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Corona in Lower Saxony: Lockdown from Wednesday (December 16, 2020) - More deaths


There are numerous new corona infections in Lower Saxony. From Wednesday (December 16, 2020) there will be a hard lockdown. Students can stay at home starting today.

There are numerous new corona infections in Lower Saxony.

From Wednesday (December 16, 2020) there will be a hard lockdown.

Students can stay at home starting today.

  • In 

    Lower Saxony




    have been

    infected with the



    since the start of the 


    * pandemic 

    (as of December 14, 2020).

  • From Wednesday (December 16, 2020),


    corona rules will

    apply in

    Lower Saxony

    in the nationwide


    - including Christmas and New Year's Eve.

  • Lower Saxony's

    Prime Minister Stephan Weil

    informed about the changes to the

    coronavirus measures


Update from Monday, December 14th, 2020, 2:20 p.m.:


state of Lower Saxony

has announced the current figures on

corona infection


Accordingly, 597 new infections were reported, which is why the number of laboratory-confirmed case numbers increases to a total of 86,056.

The number of deaths continues to rise: Compared to the previous day, 9 more people died with a



377 other people are considered recovered.

Proven corona infections (December 14, 2020)

86.056 (+597)

Deceased persons

1429 (+9)

Dear recovered people

68.030 (+377)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony

The hard


for all of Germany

decided on Sunday (December 13th, 2020)

also has an impact on Lower Saxony - especially at Christmas.

Here is an overview of what is allowed at Christmas in Lower Saxony - and what is not.


Stephan Weil, Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, explained the new corona rules.

These were necessary because of the continued high number of infections.

© Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

Corona in Lower Saxony: Lockdown from December 16, 2020 - New rules for Christmas and New Year's Eve

Update from Sunday, December 13th, 2020, 1:22 p.m.:

On Sunday, the federal and state governments


in a conference on a more far-reaching

corona lockdown


The corona rules in

Lower Saxony

are also affected


“Unfortunately, the previous shutdown light did not bring the results we had hoped for.

Here, too, the number of

infected people

is increasing


Although we

have far better infection rates


Lower Saxony

than other countries, we must not feel safe.

On the contrary: We have to use this circumstance to stop the increase in incidences through even stricter measures, "said Lower Saxony's

Prime Minister Stephan Weil

on Sunday after the meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Corona in Lower Saxony: Lockdown starts - that applies to Christmas and New Year's Eve

"Christmas and New Year's Eve this year have to be so very different from all other Christmas and New Year's Eve that I have experienced in my life," said Prime Minister Stephan Weil regretfully.

The regulations for



New Year's Eve

are to be

tightened in three areas


Lower Saxony


  • Contact restrictions - including Christmas and New Year:

    How far applies in

    Lower Saxony



    : A maximum of 5 people in two households are allowed to meet.

    Children under the age of 14 are not included.

    There will be an exception over the

    Christmas holidays

    : on December 24th, 25th and 26th, 2020, meetings with four people from the “closest family circle” and their children up to 14 years of age are allowed.

    According to the decision of the federal-state conference, the closest family circle includes spouses and other civil partners as well as direct relatives and their household members.

    There is no exception


    New Year's Eve

    : there is a maximum of 5 people from two households.

    In addition, there is a nationwide ban on gatherings and a ban on fireworks in crowded places, which are determined by the respective municipalities.

  • Schools and daycare centers in Lower Saxony

    : As announced last week, the mandatory attendance at schools in Lower Saxony will be lifted from Monday (14.12.2020) - this applies temporarily until the

    Christmas holidays


    Pupils who write an exam relevant for promotion or graduation during this period cannot be exempted - there should be distance lessons in the

    school for


    In addition, there should continue to be

    emergency care


  • Retail:

    Due to the increasing number of

    corona cases

    , all non-essential

    shops will be closed




    New Year

    - and possibly beyond.

    Body-hugging services such as




    studios are also included



Corona Lockdown in Lower Saxony: There are also strict contact restrictions for Christmas.

A maximum of four other close relatives may come for Christmas visits - children under 14 years of age are excluded.

(Symbol image)

© Roman Moebius via

Corona in Lower Saxony: The number of cases on Sunday, December 13th, 2020

The number of

new corona infections


Lower Saxony continues to

rise compared to the previous week: The Lower Saxony State Health Office reported 1138 confirmed cases within 24 hours on Sunday - 265 more than on Sunday a week ago.

The number of reported deaths rose by 4 to 1,420. The nationwide

7-day incidence

is currently 94.2 infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

At the district level,

Lower Saxony has

the highest

corona incidences

for Holzminden (147.6), Cloppenburg (140.6) and Osnabrück (140.5).

Only 5 of the 45 districts and urban districts in Lower Saxony were below the

7-day incidence

of 50

on Sunday (December 13, 2020)

. In the city and district of


, the incidence is currently 76.4 and in the district of

Northeim it

is 44.6.

Proven corona infections (13.12.2020)

85,460 (+1,339)

Deceased persons

1,420 (+4)

Dear recovered people

67,653 (+877)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony

Update from Saturday, December 12th, 2020, 3:09 p.m.:



period of study


Lower Saxony

will be extended by one


until you return to normal university operations


This was decided by the state parliament on Thursday (December 10th, 2020) in



This is to ensure, among other things, that


recipients can receive payments for longer and that fees are due later.

The regulation also applies to


who only started their studies in the autumn of this year, as well as to students who

enroll at universities in


summer semester 2021


Lower Saxony: Due to Corona, students can simply stay at home from Monday

Meanwhile, the decision by

Lower Saxony's Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs,

Grant-Hendrik Tonne, is a

source of bewilderment

: From Monday (December 14th, 2020), students in Lower Saxony can simply stay at home without having to



School principals are anything but enthusiastic and are demanding better regulations in their



Tonne, on the other hand, would like to



infection process

with the new regulation


Corona in Lower Saxony: Sale of alcohol for direct consumption is now prohibited

From Saturday (12/12/2020),


ban on

the sale of


for consumption outside will


apply in

Lower Saxony


The State Chancellery in Hanover announced this on Friday evening (December 11th, 2020), according to the NDR.


sale of

alcoholic beverages such as



mulled wine

for direct consumption is therefore prohibited.

This applies to


, retail and private areas.


Education Minister Grant-Hendrik Tonne lifted compulsory schooling for Lower Saxony on Monday (14.12.2020) - students can therefore stay at home without an application.

But there was heavy criticism from the schools.

(Symbol image)

© Britta Pedersen

Lower Saxony: The current Corona numbers from Saturday (12.12.2020)

The state of Lower Saxony has announced the current


case numbers.

Accordingly, the number of detected


infections increases to 84,332, which is over 1,000

new infections

within a day.

In addition, 30 other people have died in connection with



Compared to Friday (December 11th, 2020), 1,143 more people are considered recovered.

Corona in Lower Saxony: Association of medium-sized and large companies warns of another shutdown

Update from Friday, December 11th, 2020, 3 p.m.:

The ongoing and steadily worsening

corona crisis is




hard: According to a report by the German Press Agency, the Association of Medium-sized and Large Retailers North (VMG) is now warning of the

Consequences of another shutdown:

"Closing the stationary retail trade again so shortly before or between the holidays would take away the most profitable part of the year," explains VMG chairman Volker Tschirch.


financial burden

would be

fatal and serious




Tschirch emphasizes that with the measures decided, it must be clear that stationary

retail will

not be a

driver of the pandemic

in the second wave


That is why the VMG is calling for new rules to

contain the pandemic


Corona in Lower Saxony: Health Minister Reimann promotes vaccinations

Lower Saxony's

Minister of Health,

Carola Reimann, is clearly in favor of

vaccinations against the corona virus


"Vaccination is the most important preventive measure we have," said the SPD politician, according to the German Press Agency, on Friday in Wolfsburg.

It is the decisive "instrument" in the pandemic that could change the situation across the country again.


Corona situation in Lower Saxony: Health Minister Carola Reimann speaks out in favor of vaccinations against the corona virus and looks confidently ahead.

© Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

Reimann visited a vaccination center in Wolfsburg on Friday (January 11th, 2020) and was extremely confident:


are a

"huge opportunity"

for every individual and for society as a whole and everyone should make their contribution.

A “limiting factor” for the

health minister

is the availability of the vaccine. However, she strongly assumes that formal approval for a vaccine in Europe will be available by the end of December.

Corona in Lower Saxony: the number of new infections and deaths is increasing


state of Lower Saxony

has announced the current figures on

corona infection


Accordingly, 1,537 new infections were reported, which is why the number of laboratory-confirmed case numbers increases to a total of 82,984.

The number of deaths is also increasing: compared to the previous day, 29 more people died with a



1559 people are considered to have recovered.

Proven corona infections (December 11th, 2020)

82,984 (+1,537)

Deceased persons

1,386 (+29)

Dear recovered people

65,633 (+1,559)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony

Corona in Lower Saxony: Another corona summit by the federal and state governments is imminent

Update from Thursday, December 10th, 2020, 2:12 p.m

.: In the coming days there will be another

corona summit

with the federal and state governments.

The aim is to



stricter corona regulations


Lower Saxony's Prime Minister

Stephan Weil (SPD) confirmed this on Thursday, December 10, 2020, in the state parliament in Hanover.

The federal and state governments will probably meet at the weekend.

"What we are doing now over



New Year's Eve

and into the New Year is a very important act of preventive fire protection for me," explains the SPD politician.

Corona in Lower Saxony: Weil is taking back easing

At the same time, Weil announced in the state parliament that it would


the possible

corona easing


The current contact restrictions should only be relaxed directly over Christmas from December 24th to 26th, 2020.

During this period ten people are allowed to meet - children under the age of 14 are excluded.

New Year's Eve

should only be celebrated with a maximum of five people.

In addition, parents should be able to free their children from face-to-face classes in the coming week.

This decision comes as a surprise, because

Lower Saxony

seemed to be taking a different route.

Weil initially looked confident and saw no need for stricter corona rules in Lower Saxony.

Although federal states such as Bavaria and Hesse have already taken initial measures and imposed a curfew.

Christmas and New Year's Eve this year must be so very different from any other Christmas and New Year's Eve that I have ever experienced in my life. com / q6girlEPBH

- MP Stephan Weil (@MpStephanWeil) December 10, 2020

Corona in Lower Saxony: The current case numbers


hotel and tourism industry

also suffers from

the current

Corona regulations


The number of tourists in

Lower Saxony has

decreased significantly compared to the previous year.

In September 1.2 million guests were counted.

That is a fifth less than in September 2019, according to data from the State Statistical Office.

The overnight stays fell by about eleven percent to 4.1 million.

Only the North Sea coast recorded a plus.

The number of guest arrivals increases by 4.7 percent, the number of overnight stays by 7.8 percent.

Meanwhile, the state of

Lower Saxony is

publishing the


corona case numbers


More than 1,000 new infections were reported within 24 hours.

The total number of infections climbed to 81,448.

There are also 19 other deaths.

Proven corona infections (December 10th, 2020)

81,448 (+1,467)

Deceased persons

1,357 (+19)

Dear recovered people

6.4074 (+1.400)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony


Restaurants should remain closed in Lower Saxony until at least January 10, 2021 - but Prime Minister Stephan Weil is considering withdrawing the easing over Christmas and New Year's Eve due to the still high number of cases.

(Sy, mbolbild)

© Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

Corona in Lower Saxony: the number of infected people is increasing

Update from Wednesday, December 9th, 2020, 4.40 p.m.:

Over 1000


cases more than the day before (December 8th, 2020): This is reported by the Lower Saxony State Health Office.

Since the beginning of the


have in


therefore 79,982 people with the





In concrete terms, that is 1011


more than the day before.

The number of


in connection with the




increases, according to the public health authorities by 42


in the previous day.


1,338 people have died in connection with the

corona virus

in the

state of Lower Saxony

since the beginning of the pandemic



7-day incidence

has decreased marginally and is now 84.3.

Proven corona infections (December 9th, 2020)

79.982 (+1011)

Deceased persons

1338 (+42)

Dear recovered people

62674 (+1278)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony

Corona in Lower Saxony: Call for voluntary pre-quarantine

The current


situation in

Lower Saxony

was also a topic in the

state parliament

on Wednesday (December 9th, 2020)


The Minister of Social Affairs,


Carola Reimann

in the current hour.

In addition to warning words, she also highlighted some bright spots.

The tests are becoming more and more targeted.

Experience in dealing with sick people is increasing and there will probably be an approved


this year

, so


Carola Reimann.

With a view to the upcoming

Christmas holidays

, she advised to go into a voluntary



During this period, any

risk of infection

should be avoided for

5 to 10 days


The minister again confirmed the current strategy and noted that it still looks like this:

  • Contacts

    are to be consistently reduced.

  • AHA - L:

    Keep your distance, maintain hygiene, wear everyday masks, comply with ventilation cycles.

  • If you have

    cold symptoms

    , you should definitely stay at home.

  • Voluntary


    before meeting people who are particularly vulnerable is recommended.

  • As soon as the

    vaccine is

    available one should get vaccinated.

Corona in Lower Saxony: Incidence is increasing - Weil sees no need to tighten the Corona rules

Update from Tuesday, December 8th, 2020, 10:45 am:

A tightening of the currently applicable


rules is currently being discussed nationwide.

Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) currently sees no reason for an early federal-state talks.

As can be seen from a report by the


, the Prime Minister of

Lower Saxony



no need to tighten the rules in the context of the

corona pandemic

, as decided in Bavaria, for example.

Because, on the other hand, wants to sound out the situation before


: "In the days before December 20, 2020, we will analyze the current situation in detail and decide whether we

need to change or update

the regulations in our 




Stephan Weil, Minister-President of Lower Saxony, currently sees no need for an early federal-state conversation or the tightening of the rules in the context of the corona pandemic.

© Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

Corona in Lower Saxony: More deaths and increasing incidence

The state of

Lower Saxony

has announced the current

Corona case

numbers for Tuesday (December 8th, 2020).

Accordingly, there are 841

new infections

, in the entire state of Lower Saxony, 78,972 people have been


with the


since the beginning of the pandemic


The number of deaths related to the


has also risen again.

The state of

Lower Saxony

reported 25 more deaths on Tuesday (December 8th, 2020).



in Lower Saxony is also increasing and is currently 84.6.

Proven corona infections (December 8th, 2020)

78.972 (+841)

Deceased persons

1296 (+25)

Dear recovered people

61.396 (+842)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony

Corona in Lower Saxony: Deutsche Bahn is expanding controls

Update from Monday, December 7th, 2020, 1:52 p.m.:

Due to the ongoing

corona pandemic,

Deutsche Bahn is



controls in

Lower Saxony


According to this, hundreds of federal police officers and security employees will check compliance with the mask requirement on Deutsche Bahn trains on Monday, December 7th, 2020.

The company announced this last week.

The controls are to be carried out more intensively throughout December.

In the meantime, there is also increased controls in local transport, but more cleaning work is also carried out.

In Osnabrück, for example, special hygiene teams have been in action since last week, disinfecting and cleaning the buses in a three-shift system.

This should not only increase the actual cleanliness, but also the perceived feeling of security of the passengers.

Corona in Lower Saxony: the number of infected people is increasing


Lower Saxony

, the number of new infections has not decreased significantly compared to the previous days.

The number of infections rose by 558 new infections to a total of 78132. Seven fatalities were reported on Monday.

Proven corona infections (07.12.2020)

78.132 (+558)

Deceased persons

1271 (+7)

Dear recovered people

60554 (+540)

7 day incidence


Since there have been transmission problems in the Vechta district in the past few days, four new infections from the last four days are counted on Monday.

Corona in Lower Saxony: does the partial lockdown work?

First report from Sunday, December 6th, 2020, 2:16 p.m .:

Göttingen - The development is positive - in

Lower Saxony

the partial



to be working.

The number of cases increases more slowly.

Chancellor Angela Merkel also expressed herself cautiously optimistic on Saturday (December 5th, 2020) in her weekly video podcast: “Can




step by step,” said the Chancellor.


Lower Saxony

, a total of 77,575 cases of infections with the corona virus were reported in Lower Saxony by Sunday (December 6th, 2020).

That is 874 cases more than the day before.

A total of 1264


in connection with

Covid-19 disease have been

reported to

the Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA) since the outbreak of the pandemic in spring


According to the relevant extrapolation, 60,014 of the previously reported laboratory-confirmed cases

are considered to be recoveries in

Lower Saxony


That is 1153 more than the day before and corresponds to a share of 77.4 percent.


7-day incidence

nationwide is currently 79.0.

Corona case numbers in Lower Saxony

Proven corona infections (December 6th, 2020)

77,575 (+874)

Deceased persons

1264 (+6)

Dear recovered people

60014 (+1153)

7 day incidence


Source: State of Lower Saxony

Corona in Lower Saxony: 7-day incidence is falling - but not in all regions

On Sunday (December 6th, 2020) the


value nationwide averaged 79.0.

But the differences are very large regionally: The 7-day incidence in the regions of





Osnabrück is

between 150 and 200. In the

Lüchow-Dannenberg district,

on the other hand, there was the lowest value in Lower Saxony at 8.3.

In the districts of



Northeim in

southern Lower Saxony

, the incidence is currently 46.3 (Göttingen) and 26.5 (Northeim).

Corona in Lower Saxony: plan to exit lockdown

The development of the

Corona case

numbers in

Lower Saxony

is currently positive.

The country is therefore already planning to exit the partial



If the numbers continue to fall, Lower Saxony wants to end the measures again, as it did after the first lockdown in spring, the dpa reported on Sunday (December 6th, 2020).

"As soon as we recognize that the

infection rate is


down, the step-by-step plan will have to be followed backwards," said

Lower Saxony's

Minister of Economic Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Bernd Althusmann (CDU) of the German Press Agency in Hanover: New infections per 100,000 inhabitants nationwide in seven days, preferably well below 35. "

Corona: If the incidence continues to decrease, there should be rapid easing

Should this goal be achieved,

easing measures

should be started quickly,

for example for the



hotel industries


Althusmann said

zoos, animal and amusement parks, beauty salons and maybe gyms

could also be reopened

in the first easing stage


"If we manage to do that in January, then we will have a clear easing at Easter and the companies can then take a deep breath," said Althusmann.

It is about a "smart perspective for spring 2021".

There are also concrete plans for schools in Lower Saxony for lessons in 2021.

Corona: Lower Saxony has started setting up vaccination centers

The vaccination strategy is also making progress in Lower Saxony.


counties and cities

have, according to the German press agency with the

construction of the vaccination centers


On Saturday (December 5th, 2020) the construction of a station started in an empty supermarket in Wilhelmshaven.

All districts and urban districts had until a few days ago

to report

possible locations for vaccination centers

to the country.

According to the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior, coordination with the individual districts is now "under high pressure".

For example, in addition to

vacant commercial properties


town halls


sports halls


former schools can also be considered


In Hanover, the vaccinations are to take place on the exhibition grounds.

Since it is not yet possible to predict when the

vaccines will be

available, it is still unclear when the respective

vaccination stations

will be able to start operating.


mobile distributions of the vaccines

should first

take place and then the centers can start their work.

(Diana Rissmann and Alina Schröder with dpa)

List of rubric lists: © Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-12-14

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