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Balkany father and daughter in custody: our information on this new case


The former right-hand man of Patrick Balkany and the cousin of his wife Isabelle have just been indicted in this case concerning the utili

Another custody for Patrick Balkany, yet another new case.

The former mayor of Levallois-Perret was heard on Wednesday in a case of embezzlement of public property, abuse of corporate assets and illegal taking of interests.

At the heart of this new case, investigated for a little over a year by a judge from Nanterre, the provision by Semarelp (a semi-public company 80% owned by the city of Levallois) of normally disused premises .

Located rue Baudin, they were doomed to destruction as part of the development operation of the ZAC Collanges.

But these premises would have been made available to a company whose leader is none other than the ex-son-in-law of Patrick Balkany, Dan Oiknine.

The said company would have sublet the abandoned premises, a business center, to various companies.

All for several million euros between 2008 and 2017.

Two relatives of Patrick Balkany indicted

The list of people involved in this new Balkany affair looks like a game of seven families: in addition to the former mayor, we therefore find his ex-son-in-law of the former elected official, but also his daughter, Vanessa Balkany, Jean-Pierre Aubry, former chief of staff of Patrick Balkany who headed Semarelp from 2008 to 2014 or Jean-Marc Samdja, Isabelle Balkany's cousin, who preceded him at the head of the semi-public company between 2001 and 2008.

If the custody of Patrick Balkany, implicated because he chaired Semarelp, lasted only the day of Wednesday given his state of health, it can resume in the days or weeks to come.

“I did not even know why I was summoned, assures Patrick Balkany, contacted this Friday.

I discovered this story with the police.

I remember that a precarious lease had been signed by the leader of Semarelp with associations.

Lease extended by amendments and which would have ended up benefiting Dan Oiknine.

The custody of Jean-Pierre Aubry and Jean-Marc Smadja continued until the next day.

At the end of the day, the two men were indicted for "abuse of corporate assets, embezzlement of public property and illegal taking of interest".

As for Vanessa Balkany and Dan Oiknine, their custody did not begin until Thursday.

They will end this Saturday.

A report from Tracfin

The case emerged from a report from Tracfin, the anti-money laundering unit of Bercy, which had spotted suspicious movements between Semarelp and the company of Patrick Balkany's ex-son-in-law on the one hand, and between this company and those of Vanessa Balkany on the other hand.

The doubtful financial flows, reported to the Nanterre public prosecutor's office by Tracfin in 2015, took place between 2012 and 2014. But the case covers a wider period, ranging from 2008 to 2017.

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In July 2015, the prosecution opened a preliminary investigation and entrusted the investigations to the Central Office for the Fight against Corruption and Financial and Fiscal Crimes (OCLCIFF).

The investigation confirming the suspicions, the prosecution opened a judicial investigation in November 2019.

A business succession

This new Semarelp affair is only the latest in a long succession of legal avatars for the former mayor of Levallois-Perret.

Patrick Balkany was indicted last July in the so-called drivers case.

Justice suspects an embezzlement of public funds through the use of four agents employed by the city as municipal police officers but seconded to the service of the former mayor, responsible for driving him in all his travels.

A few weeks earlier, the former mayor of Levallois-Perret and his wife Isabelle Balkany were sentenced on appeal to five and four years in prison for laundering tax fraud for having concealed certain real estate, including the famous villa Pamplemousse in Saint- Martin.

A case which also earned them a final sentence of three years in prison for tax evasion and for which Patrick Balkany spent five months in the prison of Health, which he left for medical reasons.

The Balkany couple appealed in cassation for the laundering aspect only.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2021-01-08

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