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Migrants in Paris: an association claims 1,000 places and threatens a new action on Saturday


The association Utopia 56 is at the origin of the controversial gathering organized Monday evening on Place de la République, and marked by an evacuation

1000 places of accommodation or the promise of a new punch action Saturday in the heart of Paris.

The association of aid to exiles Utopia 56, at the origin of the rally Place de la République on Monday, sets its conditions.

In a statement released Wednesday evening, the collective demands action from political leaders.

The announcement Tuesday of the creation of "240 accommodation places" by the government "is absolutely not sufficient", assures the collective.

We are asking for 1,000 immediate accommodation places following the inhuman expulsion from the Saint-Denis camp and the permanent persecution of exiled people surviving on the street.

1000-103 = 897. Get to work!


- Utopia 56 (@ Utopia_56) November 25, 2020

According to him, “more than 400 exiled people were present Monday evening and an even greater number of people left behind last Tuesday during the dismantling of the Saint-Denis camp.

It is therefore 1000 accommodation places that are needed without delay.

If this is not the case, we will be present again from Saturday evening in a symbolic place in Paris with those that the public authorities abandon to the streets ”, concludes Utopia 56.

Monday, an evacuation in the most total chaos

As a reminder, Monday evening around 7 p.m., several hundred migrants, wandering since the evacuation of a large camp in Saint-Denis last week, set up tents by surprise on the Place de la République.

Objective: to bring to light a problem that the public authorities are trying to "make invisible", according to the activists.


Barely evacuated, already reformed: for 5 years, the spiral of migrant camps in Paris

An hour later, the evacuation carried out by the police took place in total chaos.

Images of police violence are relayed on social networks.

We see migrants taken out of their tents by force, a refugee being tripped up by an agent while the journalist Rémy Buisine claims to have been "molested several times by a police officer".

After being targeted by tear gas and de-encircling grenades in the streets of central Paris, hundreds of refugees and associations were then escorted out of Paris, an operation that scandalized the elected officials of Seine-Saint-Denis.


Migrants evacuated with violence in République: "It's their daily life"

Police sources, for their part, regretted that the intervention was carried out by police officers who were partly non-specialists in maintaining order.

Paris city hall also singled out

In its new press release, Utopia 56 did not wish to dwell on these images deemed "shocking" by the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin and for which the IGPN has been seized on several occasions.

"We have the feeling that the debate is moving away from the main subject, slice the association Wednesday evening.

Two days after the extremely violent dismantling of it, hundreds of exiled people still survive in the streets in undignified conditions ”.


"This tent was my only home": from Saint-Denis to Paris, migrants on a chaotic journey

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We are now awaiting a response from the government but also from the City of Paris, whose associations are expecting a lot.

"The town hall says it supports our action, but it is she who has the power to make places available", hammered Tuesday in our columns an activist of Utopia 56.

In a letter sent to Gérald Darmanin, Anne Hidalgo assured that the capital had for several days offered two emergency accommodation places: the Porte de Versailles exhibition center (15th) and the Champerret space (17th).

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-11-26

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