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Training of imams: Gérald Darmanin wants to save the "charter of republican values"


The draft text prepared by the French council of Muslim worship, to be signed by future imams, did not see the light of day. The Minister

The cold shower.

On November 18, Emmanuel Macron had received at the Elysee the leaders of the French Council of Muslim Worship (CFCM) to advance a very sensitive issue, bogged down for decades: the supervision of imams.

At the time, a historic agreement seemed about to happen.

The CFCM presented its project for a "national council of imams" on the model of professional orders of lawyers or doctors.

Which even had to deliver… an official imam card!

The CFCM was also committed to drafting a "charter of republican values" that all future imams should sign.

Condition set by the Elysee: the rejection of political Islam and foreign interference had to appear in black and white.

"I trust you and my confidence obliges you", launched the Head of State before this body, responsible for representing Muslims in France since 2003 to the authorities.

Everyone had made an appointment two weeks later to formalize the text.

"We're sad, but we're not going to let go"

Only here, six weeks after this meeting, the draft charter was shattered.

The reason?

Fundamentalist currents and those of foreign persuasion, notably Turkish, opposed the key passages on the rejection of political Islam and on the secular school, which appeared in the working version.

Faced with these differences, the Paris Mosque, moderate, has just withdrawn from the discussions.


National Council of Imams: the CFCM considers “unexplained” the withdrawal of the great Mosque of Paris

“Unfortunately, the Islamist component within the CFCM, in particular that linked to foreign regimes hostile to France, insidiously blocked the negotiations by almost systematically calling into question certain important passages, reacted its rector Chems-Eddine Hafiz, in a press release. , on Monday.

As far as I am concerned, I was hoping for a clear text capable of responding to all the challenges of our time, to put an end definitively to [certain] ambiguities.


In the corridors of power, those who have followed the case closely accuse the blow.

"We are sad, but we are not going to let go, we are not responsible for the inability of certain people to come to an agreement among themselves, laments a source of the executive.

It is unfortunately the usual landscape of Islam in France.


Darmanin will receive the CFCM federations at the beginning of January

At the Ministry of the Interior, whose perimeter includes cults, they refuse to admit defeat.

" It is not finished.

I will receive separately the different federations which form the CFCM at the beginning of January, affirms the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin in Parisien.

It is better that two or three federations sign a text which clearly respects the values ​​of the Republic rather than a light version being signed by all the participants with a family photo ”.

And to add: "We will give ourselves the necessary time".

This episode falls badly while Emmanuel Macron has launched an offensive against separatism since the start of the school year.

The certification of imams was one of the main announcements of the famous Mureaux speech on October 2.

“This mishap has a positive aspect, however, reassures a government adviser.

Everyone has cut their game: we now know who within the CFCM plays for the Republic, against the Republic, or has a double game. "

Little time to save the charter

On the legislative level, the bill against separatism arrives at the end of January in committee at the National Assembly.

The government has already had to step back on the ban on schooling children at home, before the reservations of the Council of State.

Jurists questioned the constitutional nature of the measure.

In the mind of Emmanuel Macron, it was about fighting against these families who put their children in clandestine Koranic schools.

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The executive hopes that the imminent parliamentary discussion will put additional pressure on the CFCM to force it to evolve.

"If we explain, during the debates, that this body is unable to agree on Republican principles, the damage in terms of image will be considerable for it," argues a weighty adviser.

There is little time left to save the charter.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-12-29

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