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St. Paul's Catholic Church, Tzujing, and the Department of Health have tightened policies for upper respiratory infections, many schools need to suspend classes


Cases of upper respiratory tract infection continued to erupt in schools. It is reported that the Department of Health has tightened its policy today (18th). When there are students in the school for four consecutive days, three students have both flu symptoms at the same time.


Written by: Deng Huanyi, Xu Luoluo, Li Ziming

2020-11-18 14:15

Last update date: 2020-11-18 14:23

Cases of upper respiratory tract infections continue to erupt in schools. It is reported that the Department of Health has tightened its policy today (18th). When there are students in the school for four consecutive days, three students have two flu symptoms at the same time, that is to say, the school will be suspended for at least the next day 7 days.

Many schools such as La Salle Primary School, St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Buddhist Mercy School, and St. Paul’s Co-educational Primary School announced today that they will suspend classes starting tomorrow (19th) due to symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections among students.

Click the picture to see the list of suspended schools




Many schools announced their own suspension

The Centre for Health Protection announced last night (17th) that 89 school outbreaks of upper respiratory infection were recorded this week, of which 4 were in kindergartens and child care centres, and 82 were in primary schools, an increase of 47 cases from yesterday, involving 573 people.

The center also stated that it will arrange for the distribution of deep throat saliva sample bottles to schools with outbreaks of upper respiratory tract infections to conduct COVID-19 testing for teachers and students in the affected classes.

It is reported that the Department of Health has tightened its policy today. When there are students in the school for four consecutive days, three students have two flu symptoms at the same time, that is, the school will be suspended for at least seven days from the next day.

The reporter asked the Department of Health about the relevant suspension guidelines and is waiting for a reply.

Many schools announced today that they will suspend classes for 7 days starting tomorrow (19th) due to symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections among students.

St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School issued a notice to parents stating that 6 students in class 3A have recently developed symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection and that students in this class need to be tested for the new crown virus. The Center for Health Protection strongly recommends that the whole school be closed from tomorrow (19th) to 25th 7 day.

The Baptist & Missionary Alliance Lu Mingcai Primary School issued a notice to parents that as many students in each class have been infected with upper respiratory diseases, the school has received a notice from the Center for Health Protection that the whole school must start from November 18 (Wed) to November 24, 2020. (2) Classes will be suspended for 7 days until the students who are ill have undergone a "deep throat saliva test" and they are confirmed to be negative.

The Tianshen Canossian School issued a notice stating that until the 17th, six more students in the second and fourth grades respectively developed symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection and have now stayed at home to rest.

The school has reported the relevant case to the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, and the Center for Health Protection also confirmed that a small outbreak of upper respiratory tract infection has occurred in the school.

For the sake of caution, all students in the above two classes will stop returning to school from today (18th) and must be tested for the 2019 Coronavirus. They cannot return to school until the test results are issued.

Click the picture to view the school announcement:

Buddhist Mercy School: No way out

Buddhism Cijing School will be closed tomorrow. Principal Fan Xiuqi said in response to reporters’ enquiries that the school had received instructions from the Health Protection Center yesterday that three students in the school had two flu symptoms at the same time for four consecutive days. Classes will be suspended for at least seven days starting from the next day. Classes will be suspended today.

Principal Fan said: "This year, students with upper respiratory tract infections seem to be more serious than in previous years, and this year’s policy is also much stricter than before. Because the Health Protection Center is worried about whether students will be infected with COVID-19 (new coronary pneumonia), it is very cautious. For the safety of students, there is no other way, because the parents of elementary school are very nervous."

Catholic Island School: I do not want to close classes, which will affect my learning progress

Principal Li Andy of the Catholic Island School pointed out that neither the school nor the parents hope to have classes suspended at this stage, which will affect the progress of students in various subjects.

At present, the weather is getting colder, and it is difficult for the school to judge whether a student’s symptoms involve related symptoms. The only situation that can be objectively reported to the Department of Health is when a student has fever.

As for whether the student’s condition is of flu symptoms, it will be reported to the Department of Health on the basis of the student’s doctor’s note.

The school will also pay close attention to the physical condition of the students. If they see a runny nose or a severe cough, they will immediately advise them not to go to school and seek medical advice.

In addition, the school will also inquire about the absence of parents and classmates. If parents inform them that they are unwell, they will also be reported to the Department of Health depending on the situation.

Sanshui Huixuan Jingrong School: Classes may be suspended for nearly ten days

Li Xiaobao, Huixuan Jingrong School in Sanshui Township, estimated that many schools will need to suspend classes for at least seven days under the new standard.

Now it is the changing season and many students have just finished flu shots, and related symptoms will also appear, so the situation will seem more serious.

Compliance with the definition of upper respiratory tract infection means that three students in the same class have symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (including fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, muscle pain), and each of them has two of the above symptoms, the school needs to report to hygiene In the protection center, students in classes who are infected need to be tested for the 2019 coronavirus.

But now it is heard that schools that have suspended classes to collect test samples need to wait more than seven days for the results. In other words, it is possible that classes will be suspended for close to ten days.

Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School: According to the judgment of the doctor

Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School Lam Tak Yuk said that seasonal flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain, fatigue and headache; vomiting and diarrhea may also occur.

The school will ask parents to take students to see a doctor, and then deal with related matters according to the doctor's judgment.

Hong Kong Direct Subsidy School Council: The school dare not take it lightly

The Chairman of the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy School Council, Chen Di-an, pointed out that the relevant policies have not yet been formally implemented, but schools and the Department of Health have always had related reporting mechanisms. For example, if students are absent due to flu symptoms, some students have fever, etc., they will also notify the Department of Health. .

If students are found to be unwell in the school, they will also be arranged to go to the medical office for a simple examination. Since the symptoms of new coronary pneumonia and influenza are similar, the school dare not take it lightly. After understanding the background of the students, if they find that they are not long-term nasal allergies, asthma, etc. Will consider recommending students to see a doctor or report to the Department of Health.

It is believed that the relevant policies will have a greater impact on primary schools.

Currently, there are only about one or two students absent from the YMCA School where Principal Chen Di'an takes office, which is similar to the days when there was no epidemic.

Primary school has not suspended Chen Zhaoshi: students are more capable of taking care of themselves

The authorities announced last Thursday (12th) that kindergartens and child care centers will suspend face-to-face classes for 14 days from November 14.

The Secretary for Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, said that considering that primary school students are more capable of taking care of themselves and are divided into classes, the risk of a large-scale outbreak is low, and there is no suspension of classes at this stage.

Follow the picture to see how to prevent infection and enhance immunity:

Primary school students beware of 6 high-risk positions

In the extraordinary period, what should be paid attention to when elementary school students return to school?

Pediatrician Chen Xinyong said, “You must have a good sense of hygiene and defense, wash your hands frequently, don’t pull down your mask, rub your nose, or touch your mask all day long. When you return to school all day, you must remove the mask at the food point. Instead, wear a mask. Pay more attention to masks and keep them. Secondly, you must have enough sleep. Parents should not schedule too many activities, so that they can rest and get sick. In addition, they must maintain a balanced diet." He reminded parents to avoid Take children to crowded places, such as playgrounds, to avoid cross-infection.

Click the picture to see the 6 high-risk positions on the primary school campus:

He added that there are also different high-risk locations on elementary school campuses that need to be guarded.

"The places where children gather, bookshelves, stool backs, toilets, door handles, and water pipes are all easily attached to dirt. If their hands are not clean and they come in contact with droplets, they will have a chance to be infected. Handrub will be easy to return to school. In addition, oral water dispensers are not suitable, it is best to bring your own water bottle."

Click on the picture to see the immune-enhancing food:

4 foods to boost immunity

Hong Kong Society of Dietitians (HKNS) accredited nutritionist Li Xingyu said that to enhance immunity, in addition to sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation, it is also advisable to eat more antioxidants, that is, fruits and vegetables of different colors.

How can parents cook fruits and vegetables to attract children?

She suggested several simple foods, "Tomato scrambled eggs contain lycopene, pumpkin meat porridge contains carotene, three-color pepper fried shrimps contain vitamin C, and fresh blueberry cheese contains anthocyanins and probiotics."


Parent-child health

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-18

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