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Violence on Capitol Hill: Trump's mental health in question


Has Trump lost his mind? This is what more and more elected officials and the media are asking after the pro-Trump invasion of the Capitol in

Has President Trump cracked?

Has his sanity become a threat to the national security of the United States?

This is the question that is being asked more and more elected officials, various personalities and several newspapers, including the Washington Post, just hours after the extraordinary invasion of the Capitol by supporters of the president and the death of a demonstrator , as well as three other people.


The day American democracy shook

Granted, the president only has 15 days left in the White House, but his even more bizarre, irresponsible and belligerent behavior than usual has prompted Democratic representatives to ask Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows the president to be immediately removed from office.

"The president is mentally ill and unable to handle and accept the results of the 2020 election," they noted in their letter.

And according to ABC and CBS, members of Trump's cabinet are considering asking Pence the same.

"He has the wounded pride of a selfish man," Mitt Romney, the Republican senator from Utah, accused yesterday.

What happened at the US Capitol today was an insurrection, incited by the President of the United States.

- Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) January 6, 2021

The psychological profile of the 45th President of the United States has interested specialists for a long time.

While acknowledging never having met him, many scholars believe that Trump suffers from a very severe narcissistic personality disorder ... and in particular a grandiose sense of self-importance, one of the criteria for narcissistic personality.

Psychiatrists denounced his "psychological instability"

Four years ago John Gartner, a psychologist from Baltimore founded a group of American mental health specialists called Duty to Warn.

Claiming that Trump "was incapable of assuming the functions and responsibilities of his office," the group was already demanding that the Trump administration invoke Article 25. The petition launched in this direction would collect more than 70,000 signatures from specialists… The following year, 27 psychiatrists and psychologists published The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, in which they denounced the president's “psychological instability”.


Trump: "We will never concede" defeat

His fear of defeat, he who hates the "losers" (losers), explains that he spoke of "massive fraud" and a "stolen election" even before the final results of the presidential election were known.

And once Biden's victory, quintessential “loser” in the eyes of the president, was formalized, the president's behavior changed.

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He who, for five years, had done everything to get people to talk about him, had almost disappeared, contenting himself with playing golf, often alone, and cutting short all his official meetings.

He was curiously absent from several planned events such as the Christmas party at the White House, or the traditional football match between Navy and Army ... and spent a lot of time alone at the White House or in his residence in Mar A Lago .

And until his intervention in support of the Capitol rioters, he communicated mainly by Twitter ...

"Big depression"

Since he lost, "his fragile ego has never been so tested," noted Michael Cohen, his former private lawyer and right-hand man who has been close to him for years, before turning against him.

"He gives a false impression of strength and fortitude," he confided to Politico magazine recently, "but inside he is angry, depressed and manic."

And at the end of each day, Trump knows he is approaching big legal and financial trouble once he leaves the White House.

So we see his mental behavior deteriorate to a big depression ”.

Same opinion for Mary Trump.

The president's niece, herself a psychologist, notes that her uncle "never found himself in a situation from which he could not escape".

She adds that Trump will have to face big legal and financial difficulties but that the most annoying for him, "and perhaps the most terrifying", is that he risks losing his importance ...

One of the criteria of the narcissistic personality is a constant fantasy of unlimited success, even if it means denying the reality: "I obtained more votes than any president in the history of our country, insisted Trump until recently, 75 million voices, more than Obama, more than anyone.

And they say we lost.

But we did not lose!

And the president hasn't said a word about the 81 million votes cast by his winner, the one he called the sleeping Biden.

"I don't think Trump will become incapable of functioning, but in order to remain the center of attention, he will organize desperate actions," noted a few weeks ago Mark Smaller, a psychoanalyst known here.

A prophecy that will prove to be correct.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2021-01-07

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