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The incest commission taken aback


After the Duhamel affair, its president, Élisabeth Guigou, resigned. Parliamentarians take up the subject.

Released a week ago,

La Familia grande

never ceases to cause a stir.

The book where Camille Kouchner accuses her stepfather, Olivier Duhamel, of having raped his twin brother, at the end of the 1980s, makes heads fall.

On Wednesday, the former Minister of Justice, Élisabeth Guigou, announced that she was giving up chairing the independent commission on incest and sexual violence suffered during childhood, launched a month ago.

"The current climate does not allow me to lead this mission with the necessary serenity"

, explained the former socialist minister, who ensures that she

"ignored all these years the serious facts denounced by Camille Kouchner"


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The shock wave of the Duhamel affair

If Élisabeth Guigou's name does not appear in the book, her proximity to the couple Olivier Duhamel and Évelyne Pisier made her situation untenable.

Especially since, upon his appointment, his comments on the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair in a documentary released on Netflix had already shocked.

“That we have the idea that Dominique was a seducer… But there is a very big difference between being a charmer, being a seducer, and then coercion, rape.

Besides, why would he need to do it?

He's a charming, brilliant, intelligent man, he can be funny at times… Why? ”

, wondered Élisabeth Guigou.

“It would have been compliivierqué for her to carry out this work calmly


especially as Camille's book led to the opening of an investigation for rape and sexual assault

, judge Isabelle Aubry *, president of Face à inceste.

I hope that the government will appoint at the head of the commission a personality who will take into account all the work already carried out during the last twenty years when this subject was less publicized. "

And to call for a national plan to fight against incest which could take into account the 30 proposals for prevention measures that his association has just updated.


Adrien Taquet, at the origin of the creation of this commission, welcomed on Wednesday the commitment of Elisabeth Guigou

"who had accepted a difficult mission"


Within its Secretary of State for Child Protection, we regret that this departure causes the commission to fall behind schedule.

The announcement of a new presidency and of all the members of the commission should take place only

"in a few weeks"

, indicates his cabinet.

But time is running out, while the news has given a spectacular boost to the denunciation of incest.

A beginning of awareness which now seems to be moving too quickly to await the conclusion of the work of the commission, scheduled for 2022 ...

“Since the publication of

La Familia grande

, we have received emails and testimonies from victims who ask to be heard by the Commission.

The planned testimonial platform must quickly be put in place.

This book has also enabled us to save time on this free speech, ”

says Adrien Taquet's cabinet.

Read also:

In Agen, the commission on incest begins its work

It also remains to be seen how the committee will coordinate its work with the multiple bills tabled to strengthen measures punishing sexual violence against minors.

The proposal of the centrist Senator Annick Billon - which provides for the absolute prohibition of any sexual act between an adult and a minor under 13 - was adopted unanimously on Wednesday by the Senate Law Commission.

Another text by PS MP Isabelle Santiago, which will be examined in the National Assembly on February 18, aims to exclude the issue of consent to a sexual act for minors under 15 years of age through the creation of specific offenses.

It also proposes to punish with 20 years of criminal imprisonment an incestuous sexual relationship between an adult and a minor under 18 years old.

Finally, the MP for the majority Alexandra Louis is working on a text to strengthen the ban on any sexual act between an adult and a minor under 15 years old.

"There is no question that the work of the committee slows down this parliamentary work and slows down this evolution which is eagerly awaited"

, we promise the cabinet of Adrien Taquet.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2021-01-14

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