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Death of her beloved godfather: Dozens of demonstrators confront police in Jerusalem - Walla! news


During the protest, which has been going on for 10 days in a row, clashes broke out between the protesters and the police. Earlier, hundreds of people began protesting across the country in protest of his death. Demonstrations are taking place in Tel Aviv, Nof Hagalil, Ramla and Judea and Samaria, among others

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Death of her beloved godfather: Dozens of demonstrators confront police in Jerusalem

During the protest, which has been going on for 10 days in a row, clashes broke out between the protesters and the police.

Earlier, hundreds of people began protesting across the country in protest of his death.

Demonstrations are taking place in Tel Aviv, Nof Hagalil, Ramla and Judea and Samaria, among others


  • Beloved Godfather

  • Jerusalem

  • Demonstrations

  • Israel Police

  • Hills youth

Yanir will defend

Thursday, 31 December 2020, 21:00 Updated: 21:16

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In the video: Demonstrators attack detectives during demonstrations over the death of her beloved Godfather (Photo: Yedida Epstein)

Several dozen people demonstrate tonight (Thursday) at the String Bridge in Jerusalem following the death of her beloved godfather.

This is the tenth day in a row that they are demonstrating in the city.

Protesters began confronting police at the scene, for the time being it is not known about detainees at the demonstration.

Earlier, hundreds of people began protesting across the country in protest of the boy's death.

The demonstrators carried a picture of their loved ones and signs calling for the establishment of an external commission of inquiry, "to stop the rendering" and "to close the SJ square."

Demonstrations are taking place in the Galilee, Ariel, Tel Aviv, Bar Ilan Bridge in Ramat Gan, Ramla, Beit She'an, Gedera and several points in Judea and Samaria.

Since the death of the 16-year-old godfather in a car overturn in Benjamin last week, protests have been held every evening in many centers around the country.

Demonstrations included a series of violent incidents by both protesters and police.

Suspects also tried to set fire to a police building in the Hasmonean community near Modi'in in protest of the boy's death.

They spray-painted graffiti and threatened: "Greetings from her loved ones, Sgt.

More on Walla!


Investigation into the death of her beloved godfather: The suspect was driving without a license and caused the vehicle to overturn

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Protest demonstration following the death of her beloved Godfather (Photo: Israel Police Spokeswoman)

A day earlier there was a similar case, in which police cars and policemen were vandalized with graffiti scrawled on them Nahal Sorek. Also, tires mobility were pierced and windshields of vehicles were smashed. Police is investigating the incident and said that all sides are examined.

Graffiti found include references to the death of godfather, Who was killed last week during a police chase. In this case, too, the suspects wrote "Greetings from her lovers," and "Sgt.

In addition, graffiti was spray-painted on the structure of the police station in Yad Binyamin.

Beloved Godfather (Photo: Courtesy of the family)

An investigation into the death of her lover revealed that in a vehicle in which a godfather who was killed in a rollover during a police chase in Benjamin was driving a teenager without a driver’s license.

Ephraim Joseph Gosselin was identified as the driver of the vehicle, according to police representative is "driving wildly against traffic, speeding, driving reckless, endangering human life and his other drivers.

Noticing a police checkpoint, passed through the checkpoint left contrary to the direction of traffic and turned left towards the road leading to the base Air Force".

Gozlan's detention was extended.

The suspicions against the young men sitting in the vehicle have been exacerbated, and the suspicion clause against them is different from causing death by negligence to manslaughter and another offense of abandonment after injury.

This means transferring the criminal responsibility from the police officers who are also being investigated for the incident to the boys who were sitting in the vehicle.

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2020-12-31

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