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Who is Luis María Kreckler, the career diplomat displaced from the Embassy in China by the Government


Sociologist, he held high positions in the Foreign Ministry during the Kirchner and Mauricio Macri governments.

12/24/2020 4:04 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 12/24/2020 4:24 PM

Luis María Kreckler is

a strong man in the world of diplomacy


In the last ten years he held key embassies, both in the governments of Cristina Kichner and Mauricio Macri.

But today it is news because the Government decided to remove him from his position at the Embassy in China in the middle of the negotiations to buy the vaccine against the coronavirus that that country produces. 

Kreckler is a sociologist and career diplomat, who held

senior positions in the economic area of ​​the Foreign Ministry in the Kirchner governments


He was also Secretary of Trade and International Economic Relations of the Foreign Ministry and, previously, since 2005, Undersecretary of International Trade.

He was a key official in the organization of trade missions that led Argentine businessmen to offer their products to the world during the K era. In 2011, the former president and current vice president, Cristina Kirchner, surprisingly appointed him as

Argentine ambassador to Brazil


At the time, Kreckler was on preliminary lists for the London embassy and as a likely post-

Hector Timerman



In 2015, he was mentioned as a potential vice chancellor and even a minister if they elected a career official.

Kreckler held the head of the Argentine embassy in the People's Republic of China since the end of Mauricio Macri's mandate, where the political ambassador

Diego Guelar

was at the head of the headquarters


At first it was thought that

Sabino Vaca Narvaja

, a teacher and political leader and son of Montonero leader

Fernando Vaca Narvaja

, and brother of the father of

Florencia Kirchner's


would go to that embassy


Before being appointed to China, Kreckler was serving as ambassador ambassador to Switzerland.

There he was posted after controversial pressure from Macri's former Transport Minister,

Guillermo Dietrich

, to remove him from the German embassy, ​​where he ended up placing another diplomat who caused a scandal.

Now, his departure from the embassy was decided at a delicate moment, as the government negotiates with China the purchase of millions of doses of the Sinovac vaccine.

Precisely that would have been one of the problems of Minister Felipe Solá against Kreckler, who did not want to report his movements to him.

President Alberto Fernández also lowered his thumb.

There were already papers to be signed for some type of memorandum of understanding, on which Kreckler did not report to Solá but to the Ministry of Health and to Gustavo Béliz, in the Presidency.

And for Solá, himself in trouble with President Alberto Fernandez, it was a "high treason" from Kreckler.

Look also

The Argentine ambassador to China is displaced due to problems in obtaining the vaccine

Source: clarin

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