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Knesset approved: Soldiers released in 2020 will receive grants to help with the Corona crisis - Walla! news


The bill initiated by Katz, Ganz and Bitton passed second and third readings in the plenum, with a majority of 45 supporters and no opponents. Soldiers will be given a grant that will vary according to their economic situation and throughout their military service and will reach up to NIS 4,500. National service graduates who have been married or defined as single will also be eligible

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Knesset approved: Soldiers released in 2020 will receive grants to help with the corona crisis

The bill initiated by Katz, Ganz and Bitton passed second and third readings in the plenum, with a majority of 45 supporters and no opponents.

Soldiers will be given a grant that will vary according to their economic situation and throughout their military service and will reach up to NIS 4,500.

National service graduates who have been married or defined as single will also be eligible


  • IDF

  • soldiers

  • Veterans

  • Corona virus

Yaki Adamkar

Monday, 21 December 2020, 21:49

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The Knesset plenum today (Monday) approved in second and third reading the bill to assist soldiers discharged in 2020, following the corona crisis.

According to the bill for the absorption of discharged soldiers, the soldiers will be entitled to a one-time grant from the state treasury, which will vary according to their economic situation and throughout their military service.

The proposal passed with a majority of 45 supporters, with no opponents.

The government bill was initiated by Finance Minister Israel Katz, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz and Defense and Social Affairs Minister Michael Bitton.

According to the proposal, the grant will be divided so that a single discharged soldier or his application for family payment is approved to receive NIS 4,500, a discharged soldier who has served at least 22 months will be entitled to NIS 1,800, and NIS 1,000 will be transferred to those serving less than 22 months.

Graduates of national service and civil national service who were married or considered single will also receive a grant.

More on Walla!


Half Muslim, half Jew, one hundred percent combatant in the IDF

To the full article

The grants for soldiers who were discharged in 2020

  • A lone soldier or his application for a family payment has been approved: NIS 4,500

  • A soldier who has served for at least 22 months: NIS 1,800

  • Soldier who served less than 22 months: 1,000 shekels

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Up to NIS 4,500.

Soldiers at Tel Hashomer base (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The explanatory memorandum accompanying the proposal states that "On July 29, the Knesset approved the Economic Assistance Plan Law. The law amended, among other things, the Absorption of Veterans Law, and stipulated that a one-time grant of NIS 500 be given to every discharged soldier who completed or completed his regular service. In 2020. Now, due to the prolongation of the health and economic crisis, it is proposed to add a provision regarding an additional grant that will be given to all soldiers who were released in 2020 and to those who will be released by the end of this year. "

In order to finance the grants, NIS 120 million from the Ministry of Finance and NIS 12 million from the Ministry of Defense will be transferred to the Veterans Absorption Fund in the Ministry of Defense, which will send the grants directly to the bank accounts of eligible veterans.

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Source: walla

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