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Passion, Organization and Money: Georgia Painted in Blue | Israel today


| United States The by-elections in the southern state, appear to be a significant success for the Democrats • Warnock was the first black to be elected in it and the party is already imagining a new era in the south The success of Democrat Rafael Warnock, who was elected to the Senate this morning (Wednesday) after a second round of voting in Georgia, is of historic significance for the southern state, which ha

The by-elections in the southern state, appear to be a significant success for the Democrats • Warnock was the first black to be elected in it and the party is already imagining a new era in the south

The success of Democrat Rafael Warnock, who was elected to the Senate this morning (Wednesday) after a second round of voting in Georgia, is of historic significance for the southern state, which has never elected a black senator to represent it in Washington.

Surprising voices in Georgia

After the announcement of the results, Warnock thanked his constituents in a virtual video message and promised to "work for all the people of the country", adding: "I have a great privilege to receive your honor. We have proven that with hard work everything can be done."

His rival, Republican Kelly Lefler, who was the incumbent senator until the recent congressional hearing, has yet to admit defeat. 

A past of harsh statements against Israel and the United States

Warnock, who heads the church led by Martin Luther King at the time - but unlike King, who is considered a true friend of Israel, Warnock has in the past spoken out strongly against Israeli policy toward the Palestinians, claiming it "kills innocent people like bird hunting."

Warnock went on to accuse Israel of "a siege on Gaza that turned it into a prison."

Recently, however, the elected senator tried to mend his relations with pro-Israel organizations and promised that if elected, he would "stand by Israel's side and strengthen its security and alliance with it."

Warnock also made harsh remarks against the United States, arguing that "the values ​​of the capitalist empire must be fought."

The Spirit of Stacey Abrams

The Democrats' success is likely due in large part to the enthusiasm with which they came to the presidential election in November, which led to Joe Biden winning the country - the first time a Democrat has won since 1992. In 2018 and lost by a narrow margin - but since then more and more voters from the African-American community and others are registering in the voter register and increasing the organizational and financial advantage of the Democrats in the country.

It was her sweet revenge for the loss from two years ago.

At the same time, the battle for Georgia's second seat is still in full swing, and Republicans already claim there is a fear of forgery in light of the sudden cessation of counting in the Atlanta area, allegedly due to a computer malfunction - which led to a manual count due to thousands of votes.

Either way, even in the race for this seat, between production company man John Usoff and businessman David Pardo (who was the incumbent senator until recently), it seems the Democrats are on a path to victory.

This is because Ussulf has an advantage of over 16,000 over David Pardo, the Republican who hopes to return to the Senate.

The rest of the votes that have not yet been counted are supposed to come from Democratic strongholds or by mail vote which is usually overwhelmingly for Democrats, so a collection will probably widen the gap and the Democrats are optimistic he will win.

In such a case - that is, in the event that the two seats pass to members of the Democratic Party - the party will rule the Senate in Washington for the first time in six years.

Two particularly interesting years

How did we get to the point where Red Georgia sided with Biden in November and with the Democrats (at least in one session) in the Senate race?

Apparently this time the Democrats succeeded in a game that is usually the Republicans' - the passion game to vote.

Did the knives in the Republican Party and the endless complaints about the forgeries eventually hurt them, giving Democrats the freedom to focus on fundraising and voting?

$ 500 million has been invested in these races in just the last two months - a crazy amount for Senate races.

Now at least Georgia residents will be able to take a break from the never-ending commercials. 

Why did Fredo, who received the most votes in the first round in November, fail to maintain the lead (as of this writing) in the current round elections as well?

After all, he had a built-in advantage, unlike the race in the second session, where there were countless candidates who harmed the ability of Republican candidate Kelly Leffler.

Have the events of the past five weeks, in which most of America's most attention has been focused on Donald Trump, hit the Republican message and excited the Democratic base?

The big question for Republicans is what will the political map look like in the future?

Does Georgia symbolize an era of change, what will happen to Texas and other safe red states?

Biden's four years - or rather the first two years leading up to the midterm elections - will be two particularly interesting years.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-01-06

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