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A sympathizer of white supremacist groups, among the four killed after the revolt in the US Capitol


Police identify a woman from Georgia, a man from Alabama and another deceased from Pennsylvania, who join the ex-military Ashli ​​Babitt on the list of deaths after the violent acts in Washington

Photos with weapons, messages of support for racist groups and slogans in favor of Donald Trump.

Those were some of the last publications on social networks by Kevin Greeson, one of the four who died after the violent takeover of the US Congress this Wednesday in Washington.

After it became known that Army veteran Ashli ​​Babbitt was killed on Capitol Hill, the District of Columbia Police have identified the other deceased as Rosanne Boyland, a 34-year-old Georgia woman;

Pennsylvania-born Benjamin Phillips, 50, and Greeson, 55.

Unlike Babbitt, the rest of the deceased died after suffering medical complications, local authorities have detailed in a press conference.

Greeson's family has indicated in a statement released by the US press that he suffered from problems with high blood pressure and that he died after a heart attack.

"Kevin was a wonderful father and husband who loved life," reads the message from his relatives, who describe him as a lover of motorcycles and dogs, in contrast to the image he projected on social networks such as Parler, which concentrates Trump supporters, conspiracy theorists and far-right sympathizers among its membership.

"Kevin was defending President Trump and attended the rally held on January 6, 2021 to show his support," the family said in the statement.

"He was excited to be there," he adds and clarifies later that "he was not there to participate in the violence or the riots."

"Our family is devastated," the statement concludes.

“Let's take back the country!

Let's load our guns and take to the streets! ”Greeson wrote in a post on December 17th.

"The only Republican with balls is Trump," reads another of his messages on December 13.

"Maybe Nancy Pelosi will catch [covid-19] and die," she wrote on another occasion.

The last two posts he shared were two congratulations, one for Donald Trump Jr.'s birthday and one from the Proud Boys, a white supremacist group, wishing for a happy new year.

Police have reported that 68 people, 60 men and eight women, have been arrested after the violent irruption in Congress to block the ratification of Joe Biden, of the Democratic Party, as the next president of the United States.

Agents have stressed that of the 41 people arrested in the Capitol, only one was a resident of the District of Columbia.

Greeson, for example, lived in Athens, in northern Alabama.

"The White House regrets the loss of life that occurred yesterday and extends its sympathy to their families and loved ones," said Judd Deere of the Trump administration press team.

Criticisms have focused on the role of the president as an instigator of the violent acts, clinging to his accusations of fraud after losing in the elections last November.

Several Democratic leaders have called for the legal process to impeach Trump.

Biden, for his part, has called the attackers "domestic terrorists."

The information that circulates on social networks and its potential to fuel violent acts such as those of the last hours is also in the spotlight.

Authorities have said that an investigation has been opened to clarify the death of Babbitt, who died in a hospital after being shot.

However, it has not been officially detailed what medical complications the other deceased suffered.

"As my children are grieving and processing yesterday's shocking events, I ask that you respect their privacy," Phillips's ex-wife Nicole S. Mun wrote in a statement.

More than fifty police officers were injured and two had to be hospitalized.

The Police also announced that six firearms and two tube bombs were seized.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2021-01-07

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