impaired,


because of

attacks on the buildings of the German Bundestag and also on people ”.

Corona law comes on Wednesday: Bundestag, Bundesrat and Steinmeier demanded within a few hours


legal expert Johannes Fechner

referred to improvements compared to the controversial first draft: It is now stipulated that

statutory ordinances to protect against the pandemic

"must be limited in time and that they must be justified".

"The point is that the Bundestag shows that and what protective measures it allows in this exceptional situation of the corona pandemic," emphasized

Union parliamentary group vice Thorsten Frei (CDU)


The new version of the draft law was discussed on Monday in the health and legal committees of parliament and is to be passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat on Wednesday.

The new law is to be signed by

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

on the same day

so that it can come into force quickly.


fn / dpa / AFP

) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network


List of rubric lists: © Michael Kappeler / dpa-pool / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-18

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